After the two had finished purchasing, they entrusted the mall to deliver them to their own residential property, and then Angel Baby mysteriously took him to the front of an inconspicuous building.

The angel baby pulled him into the building, not upstairs, but to the basement of this building, and said as he walked, "There is a restaurant here.

"Then the business in this restaurant must not be very good." Wang Wu quipped: "This is too hidden, no one can find it."

"Why?" Baby Angel rolled his eyes: "Because this is a restaurant open to members only, the people who come to eat here are all people with a certain status in China."

"What are you going to eat then?" Wang Wu wanted to know what this restaurant relies on to attract so many high-end customers.

Angel Baby explained: "Of course it depends on craftsmanship, and he will have some ingredients that are not available in the market, and occasionally there will be very precious, and will gather members together for auction, and whoever bids higher will make it to whomever. Eat, there will be one tonight, and I don’t know what it is."

Wang Wu is interested, he really wants to see what these upper-class people eat.

In the basement, the decoration here is very luxurious, like a hotel banquet hall with many western tables.

Everyone gathers together with red wine glasses, and expands their connections through communication with each other.

After seeing the angel baby coming, some people's eyes started to shine,-ran over to introduce themselves.

The angel baby took Wang Wu's arm and said that there were people around him.

Wang Wu smiled indifferently and followed the angel baby to the seat.

The angel baby asked: "My dear, are you really faceless?

This is a good social opportunity, no one will say it, it is very private here, and everyone is a person with identity.

"No, I don't want to have anything to do with this group of people." For Wang Wu, knowing these people will not help his future, but will lower his realm.

Dangdang! Someone rang the wine glass, and everyone's eyes gathered. There was a fat man standing there, who looked like a blond hair, but had the face of China, but the bridge of the nose was high and the eye sockets were deep. It's a mixed race.

……For flowers………

Angel Baby introduced softly: "This is the owner of this store, and his last name is Duan."

Wang Wu nodded. He is the fattest here. Who else could he be if he wasn't the owner of the restaurant.

Boss Duan felt everyone's gaze, and was very satisfied. He cleared his throat and said, "Thank you for coming to tonight's auction. Please take your seats now."

After seeing everyone sitting down, he opened his mouth again: "Our shop has always followed the view that'food is a work of art with all colors and fragrances', so every dish uses the best materials, the best chefs, and the best recipes. Give it to my best customers. "

The boss Duan asked the waiter to give each table a bottle of red wine, and he took a bottle in his hand, touching it with love, and introduced: "Irland, the Bordeaux wine produced by Château Obiang in 76, There are only 6 bottles in the world, and one of them is in my hand. I plan to sell it to a tasteful customer, so each of you has a bottle of wine in front of you, and you can taste the wine.

The vintage and raw materials can participate in the auction of this bottle of wine. "and,

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