Entertainment: I’m Not Just a Hundred Billion Actor

Chapter 153 Ying Bao is even more desperate!

Wang Wu feels a little bit angry, Han Han still has the face to worry about such nostalgia, if you are a director, you can mess around.

However, the image of Han Han, a prodigal son, is very good. His wife can forgive his style, and other outsiders can't say anything.1

Although Han Han has always appeared in the image of a male cancer and a prodigal son, it is strange that the public has never unanimously resisted him, and has never resisted him like Wen Zhang. It is estimated that it has a certain relationship with his own talent and also with him. It's not really related to stars, it's also related to how all directors look like this!

Wang Wu thought in his heart that if he wants to reduce the impact of his future style of wind and sulfur on himself, the road in the future may be 14 to take the road of Han Han, to become a director, not just an actor!

It seems that being a director is a little bit more romantic, and it seems that everyone can accept it.

If you add an acting actor like Xiao Li, and take the road like Xiao Li, no one will resist!

If a god-level actor and a god-level director are added, everyone will be able to forgive Wang Wu for his unruly spirit!

But now Wang Wu is still tight-lipped towards Han Han: "Director Han! I really don't understand what you are talking about. Are you misunderstanding something?"

From Wang Wu's words, Han Han understood that Wang Hao was a general-minded person. The more Wang Wu denied it, the more relieved Han Han.

He also firmly believes that Zhao Liying is by Wang Wu's side now!

But Han Han has already pointed out what he said, he believes that Wang Wu will be able to distinguish the importance!

He said: "Then treat it as if I didn't say it!"

Han Han hung up the phone directly, then opened the door, stood at the door, and looked at the corridor.

He wants to see Zhao Liying leave from Wang Wu's room, so that even if he holds Wang Wu's handle and talks about cooperation with Wang Wu in the future, he doesn't have to be as passive as before!

But Han Han found that no one had come across the corridor.

He thought that Zhao Liying should always dress up and restore his original appearance, so he waited patiently and seized the evidence that Zhao Liying came out of Wang Hao's room.

As a result, after a while, he did not notice Zhao Liying leaving Wang Wu's room.

Instead, he saw that Zhao Liying opened the door from her own room and walked out!

Zhao Liying pretended to see him unintentionally, and asked, "Director Han, what are you doing standing at the door?"

Han Han's face suddenly froze, is it possible that Zhao Liying has always been in her room with Feng Shaofeng?

But why did Zhao Liying suddenly open the door and ask herself, could it be said that Wang Hao told Zhao Liying?

Could it be that what happened to the two people hasn't started yet?

Han Han suddenly felt that he was so worried!

He shook his head and said, "It's nothing, it's just a little stuffy inside. Open the door to let you breathe. Let's rest early. Work will start tomorrow!"

He closed the door and went back to lie down.

How did Zhao Liying appear in her own room? Naturally, Wang Wu used what the system gave him, completely hiding herself and Zhao Liying, hiding Zhao Liying, and walking grandiosely through the corridor in front of Han Han to Zhao Liying's Inside the room, and then quietly left!

Zhao Liying discovered that he and Wang Wu had walked in front of Han Han, and he hadn't noticed it at all.

She realized the magic of Wang Wu's body, and she was even more devoted to Wang Wu!

When Zhao Liying returned to the room and rested for a while, she opened the door according to Wang Wu's instructions and said something like that to Han Han.

Han Han is now in 980's mind, and he strongly doubts his own judgment. Zhao Liying and Wang Wu are not so bold, how dare to do anything in front of Feng Shaofeng!

When he thought about it this way, he was relieved!

When Zhao Liying returned to the room to rest again, Feng Shaofeng was awakened by her!

He found that Zhao Liying's face was sweaty and blushing, and he couldn't help but ask in confusion: "Why do you sweat so much? Why is your face so red?"

Zhao Liying said naturally: "I was a little awake just now, so I went out and ran for a while. I was very tired, let alone, I'm going to sleep!"

Feng Shaofeng was a little puzzled. He always felt that Zhao Liying was not tired from running.

But he still can't tell what to do. After all, Gang オ has always been in a sweet sleep and can't wake up. He doesn't know anything, and he can't detect it!.

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