Entertainment: I’m Not Just a Hundred Billion Actor

Chapter 127 The horse is beautiful indeed!

Wang Wu took the aircraft and flew directly to the rooftop of the hotel where Ma Su was staying.

He disappeared and came to the door of Masu's room.

When he appeared in the corridor, he paid special attention to see if there were any hidden cameras and paparazzi in ambush.

Although Masu is not very popular, there is a lot of news about her messy hype!

If Wang Wu is dating other singles of the opposite sex, such as Fat Di, he is not particularly afraid of being stolen by paparazzi!

If he was photographed secretly about his date with Fat Di, he would just go public with Fat Di!

But many other women can't. He doesn't want his scandals with any woman to appear in the media, especially not with a married woman. This will affect his long-term plans.

Although Ma Su is single now, Wang Wu still does not want his name to appear in the media with Ma Su!

Although Masu has not had a hair door incident yet, Masu is not an unblemished female celebrity after all, such as a female celebrity like Liu~Shishi!

In his subconscious mind, he felt that Masu was only suitable as a spare tire, as a friend, not worthy of his formal girlfriend!

Fortunately, it may be because Masu is not very popular now, so no paparazzi will run into the hotel to steal a shot!

Wang Wu came to the door of Masu's room and sent a WeChat message: "I'm here! Right outside the door."

Masu had been waiting for a long time, and quickly opened the door!

Wang Wu walked in, Ma Su closed the door and looked at Wang Hao with a smile: "I didn't expect you to come so soon!"

"I was playing nearby, not far from here." He naturally wouldn't tell Masu about the system and the aircraft.

Wang Wu saw Ma Su in front of him and found that Ma Su was now wearing a white silk nightdress, which outlined a very hot and explosive body!

Compared to Masu's original face value of only 85 points, her figure can score 90 points!

Many people may not know that Masu's figure is no less than Liu Qi, and it is uneven, but she seldom deliberately shows off this point!

It was just in a variety show. On the beach by the sea, someone buried her in the sand, trying to build a good figure with sand on her body. At that time, Masu said: "No, I myself

She said her size and proportions at the time, it is estimated that it is for the show to hype!

Now I take a closer look and find that her figure is truly unparalleled beauty.

Now Masu knows that Wang Wu is filming "Monster Catching", and her grudge against Wang Wu before has completely disappeared!

She now understands that the reason why Wang Wu released the pigeons that time was because she went to the producer and director of ``Monster Catch''.

This time, Wang Wu finally came here, she has a sense of accomplishment!

Generally speaking, a movie star like Wang Wu, who is in the middle of the day, has a very bright future at the box office, but she is a female star wandering in the second and third lines. It is said that there can be no intersection between the two people. Under normal circumstances , Wang Hao would not like her.

……For flowers………

But now Ma Su finds that Wang Hao has a weakness, that is, he has no resistance to a woman of his own size.

So she thought about the way Wang Wu looked at her in the first place, she tirelessly discovered the attack, and finally got her wish.


Wang Wu looked at Masu in front of him and sighed that she had slipped from the peak of her appearance.

Once upon a time, Ma Su had a nickname called Ma Meimei. Many people felt that how could they be so shameless and give themselves such a nickname.

In fact, Ma Su called herself a beautiful horse, not only because she was beautiful, but also because she wanted to feel that she wanted to live beautifully, so she called herself a beautiful horse!

Some people may think that Ma Su does not look good. In the final analysis, one of the reasons why she does not look good is because her face is a bit long. Probably the hairline has moved back in recent years, making her face longer and longer. There is no feeling of water spirit in the early years!

If her face is a little shorter, she is still pretty!

Looking closely at her facial features, the contours are still very beautiful, oval face, double eyelids, big eyes, bright eyes and good gaze, cherry blossoms! Little peach mouth, this looks like the appearance of a beauty that has been described from ancient times to the present!

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