Lu Wei could tell that Sister Bird was under a lot of pressure. She was afraid that something would happen to her team members and they would not be able to survive.

Therefore, whatever work was available, they all took it upon themselves, causing several girls and Chen Chichi and the others to sometimes run around in circles, not knowing what to do at all.

It would definitely not work if it continued like this, so Lu Wei couldn’t help but offer words of persuasion.

Yang Xiaohu also stepped forward and hugged Sister Bird to comfort her: “Sister, survival is not your business alone. Although we may not be doing well enough now, you have to train us. If we don’t study or exercise, we will never be able to survive.” It will improve.

This is a shared responsibility for everyone. If you carry it alone, you will tire yourself out. What will we do then? ”

After hearing this, Sister Bird felt warm and sore in her heart. No one knew how much pressure she was under.

The entire team is a star. They usually have good food and clothing, and live a comfortable life. It can be said that they have everything they need to eat and eat.

It’s simply impossible to count on them.

As an expert in survival, it is her greatest responsibility to lead everyone to victory.

If it fails, it is also her responsibility.

She also knew that a team of 10 people would not be able to do it alone.

But even if it doesn’t work, she will insist on carrying on this responsibility and win glory for the country.

Now that she heard everyone’s concern, Sister Bird’s eyes were red, and a touched smile appeared on her face: “Thank you, thank you everyone, don’t worry, I’m fine.”

At this time, Wu Jing came over, put his hand on Lu Wei’s shoulder, and said with some guilt: “Brother, I want to apologize to you. Yesterday, I always looked down on you and had a bad attitude towards you. I thought you It’s that kind of… it’s like, you know? You can’t say it.

I didn’t expect that you are more manly than me. You have done all these tasks and have been taking care of us.

Don’t say anything else. If you think highly of me, we will be brothers from now on. ”

Lu Wei laughed: “Brother Jing, why are you so pretentious? We have never gotten along before, and we will still have a long time to come. I recognize you as the big brother.”

This eldest brother is great. Even though he is tepid now, he can make a fortune for himself in the future.

After listening to what the two said, Pengpeng also came over and said with a sly look on his face: “And me, seeing Brother Lu Wei acting like that yesterday, I thought he would be a hindrance, but I didn’t expect that I was the one who was holding him back. I’m sorry, Brother Lu Wei.”

Lu Wei smiled and patted Peng Peng on the shoulder and said: “It’s okay, I don’t blame you. I encountered something happened two days ago and I haven’t had a good rest. My body was too weak and I fainted from heatstroke as soon as I got to the island.

It’s not your fault, and I did hold everyone back. ”

“Don’t say that. You say that, and I feel invincible. Alas, I originally thought that you were holding me back, so I could be better.

I didn’t expect that you are so capable, but in the end, I am still the weakest. “Chen Chichi looked sad.

Zhang Xiaoai also joined in the fun and looked at Lu Wei with a smile: “Brother Lu Wei, thank you for teaching me how to cook and saving me.”

“Hey, you should, you should, don’t be so polite.”

“Rescued you? What happened?” Yang Xiaohu asked in surprise.

Zhang Xiaoai told everyone what happened that morning.

So everyone praised Lu Weiyi again.

Seeing everyone praising and thanking everyone, Lu Wei hurriedly interrupted with a smile: “Hey, hey, don’t be like this, okay? This is only the first day, and the rest of the day will depend on everyone’s joint efforts.

Of course, if you want to thank me, take some practical actions instead of just talking about it. ”

Wu Jing also laughed: “Hahaha, no need to say, brother, if you need anything in the future, please come to me and I will definitely be unambiguous.”

Wu Jing is a straight-tempered person, and he feels more comfortable speaking his mind out.

Chen Chichi also joined in the fun: “From now on, if anything happens, just let me know and it will be over.”

“Yes, that’s right.”

“Brother Lu Wei, don’t forget me if you need help.”

Seeing how enthusiastic everyone was, Lu Wei chuckled: “Since everyone is so enthusiastic, I won’t be polite. What about, someone can help me pay off the mortgage this month.”

The scene fell silent for a moment, and everyone looked at each other.

“What, is the food ready?”

“Yes, yes, the food is ready, hurry up and eat.”

“Oh, I’m already hungry.”

“I want two bowls.”

“Let’s go, let’s go eat.”

In an instant, the people surrounding Lu Wei dispersed.

“Hey, hey, what are you doing? Don’t run away…”


Everyone was playing around and started having breakfast.

The audience in the live broadcast room also started to have fun watching the people having fun.

“Hahaha, this Lu Wei is teasing me to death. You can help me pay off my mortgage.”

“I didn’t expect that Lu Wei has a talent for comedy.”

“These people are really unloyal. They shouted slogans so high just now. Whenever anything happens, they will

Ran. ”

“It’s Lu Wei who is shameless, right? He said he could help him if there was something he needed, but he actually asked him to pay off the mortgage.”

“Here, can this be so dark? A normal person can see that it’s a joke, okay?”

“It’s obvious he’s not a normal person.”

The lobster coconut soup tastes good. One bowl per person, a large piece of grilled fish and two crabs, very filling.

Yang Xiaohu was afraid that Lu Wei would not be full, so he gave some of his crabs and fish to Lu Wei.

“You go ahead and eat, I can’t finish this much.”

Lu Wei glanced at Yang Xiaohu in surprise, and then realized that it was last night, no, she had misunderstood her appetite early this morning.

He quickly declined and said, “Eat quickly. I haven’t digested what I ate at that time, and I’m not hungry yet.”

If he ate Yang Xiaohu’s food, she would be hungry at noon.

“Really?” Yang Xiaohu was dubious.

“Really, just eat quickly. I’ll be hungry tonight and I’ll figure it out on my own.”

Everyone looked at the two people pushing and shoving back and forth, and they all looked weird. What are you doing? Blatantly spreading dog food? When did it develop so fast?

Yang Xiaohu noticed that everyone was looking at them wrongly, so he quickly explained and told everyone about Lu Wei getting up in the middle of the night and eating a bucket of crabs.

Everyone was dumbfounded and looked at Lu Wei like a monster. He could actually eat a bucket of crabs. Is this still a human being?

Lu Wei was afraid that everyone would misunderstand, so he hurriedly explained: “Well, I can eat that one meal to last the whole day. I don’t eat that much every time. I was too tired yesterday, so I ate more.”

“Brother, are you a camel? Hahaha.” Chen Chichi joked.

Wu Jing patted Lu Wei on the shoulder and told him: “Brother, just eat when you are hungry. Don’t be embarrassed. Eating so many crabs is not good for your health. You must protect your body in the wild.”

Bai Xiaolu handed her crab to Lu Wei: “Brother Lu Wei, you eat mine, I can’t eat so much.”

“Well, there’s also mine. Brother Lu Wei, you can eat it. Only when you’re full can you have the strength to work.” Zhang Xiaoai also handed the crab over.

Mina looked at several girls and saw that there was something wrong in not giving them to her.

So, she also handed the crab to Lu Wei.

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