Lu Wei was dumbfounded. He didn’t have any popularity points to add to himself now. If he ate so much, would he still vomit after eating?

“Thank you everyone. I have enough to eat. Don’t worry. If it’s not enough, I won’t be polite to you.”

“If you don’t have enough food, don’t be polite.”

“Okay, don’t worry, I’m not a polite person.”

After everyone heard what he said, they gave up.

After finally refusing to feed the girls, Lu Wei finally breathed a sigh of relief.

While eating breakfast, we discussed how to divide the team into looking for water sources.

They live by the sea, with the sea to the south and the forest to the north. If they want to find water, they can only look for it along the beach in both directions.

We won’t explore the woods in the north for now, because this is a tropical area and there are many poisonous animals in the jungle. If you want to explore, you must be cautious.

Lu Wei thought for a while and suggested: “Let’s do this. I, Sister Bird, Mina, Chi Chi, and Bai Xiaolu will form a team, and the rest of you will form a team.”

After everyone heard this distribution plan, they looked at each other and saw that the distribution of strength was relatively even, so they all nodded in agreement.

Only one person was a little dissatisfied. He glared at Lu Wei vaguely and got angry.

Divide the teams into groups, take a few chopped green coconuts, and everyone sets off.

Before leaving, Sister Bird warned her: “Remember, you must go back and forth before noon, and don’t enter the woods.”

“Don’t worry, we won’t take our own safety for granted.” The other team agreed happily.

“Let’s go.”

The two teams began to set off in opposite directions to find water.

The sun had just risen at this time and the weather was not too hot yet. Sister Bird suggested that everyone hurry up and wait until the weather gets hot before resting.

Several people also felt that what Sister Bird said made sense, so they speeded up and didn’t even bother to speak.

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Walking on the beach takes more energy than on flat ground. After half an hour, everyone except Sister Bird was exhausted and panting.

“There is no way.”

Everyone looked up at the rocky mountain in front of them, their expressions solemn.

The beach disappeared and turned into a high mountain. Everyone looked at each other and seemed to have to take a detour through the woods.

Sister Bird turned to Lu Wei and the others and said, “You guys take a rest here while I go explore the road.”

“I’ll go with you.” Lu Wei stood up and said.

“No, I’m just going to take a look. I won’t go inside. I’ll be back soon.” After saying that, Sister Bird left directly without any delay.

After watching Sister Bird leave, they found a shade to sit down.

Since there is not much shade, several people sit very close to each other. Lu Wei was next to Mina and could even smell the good smell coming from her body.

I have to say that a beauty is a beauty. She hasn’t showered for a day, but she still smells good.

Mina felt that Lu Wei was a little close, so she moved her position quietly.

“Phew, I’m so exhausted. I feel like my feet have been separated from my body.” Chen Chichi rubbed her calf with a face full of pain.

Lu Wei smiled maliciously: “Brother, you are a bit weak. You have only gone so far and you can’t do it?”

When Chen Chichi heard this, she immediately became anxious. How could a man admit that he was weak?

Pooh! I am not weak.

“You are so talented. Look at you, you are covered in sweat and your face is pale.”

Lu Wei was indeed sweating. Although he had increased his physical fitness by 11 points yesterday, it was still a little worse than a normal person. He was very tired after walking so far.

But of course I couldn’t admit this kind of thing, so I said hard: “Tsk, I have a body that sweats easily.”

Chen Chichi smiled disdainfully: “Haha, if it weren’t for your legs that are shaking like chaff, I would have believed you.”

The two girls looked at them bickering, covered their mouths and chuckled.

The few people were chatting lively, but they didn’t notice that among the leaves above their heads, a green figure was crawling slowly.

The figure was exactly the same color as the leaves, and you couldn’t tell unless you looked carefully.

It was a snake, but normally there are four people here. If the snake is not frightened, it will not attack people.

However, Lu Wei and the others didn’t see it, but someone in the audience with sharp eyes spotted the snake.

“Look, look, is there a snake above their heads?”

“Oh my god, it’s really a snake, green, and still moving.”

“Is there really a snake? What kind of snake is it?”

“The program team should notify them immediately.”

“No, if the program team interferes, it will be against the rules.”

“Then what should we do? What if they are bitten by a snake?”

“Don’t worry yet, maybe it’s a non-venomous snake.

Woolen cloth. ”

“Unfortunately, I have to tell you that it is a venomous snake named Green Mamba, which is a relative of the Black Mamba.”

“Then aren’t they in danger? What should we do? The program team can’t just ignore them, right?”

In fact, the program team also discovered the snake. After the program observer discovered the snake, he immediately reported it to the director of the Jiuzhou program team.

When the director saw this situation, he was extremely anxious, but he had no right to help the guests directly and immediately reported to the joint program team at the headquarters.

However, before he could report, the situation on the island had changed.

It turned out that a gust of sea breeze suddenly blew in the face, causing the branches to sway, and the snake fell down with a splat.

What a coincidence, it just fell on Mina’s head.

Mina was covering her mouth and snickering, when suddenly she felt something fell on her body, something cold, but she didn’t react yet.

But when he turned around, he saw the winding snake tail on his shoulder.

For a moment, everyone was stunned. He even forgot to scream. He only felt that his vision went dark and he almost fainted.

“Don’t move! Don’t scream!” Lu Wei suddenly shouted to Mina in a low voice.

Just as Mina was about to jump up, her body suddenly froze, and she was too frightened to move.

The circles under his eyes turned red, and tears fell down.

The snake crawled slowly on her body, and its cold touch made goosebumps rise on her body.

However, she didn’t even dare to breathe loudly for fear of disturbing the snake.

Lu Wei was also startled when the snake fell down, because the snake was more than one meter long, with a slender body, full of emerald green, and its tail touched him a little.

As for Bai Xiaolu and Chen Chichi, they only saw them when they turned around when Lu Wei was talking.

If they hadn’t heard Lu Wei say not to scream, both of them would have screamed.

Chen Chichi’s face turned pale and she wanted to say something, but she didn’t dare to speak for fear of disturbing the snake and biting Mina.

Bai Xiaolu’s legs were like chaff and she almost peed in fear because she was sitting next to Mina, so the snake’s head was less than 30 centimeters away from her face.

If this was done accidentally, he might give her a bite right away.

Lu Wei was also panicking. He had lived in the city in his previous life. Apart from seeing snakes from a distance in the zoo, this was the first time for him to have such a close encounter.

Snakes are inherently cold and vicious.

And it looks like a bug, which is very disgusting.

There are very few people who are not scared when they meet them for the first time.

Lu Wei is no exception.

But he knew that it was useless to be afraid. He had to find a way to deal with the snake, otherwise all three of them would be in danger.

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