Entertainment: I’m Not Just a Hundred Billion Actor

Chapter 118 Lord Yiqu is completely abolished!

Just now, Dao Xuan and Dian Yunxiang went back to the room.

Manuscript Yunxiang has already noticed, and Daoxuan's gaze looking at Wang Hao is a little different.

He said jealously: "Do you think Wang Wu is more handsome than me and more accomplished than me, so..."

Dongxuan chuckled and said, "Isn't this an obvious thing? If I said that he is not as handsome as you, and accomplished without you, you would say that I was lying again."

Manan Yunxiang was speechless, and then asked with ambition: "Will you find him then?"

Although Daoxuan received Wang Wu's signal, how could she say to Manu Yunxiang now?

She said: "We have been together for so many years, when have I been sorry for you?

You say that is too small! And, you imagine me too attractive, I am now your wife, the two of us are married, and I am so much older than him, he is now He has just become popular, and now is the time when the sun is in the sky, how could he risk his reputation for me?"

When I say this, understands Xuan's heart is also a little worried!

She was worried about Wang Wu, she didn't want Wang Wu to take risks for herself!

If she really likes someone, she will consider the other person in all aspects.

But she especially wanted to see Wang Hao.

At this time, draft Yunxiang understood what Xuan said, and felt that what he said was very reasonable!

Even if his wife understands Xuan is very well maintained now, plump and soft, but Wang Wu can't take such a big risk for a married woman, so Manan Yunxiang is relieved.

He said to Dongxuan: "The two of us rarely open rooms in hotels. Since we got married, we have rarely had such opportunities. You can see that there are many interesting facilities in this hotel, which are really complete. Why don't we try"

Daoxuan shook his head and said, "I'm really tired after recording a day's show, or let's take a break first.

However, Dian Yunxiang said: "This variety show we participated in did not make any games, just standing and sitting. It didn't consume much energy. I was not tired at all."

Daoxuan refused with the intention, but Yunxiang was her husband after all, and she really couldn't refuse.

At this time, her guilt for Wang Hao appeared in her heart!

Just when Xuexuan thought that the crisis could not be resolved, she suddenly found that DUAN Yunxiang's face was a bit strange.

Immediately afterwards, DUAN Yunxiang hurried to the bathroom by himself.

After a while, Manan Yunxiang came out of the bathroom, his face was very ugly!

Understand Xuan asked, "Yun Xiang, what's wrong with you? What happened?"

Manuscript Yunxiang's expression pretending to be relaxed: "Nothing, just the stomach is uncomfortable, I'll go out and buy some medicine!"

He put on sunglasses, a hat and a mask, ran to a pharmacy outside the hotel and bought some Viagra.

In a secluded corner, Yunxiang swallowed it!

He felt that this thing would definitely work, but when he returned to the hotel room, except for the discomfort on his face and the pain in his eyes, it seemed that there was no medicinal effect anywhere else!

Manu Yunxiang was extremely frustrated, he didn't understand what was going on!

Dongxuan asked him what happened, and how could he admit that Yunxiang, who has always been a male chauvinist, was embarrassed to admit that he said he was unwell!

But he was tossing and turning, and it was difficult to sleep, so he quietly took a few sleeping pills!

After a while of Kung Fu 957, Manu Yunxiang went to sleep brazenly!

Guoxuan immediately understood why Dian Yunxiang was like this, if he was normal, it would definitely not be such an abnormal behavior!

Before that, DUAN Yunxiang had a similar situation. When he came back from the outside, he still had a little other smell on his body, which may be the smell of other women. DUAN Yunxiang said that he was very tired and took sleeping pills to fall asleep.

Guoxuan is a very open-minded person and can be tolerant. Therefore, she tolerated all the mistakes made by Yunxiang before the draft.

Maybe she hadn't even imagined what kind of evil results her tolerance caused in the end!

However, after taking the sleeping pill, Manu Yunxiang will not wake up for at least ten hours!

So when I understand Xuan, I thought that I could use this time period to find Wang Hao!.

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