Wang Wu completely ended the promotion of "Mermaid" and returned to the crew of "Riding the Wind and Breaking the Waves".

At this time, it was filmed that Xu Tailang played by Deng Zhao traveled to 1998, the year before Xu Tailang was born, and met his father, Xu Zhengtai played by Wang Hao.

Xu Zhengtai appeared in the image of Batman in the Country and started his comedy performance.

After that, Wang Wu's collaboration with Star Master in "The Mermaid", the nonsensical comedy performance, is even more skillful.

He is completely unmoved when he is funny, and looks serious. The more serious the funny, the more funny.

If you laugh all yourself, it doesn't look funny.

The whole crew has been made a laugh by Wang Wu's serious jokes several times!

Especially the one who drew out his belt to tie up the robber ended up losing his pants.

Although everyone knows that this is the plot set in the script, they all couldn't help laughing when they saw the scene before them.

Zhao Liying saw the serious and funny look of Xu Zhengtai played by Wang Wu, and she smiled in a mess: "I'm so laughing, I think about it, I don't dare to laugh!"

Her statement made others laugh.

The plot continued, and Xu Tailang, played by Deng Zhao, was taken to the police station by police officers due to his suspicious appearance.

Xu Tailang took out his ID card, but what he took out was the 2016 second-generation ID card.

Director Jin took out the first-generation ID card, threw it on the table and said, "This オtmd is an ID card~!"

Although this is a common identification problem when crossing, it is still very funny!

Because few domestic movies dare to shoot like this!

In "Riding the Wind and the Waves," there was only one Charlotte Trouble shooting like this.

The difference between Xu Tailang's second-generation ID card and the first-generation ID card in 1998 is too big, which caused serious doubts from Director Jin, and even suspected that he was neurotic.

Director Jin found Xu Zhengtai who was present that day to confirm who this person was, so a funny and strange farce happened, and Director Jin regretted it.

Xu Zhengtai and Xu Tailang became friends at first sight. Xu Zhengtai introduced all the friends around him to Xu Tailang one by one, including his brothers Xiaoma and Liuyi. Together, they fought against Luo Li, the enemy who wanted to acquire the Azheng Song and Dance Hall, in the small town. It's just a woman who is a wife, Niu Aihua!

Niu Aihua is played by Zhao Liying, the name is very rustic, but Niu Aihua played by Zhao Liying is very pure and dignified.

At that time Xu Tailang thought: "My mother, isn't Zhang Suzhen? I want to find a way to change this history."

He wanted to seduce Niu Aihua to change history. He invited Niu Aihua to watch a movie. In the evening, Niu Aihua came to the theater with Xu Zhengtai and Xu Zhengtai's friend Liu Yi, planning to go to the cinema.

Xu Zhengtai is the boss of the song and dance hall. Here are all innocent girls, and Xu Zhengtai's job is to protect these girls.

Xu Zhengtai declared that my dream is to only sing in the song and dance hall and only take a bath in the sauna.

Xu Tailang nodded: ".~It really is a dream!"

Xu Zhengtai also turned out a copy of Du Yuesheng's biography, saying that she would become a person like Du Yuesheng in the future.

Xu Zhengtai runs a video shop to rent videos.

He also accumulated a large number of bb machines in the country, and he thought that he would be the world of bb machines in the future, which is really funny!

Throughout the filming process, Wang Wu grasped the most precious point of Xu Zhengtai's character (king of Nuo), innocent!

He has the naivety that he did not have in 2019, and even the naivety that he did not have in 1998!

Xu Zhengtai really believed in all that, and insisted on these beliefs stubbornly.

Director Han Han is extremely satisfied, and feels that Wang Wu has captured the essence of the character!

Zhao Liying was also moved by Wang Wu, and the Niu Aihua who she played also believed in everything Xu Zhengtai believed!

The plot advances very quickly, but during the shooting process, there are always some small episodes!

For example, a date with a confidante. .

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