After all, 076

Longing is the most popular program at the moment. It is not a good thing for several people to drink heavily on the show.

If it is not broadcast live, but broadcast on TV, it may have a negative impact.

But fortunately, it is a dual broadcast method, so this part can be edited out at that time.

However, it should be reminded that there are still many minors in the audience in the live broadcast room, and drinking heavily is not a good thing.

A reminder from Teacher He can avoid unnecessary troubles to the program.

Zhang Zifeng was so amused that her pair of sparkling eyes turned into crescents.

The audience in the live broadcast room also laughed:

"Teacher He has really worked hard for the show!"

"Yes, underage children should not drink alcohol!"

"Hahahaha, several people were drunk!"

"This is the first time I see everyone drinking so happily."

"I am so happy. I really hope that the yearning will never end!"


"Does Boss Ye drink alcohol?~"

"Hahahaha, the senior sisters and brothers are so funny!"........

Wine is a magical thing. It has the same power as singing. Emotions do not need to be expressed. They can be conveyed between the collision of wine glasses.

After drinking two glasses, Redina felt a little confused. She did not dare to continue drinking, fearing that she would lose her composure.

Now is the rising period of her career. It would be bad if she accidentally caused negative news.

The princess and Chen Yixun are both powerful singers. They and Mr. Huang have a very important position in the entertainment industry. They do not need to care about the image problem and can drink boldly.

On the contrary, the most real appearance makes the audience like it more and more.

Zhang Zifeng just drank a glass when Huang's father stopped her and replaced it with monkey wine with fruity aroma, asking her to drink less, after all, she is still a high school student.

Zhang Zifeng does not like to drink much either. She only drank two glasses because of the unique taste of this wine.

At this moment, she put down the wine glass and looked at Ye Fang involuntarily.

Mr. Ye does not look like a person who will drink too much. Although this wine is brewed by himself, is it really okay for him to drink like this?

The Mr. Ye she knows is a person who knows how to control himself. It is estimated that even if he drinks, he will just order it.

But wouldn't Mr. Ye get drunk drinking one cup after another?

What would Mr. Ye look like when he was drunk?

Zhang Zifeng couldn't help but worry and was full of curiosity. At the age of first love, for the person you like, you always want to see all kinds of different sides of him.

"dad..."Wen Yaoyao also gradually felt that something was wrong and had wanted to speak up to stop it.

At this moment, she could no longer hold back and whispered to Ye Fang, hoping that he would stop.

Ye Fang didn't know how many glasses he had drunk, but the more he drank, the more troubled he became.

That article brought back his memories of college.

College was the happiest three years of his life, and the year before graduation was the most painful year of his life.

Bystanders may sigh and sigh when reading the article, but only as the person involved, when recalling it, can they clearly understand the pain, helplessness, and sadness at that time.

The school teachers praised him for his talent, and everyone who knew him envied his ability.

He has a super learning ability, and he can learn anything he is interested in with half the effort.

He also has a net worth of hundreds of billions, but he can't stop the passing of life.

There is no place to display his abilities.

He invited the best doctors at home and abroad, and he spent all his money just to give her the best medical standards.

But in the end, he only extended her life for half a year.

He watched her go from being full of smiles and youth to being pale with dry and falling hair and a thin frame.

Ye Fang still remembered that when she was dying, she didn't want to meet him, didn't want him to see her haggard appearance.

She said that she hoped to keep the most beautiful version of herself in his memory.

In the end, he didn't go to her funeral, but painted a black and white portrait of her, her most beautiful appearance.

He thought that in the past five years, he had hidden everything in his heart and that he could control his emotions perfectly.

But in the end, he was still not calm enough, nor was he as detached from the world as he imagined.

Drinking to drown sorrows only made them worse.

Gradually, his vision became a little blurry, and he looked up at Yaoyao who was looking at him with worry.

"Yaoyao, why are there so many you?"

Several hers?"

Wen Yaoyao was full of doubts. She raised her hand and waved it in front of her father's eyes, then asked:

"Dad, I only have one me!"

"More."Ye Fang suddenly said, with a look of surprise on his face.

He seemed to be amazed by this matter.

"Mr. Ye, this is...Are you drunk?"The princess was still sober, and when she saw Ye Fang like this, she smiled in confusion.、

"I guess so."Chen Yixun nodded shakily, almost drunk.

Listening to others talking, Ye Fang tilted his head slightly, his eyes wandering, as if he didn't quite understand what others were saying.

This look made him look particularly innocent, completely different from his usual bottomless appearance.

"Why is Ye Fang drunk too?"Teacher He only drank two glasses and was just tipsy. Seeing Teacher Huang and Chen Yixun drunk, and then seeing that the usually restrained Ye Fang was also completely drunk, he shook his head and smiled helplessly.

Then who will solve the dispute if the two siblings start again?

Redina looked at Mr. Ye's innocent drunken appearance, and her heart was suddenly touched and soft. Is

Mr. Ye still so cute?

The female audience in the live broadcast room turned into jackals.

"Ahhhhhh! So cute!"

"Mr. Ye is drunk!!!!"

"Oh my god! This is so cute!"

"So this is what Mr. Ye looks like when he is drunk!"

"so cute���Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!"

"I'm dying, I'm dying!"

"I won’t say any more. I’ll fly to Manyuan Village and get Mr. Ye drunk!".......

Zhang Zifeng was so fascinated at the moment. It was rare for Mr. Ye to appear so cute.

This wine was obviously brewed by him. He must have drunk it often. How could he get drunk?

Zhang Zifeng thought, Mr. Ye must be in a bad mood, right?

The princess confirmed again and again that Ye Fang was drunk. Her eyes lit up and she suddenly said:

"Mr. Ye, can you promise me that we can cooperate?"

Although Chen Yixun was crooked, he immediately realized the purpose of his senior sister and was busy joining in the fun.

"Mr. Ye, please cooperate with me first!"

Since ancient times, those great poets have burst into inspiration and written masterpieces after being drunk.

Mr. Ye is drunk, so his creative inspiration should be stronger than before!

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