The sudden appearance of snot bubbles just happened to break the awkward atmosphere.

Ye Fang was also amused and showed a helpless smile, and said with a smile:"Peng Peng, don't you want to shoot a kissing scene? Pay attention to your image."

Kissing scenes have always been a joke for Peng Peng, and mentioning them can stimulate everyone's laughter.

There was another burst of laughter, and Teacher Huang laughed so hard that his belly twitched:"Peng Peng, you are really good, you even laughed out snot bubbles."

"It's so greasy!"

Peng Peng also realized how embarrassing it was, but he was very unconvinced when Mr. Huang called him greasy.

"Teacher Huang, am I considered greasy? Then wouldn't a greasy uncle like you be extremely greasy?"

Upon hearing this, Teacher Huang's smile instantly disappeared, and he took off his flip-flops and was about to slap Peng Peng in the face.

"This brat!"

Peng Peng was nearly hit in the face by the sole of the shoe and hurriedly caught the flip-flop.

The atmosphere instantly returned to the lively and interesting atmosphere just now, and no one mentioned the article again.

After three rounds of drinks, Teacher Huang was also a little flushed from drinking, and exclaimed:"Ye Fang's wine is really better and better. Today, it's rare that the princess and Yixun are here, so we drank a few more glasses." The princess' face also had a bit of red from the wine:"This wine is very memorable."

Although this wine has a high alcohol concentration and a lingering bitter taste, if you keep drinking it one sip after another, you will be able to constantly feel the initial sweetness and the burning sweetness. As long as you take another sip before the bitterness spreads, the sweetness will wash away the sweetness again.

The princess suddenly thought, isn't this the same as the lives of many people?

A relationship goes from sweet to hot, and finally the relationship ends, leaving only bitterness.

But when a new person walks into your world, that sweet feeling resurfaces.

Once again, you enter a new cycle of love, and feel the sweetness and bitterness of this love again.

When it is sweet, it makes you feel that this is the most beautiful feeling in the world. When it is hot, it makes you want to give your heart to the other person. But when it is bitter, you only feel loneliness spreading throughout your body.

But when a new relationship begins, the sweetness completely covers up everything brought by the previous glass of wine and turns it into a new feeling.

And some people, constantly fall in love, constantly break up, and constantly lose... Falling in love, and falling in love again and again.

The cycle goes back and forth, as if there is no end.

Just like what a saying on the Internet says.

As long as you break up quickly enough, the pain of love will never catch up.

This sounds like a funny joke, but if you think about it carefully, it reveals the reality of this fast-paced era.

The love of contemporary people is also constantly influenced and subtly influenced by society, times, and reality.

Perhaps, like Mr. Ye, using five years to miss a person who has long passed away is already out of place in this fast-paced era.

But it is precisely because of this that it seems precious.

At first, the princess came only for Ye Fang's songs.

But now, after knowing and contacting him as a person and understanding his emotional story.

The princess found that getting to know Mr. Ye has become a more important thing for her.

There are few people like this in the world. It is rare to become friends with them!

Chen Yixun looked at the drunken look of his senior sister and smiled,"Senior sister, you are drunk!"

"Am I drunk?" Chen Yixun's words interrupted the princess's trance. She frowned and said seriously:"My alcohol tolerance is better than yours."

"You are not drunk, how can I be drunk?"

"Senior sister, if you say that you sing better than me, I won't say anything, but if you talk about your alcohol tolerance, I won't accept it!"

Chen Yixun smelled of alcohol and was a bit childish. He was a little crooked and spoke intermittently.

At this moment, he didn't have the posture of a top singer or a queen. He was more like an ordinary person who got drunk and started to pretend to be tough.

He put his arm around Ye Fang's neck and said with a smile:"Mr. Ye, we won't go home until we are drunk tonight!"

""Okay." Ye Fang did not refuse. He smiled and agreed. He took the second glass of wine poured by Chen Yixun, raised his head, and drank it all.

A glass of wine rushed into his mouth, and the sweet feeling filled his lips and teeth. It continued to circulate, allowing him to clearly taste his feelings for Yu Ge.

He often sat alone at night, facing the starry sky, among the sunflowers, drinking this wine.

This wine was also created by his inspiration when he missed Yu Ge.

The two senior sisters and brothers began to compete in drinking capacity, like two children who refused to admit defeat.

The audience in the live broadcast room laughed:

"Hahahaha! These siblings are so cute!"

"It's rare to see a diva so down-to-earth"

"I really hope Mr. Ye can find love again"

"This picture is quite realistic. To be honest, it is more adorable than that mysterious and distant diva."

"Hahahahahahahahahaha, are we starting a drinking competition?"

"I hope Mr. Ye can come out of this situation soon."

"I have read that article, and I didn’t expect Mr. Ye’s love life to be so complicated!"

"Just came back from the article, it made me cry"

"Peng Peng suddenly burst into a snot bubble and it made me laugh to death!"

"Peng Peng is indeed a master at changing the atmosphere!"

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!"......

Ye Fang, who was invited to drink with his arms around his neck, seemed not to spoil the guests' mood, and drank one cup after another.

The princess and Chen Yixun were competing in drinking, so Ye Fang was probably just to keep the guests company, right?

Wen Yaoyao watched her father's drinking speed slowly increase, and she felt a little worried.

She felt that her father's character should not like to drink, but the atmosphere at the moment was so harmonious that she could not stop him and could only continue to observe.

Guan Tiantian was eating the dishes, and seeing her father's smiling face, she said happily:"I'm glad that Dad is not sad"

"You silly sister! Wen Yaoyao gently tapped Guan Tiantian's innocent little head. How could she be so naive?

How amazing is her father! Youyou only inherited her father's acting skills and became a child star with amazing acting skills.

With her father's ability to conceal his true emotions, he doesn't want others to know. Can others know?

"Why did you hit me?"Guan Tiantian held her little head and looked at Yaoyao aggrievedly.

"You shouldn't have said that just now!" Yang Anan also reminded helplessly. Tiantian is indeed too low in EQ and too sensitive.

""Wow, I was wrong!" Guan Tiantian also realized that she was too emotional just now, and apologized with a sad face.

The atmosphere at the moment was just right, there was no false official scene, no full of notices. What was there was natural, sincere, and comfortable.

The princess gradually forgot that she was the queen, and she was drunk. Chen Yixun was drunk.

Teacher He also drank two more glasses and felt a little dizzy. Looking at other people who were drunk, he shook his head and smiled bitterly.

Suddenly remembering something, he reminded the camera:

"Don't drink too much, and children under the age of 18 should not imitate this!"


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