When Manuscript Yunxiang had such an idea, he suddenly felt his heart throb.

Because this is the first time in her life, Xing Xing has been out of the wall.

Dongxuan was sitting next to Dian Yunxiang, looking down at Dian Yunxiang's face.

She suddenly felt that she didn't love this man anymore!

A woman changes her heart so quickly. When she falls in love with another man, she quickly becomes bored with the original man!

Of course, this is actually after a strong contrast, before such a thought arises!

If Yunxiang compared with other men in the original manuscript, at least his appearance and temperament have some advantages!

But compared to Wang Wu, he is inferior in every respect!

When Dao Xuan compares Manu Yunxiang and Wang Wu, and sees that Manu Yunxiang is so unbearable, he will think of the bad things that Manu Yunxiang treated her before, especially some things that are suspected of being derailed by Manu Yunxiang!

Before that, she was able to tolerate, but now she can't tolerate at all!

That's it. When a woman loves a man, she can tolerate everything, including other women!

When she doesn't love this man, even if this man is a little louder when eating, she finds it unbearable!

When Dao Xuan confirmed that she had no love for Manu Yunxiang anymore, she picked up her mobile phone and sent a WeChat message to Wang Wu.

She is still not sure whether Wang Wu really likes herself, or just out of teasing thoughts!

Understand Xuan asked directly: "Why did you scratch the palm of my hand when you shook my hand just now?"

When Wang Wu received this WeChat message, he couldn't help laughing.

When Naoxuan asked this, it fully explained Naoxuan's psychology and wanted to go out of the wall and let herself pick it up!

Wang Wu replied: "Sister Xuan, think about it

Daoxuan replied: "I can't figure out what you mean, can you say it straightforwardly?

Wang Wu understood that Xuan was so direct and replied: "Sister Xuan, if it is convenient for you, come to my room, I will tell you why I do this."

After receiving Wang Wu's reply, Daoxuan couldn't help but smile.

This is the reply she wants.

She replied: "It is convenient for me now, I will go to your room now, which room are you in?"

Wang Wu sent his room number to Dongxuan.

After coming over for a while, Dongxuan, wearing a hat, mask, and sunglasses, appeared in front of Wang Wu's room.

Wang Wu saw that Xiaoxuan appeared in front of his room, and before Guoxuan knocked on the door, he opened the door directly, took Guoxuan's hand, and let Xiaoxuan enter his room, and then closed the door again!

Dongxuan wears a white nightdress and outlines a plump and feminine figure!

She took off her makeup, her face was still facing the sky, her face was like a silver plate, her eyebrows were picturesque, and her skin was as white as snow!

At this time, she deliberately pretended to be reserved and said: "~Wang Wu, tell me, what do you mean?"

Wang Wu looked at Xuexuan’s pretty face with deep eyes: "I want to be with you!'

Daoxuan actually understood Wang Hao's meaning a long time ago, but she still deliberately said, "But I'm already married, and my Wenhu just recorded the show with us. You have already seen it, don't you mind at all? "

Wang Wu shook his head and said firmly: "If he can give you happiness, I will not destroy your marriage, but he cannot give you happiness (Nuo Li Zhao)

Daoxuan asked very puzzledly: "How do you know that he can't give me happiness? We have been married for so many years, and I still feel very happy!

Wang Wu shook his head and said, "Are you sure you are happy? He often comes back with the smell of other women. Do you really feel happy?

He can't give you happiness now suddenly, can't give you happiness like a man, do you feel happy too?"

Daoxuan's eyes widened and she cried out, "How do you know that this happened tonight!".

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