Fortunately, the CIA group of Moldy Country will not engage in any more moths in the future. Otherwise, his identity really can't be concealed, and it is bound to cause trouble to the Hua Shao team. After all, no one wants to be active with a time bomb. .

At this time, Wang Wu's father, Wang Guohua, has put pressure on the mold country through the relevant departments, and the mold country does not dare to risk a full-scale war against Wang Hao!

They have to admit a fact that they have to admit, that is, there is one more superhero that none of them can deal with!

After being hypnotized, the other members of Hua Shao Tuan thought that Wang Wu had played a large-scale magic trick with everyone, and they were no longer worried!

The atmosphere of Hua Shao Tuan returned to its original happy and harmonious atmosphere.

Speaking of gliding just now, people with heavier weight tend to drop a few meters and then rise slowly when they slide out, while people with light weight can rise as soon as they slide out, of course, if they encounter instability The airflow is uncertain, but safety is absolutely guaranteed, because the coach is still carrying a spare umbrella. When taking off, someone will take a few steps,

It is normal to encounter unstable airflow in the air, and bold people can even let the coach take advantage of the airflow to do a few stunts.

Gliding can be taken with a mobile phone or even a camera for aerial photography. If you are afraid that you can’t hold it securely, you can ask the instructor to help you take it.

Because of the airflow, most people feel dizzy and nauseous as soon as they go up. The once-in-a-lifetime aerial photography opportunity only leaves a hideous expression.

It was the first time to be in close contact with the sky so close. It felt so different from looking at the earth through the glass of an airplane. Although there was a trace of dizziness and fear, there was more joy and excitement in my heart. Although paragliding is very fun, students who usually suffer from motion sickness must carefully decide whether to experience this sport. I heard that some tourists vomited directly in the air before.

At noon, everyone had a picnic on the Loaf Mountain.

After the picnic, Wang Wu suddenly thought, and told Liu Tao through the secret transmission: "Or I will take you to glide once more."

This time, everyone was resting at the picnic place, but Wang Wu took Liutao on a paraglider.

The owner of the paraglider base unknowingly let a CIA agent in. They saw the CIA agent explode in the air and saw Wang Hao's subordinates shooting all the partners of the CIA agent. They were terrified to the extreme. Originally, he was worried that Wang Wu was not a professional, and worried that something happened to him would affect him, so he would not agree.

He dared not say anything about these things.

Wang Wu flew high in the sky with Liu Tao. He maneuvered the paraglider, and after flying away from Hua Shaotuan's sight, he leaned on Liu Tao's ear and said with a smile: "Wife, let's fly!"

Liu Tao exclaimed: "This is the sky, it's too dangerous!"

Wang Wu smiled and said: "Don't worry, I am very experienced in paragliding, and I have a spare umbrella, my wife, let us have an unforgettable flight...

Liu Tao was moved by Wang Wu's words like that: "Okay, but you must grasp it well."

Wang Wu is really a brave artist, and he is controlling the paraglider while flying with Liu Tao. It is too strong!

Not only Liu Tao, Wang Wu has never had such an experience, and it feels very strange.

Liu Tao's face is full of red clouds: ". ~ Husband, the beach last night, now flying, this is a scene I will never forget in this life."

They glide in the air for a full hour and then stopped.

When they returned to the picnic place, Zhang Xueying saw the blush on Liu Tao's face and asked, "Sister Tao, why is your face so red?"

Liu Tao smiled bitterly: "It's sunburned (it's good), Rio is so hot, Father!"

She is right. Rio is indeed a tropical region. It is winter and it is actually nearly 40 degrees hotter!

Wang Wu hurriedly added: "Yes, I usually sweat less. I also sweated from the heat just now. Think about the dance we are going to dance in the afternoon. Wearing such thick clothes, we dance on such a hot day. I all feel heatstroke."

His words successfully turned everyone's attention to the afternoon dance, and everyone looked sad.

Liu Tao took a sigh of relief when she saw this. .

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