Don't mention Zhao Liying, even if Yang Chaoyue (who did not finish junior high school) with a lower education than Zhao Liying (somehow he still graduated from secondary school), his performance in the latest badminton TV drama can far outperform the Nortel graduate Zheng. The sugar yan who graduated from Australian and Chinese operas!

Not to mention, Wang Baoguo, who has a lower education background, has contributed acting skills in movies such as "Mr. !

Of course, the outstanding acting Gong Li, Zhang Ziyi and others still came out of the show, but their acting is truly brave and diligent only after they come out to act, they have so much improvement.

Most of Zhao Liying's roles are true and credible, and they can stand upright, such as Lu Zhen, Xue Shanshan, Hua Qiangu, Chu Qiao, and a series of other roles. Zero" color.

If other personnel, such as Yang Tianbao, Yang Mi, Tang Yan, Zheng Jue, etc. were used to perform, the result would be two results.

It's a bit like, if Hu Ge didn't play Langzhu Evil List 1, but let Huang Xiaoming play it, the two results would be the same.

Once upon a time, Tang Yan had a title of silly white sweet queen. She played a lot of silly white sweet roles, but Xue Shanshan was also a silly white sweet character. Why is "Shan Shan Coming" so popular because of Zhao Liying The acting is superb, and the character of Xue Shanshan is super cute, but if you let the sugar. Come to play this role, I believe "Shan Shan is Coming" this

A classic novel and classic script will be destroyed!

And "Kara Lover" is popular, and everyone likes the role of Gao Wen played by Dili Reba. On the other hand, the female number one played by Tang Yan is strongly disliked by most people. In addition to the poor set of people, The bigger reason is that Tang Yan's acting skills are not good.

It is really distressing to say that some directors and screenwriters, their dedicated projects, just because they hired bad actresses or actors, they ruined all their hard work!

In this regard, I am very sympathetic to those directors and screenwriters who have worked with Yang Tianbao, Zheng Dan, and Tang Yan, and feel sorry for them, and I should sympathize with those directors and screenwriters who have worked with Ruenthal and Huang Xiaoming.

However, Jin Wuzuo is no perfect person.It turns out that Zhao Liying of that life, because of her birth problem, made her not too high-sighted. It's a pity.

In this life, Zhao Liying should not make such a mistake again!

I don't know how long it has passed, the system prompts: "Congratulations, master, save Zhao Liying, complete the revenge mission!

Zhao Liying's all attributes increased by 10 points, increased to 24 mental strength, 19 strength, 18 physical strength, 17 agility, and 24 luck!

In the next 100 days, her overall state will be 10 years younger, from 29 to 19 years old!

Her own face value will increase by 10 points, which should have been increased from 90 points to 100 points, but her bones are limited, and her face value will increase to 96!

The master's all attributes are increased by 10 points, and they are upgraded to 168 mental strength, 162 strength, 160 physical strength, 162 agility, and 162 luck.

The master's xingli increased by 1 point, reaching 32 points!

Zhao Liying's loyalty to her master has reached 100%. Now she has only the master and a man. From then on, her red apricot out-of-wall rate is 0%!"

Zhao Liying seemed to have run many marathons. She was so tired that she couldn't wake up in a sweet sleep.

At this time, in a luxurious room on this floor, a person, after exploring the mysteries of life with a girlfriend other than his wife, fell asleep, remembered something, woke up suddenly, the more he thought about it, the more things went wrong.

He is not Feng Shaofeng, but Han Han.

Han Han always feels that the Zhao Liying he just met doesn't seem to be going out to buy things at all!

It's just that when he was with his girlfriend other than his wife just now, he didn't even think about it.

When he fell asleep and entered the time of the sage, he began to wonder if his good brother Feng Shaofeng was greened. If he was greened, then who gave Feng Shaofeng green?

He doesn't need to think too much, there is only one possibility, and that is Wang Hao!

Han Han now thinks, how can I prevent this from happening?

In fact, he knew that it was too late to stop it now, and his only hope now was that Feng Shaofeng would not find out!

If Feng Shaofeng finds out and makes this matter a big deal, it will definitely do a lot of harm to his movie!

After all, once such news happens to the two starring roles of Zhao Liying and Wang Wu and spreads it out, this movie will be finished!

Han Han decided that he wanted Wang Wu and Zhao Liying to stop before Feng Shaofeng found out!

If something happens to them, let them return to normal immediately, and they will definitely not be able to affect their movies!

Therefore, Han Han just slept and woke up, immediately called Wang Wu

Wang Wu just packed the bedding at this time, replaced the clean bedding, and stored the white list!

He received a call from Han Han and asked in surprise, "Director Han, what's the matter?"

Han Han asked in a low voice: "Is Zhao Liying with you?,

Wang Wu naturally knows that Han Han and Feng Shaofeng are both Shanghai people. They had a very good friendship before. They filmed a "Afternoon" before, they are very good brothers, so in this In fact, Wang Wu doesn't believe that Han Han can stand in his own position!

So he flopped in denial: "Director Han, what are you talking about? She must be in her room now! I don't understand what you mean!"

Han Han said: "Well, Wang Hao, don't pretend to be confused with me. This matter is very serious. If Zhao Liying is in your room, you have to send her back quickly. Don't be discovered by Feng Shaofeng. Feng Shaofeng knows that he has been greened, I am worried that he will make this matter a big deal, and then the matter between you and Zhao Liying will be over, and it will affect us.

A movie, so I hope you all can restrain yourself a little.”

(Recommend the new book "Chinese Restaurant: From State Banquet Royal Kitchen to Hundred Billion Movie Kings"

Reborn as a descendant of the nine generations of royal cooks, don't want golden spoons, just Xiaojinren!

Fairy sword, medicine god, loyal dog Hachigong, dear king of heart abuse!

Gutu, Xia Luo, Xihong City, Tang Bohu, the king of comedy!

Huang Feihong, Ye Wen, Dian Yuan Jia, Chen Zhen, the king of Kung Fu!

Wolf Warriors, Red Sea, Wandering Earth, the king of war science fiction!

Iron Man, Spider-Man, Avengers, Chinese superheroes are still popular all over the world!

YY, Zu Go, Mi Mi, Shishi, Tianxian, Xiao all become queens!)

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