However, Hu Qing gave Wang Wu a charmingly white look.

Zhang Xueying is a pure girl, and she can't see the abnormality of Liu Tao. After all, Huqing is in her early forties. She can see that Wang Wu and Liu Tao's gliding just now should be very unusual, otherwise Liu Tao's face will not appear blushing.

When Wang Wu was no one was around, Huqing approached and whispered: "Wang Wu, you are too much, last night on the beach, today on the paraglider, where do you want to be, you are It doesn't matter, but after all people Liutao has a husband."

Wang Wu smiled bitterly and said, "Her husband has already been abandoned, it is in vain. It is good deeds like me and her.

Huqing was stunned for a moment, remembering that Liu Tao had said that her husband's 137 was in the past, half believing it.

Her current perception of Wang Wu is quite complicated. On the one hand, she feels that Wang Wu is full of attraction to her. On the other hand, she is afraid that Wang Hao is a poison. The catastrophe is over.

Wang Wu told Huqing through a voice transmission: "Sister Qing, at your age, shouldn't you be confused? Shouldn't you understand it? Shouldn't it be what you want? How can you still worry about things like this? Yes, I and Tao sister and we are happy, as long as we don’t let other people know, it’s okay, how about you, why have you ever cared about it?

What others think?"

Hu Qing also suddenly awakened, she couldn't accept Wang Wu, not because of his fascination, after all, she had seen a lot in these years, and almost no man was truly dedicated. I want to become Wei Xiaobao, and at least I want to become Zhang Wuji. Few people want to become Yang Guo. She has concerns about Wang Wu,

It's just that if she had a scandal with Wang Wu and was photographed, would people laugh at the old cow for eating tender grass, after all, Wang Hao is so much younger than her!

Wang Wu’s words woke up Huqing. Huqing had lived very drunk for the past few decades. He never cared how those people dissed her and lived as they pleased, but now he cares about what others think.

She whispered: "I admit, I like you a little bit, but I haven't gotten to the point where I have to be with you. I understand why Liu Tao is like you, but after all, you haven't done anything to me. When I think it’s impossible for me to leave you, even if you (bedf) don’t like me, I will have to hang on."

Wang Wu understood what Hu Qing meant. Her heart was still like a little girl. She imagined that Liu Tao and Zheng Du were rescued by Wang Wu. With such a romantic encounter, she could persuade herself to accept Wang Hao.

Wang Wu smiled faintly: "The journey is long and full of various difficulties. I believe we have the opportunity to sublimate our feelings."

Originally, the journey of "Flower Shao 3" was originally much more difficult than the route that Huqing used to travel abroad with a few girlfriends. Now there are more people like Wang Wu who are afraid of not being stimulating enough. This journey will become more dangerous, and it will definitely be there. There are many opportunities for heroes to save beauty waiting for Wang Hao!

There are still many days to come.Wang Wu now doesn't think about what he has to do with Hu Qing. It doesn't matter until the last few days. It doesn't matter if he returns to the capital. Anyway, he has enough confidence, this senior beauty. It must be her own woman in the future!

After a short break, everyone set off to learn dance.

Wang Wu has the inheritance of Michael Jackson, the god of dance, and has a very deep understanding of dance. He split dance into individual movements, let them remember each movement, and teach them step by step.

Huqing, Liutao, Li Feiwan, Zhang Xueying, and Ju Jingyi all have some basic dance skills. With the addition of Professor Gao Ming from Wang Wu, everyone can practice almost in one afternoon.

When everyone had practiced the dance well, Zhang Xueying encouraged Wang Wu to dance with everyone.

Wang Wu took a walk in the moonlit sky and completely restored Michael Jackson's dance steps. The people at the scene were shocked.

Many local female dancers cast admiring eyes on the scene, and some even ran over to dance with Wang Wugu!

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