There was also a waitress standing at Wang Wu's table. She quickly opened the wine bottle and came out with two glasses. She pushed to Wang Wu and the angel baby, and said politely: "Please"

The angel baby picked up the wine glass, took a sip of the wine and tasted it, then spit it out with a bitter smile and said, "It seems we can't participate in the auction.

"I will try." Wang Wu took a drink and swallowed it.

The angel baby hurriedly stopped the "three 80" stop: "Wine tasting is not to drink, this will affect the taste of the next bite.

"Heh, turtle." A mocking female voice came from a table next to it.

Wang Wu turned his head and saw that there were two female guests sitting there, one with very short, simple and capable hair, and the other with curly hair with big waves, enchanting to go to the United States.

The long-haired woman quickly apologized to Wang Wu: "Sorry, my friend is a bit anxious.

"It's okay." Wang Wu smiled and turned to the waiter and said: "This wine has an apple flavor, so the raw material is Cabernet Sauvignon. The flavor is not very mellow. It should be produced the previous year. Is it the opposite of what I said? "

"Congratulations sir, you are right." The waiter took the number plate from the table.

The short-haired girl next to him gave him a surprised look, but didn't say anything.

"Wow, you are so amazing. I didn't expect you to taste wine. I thought you could only act." In the impression of Angel Baby, Wang Wu is just the actor who has been running for many years and then became famous with his acting skills.

"Actually, it's not that difficult. I have tasted some before." Wang Hao said that he was good at it. In fact, he understood that it was the system that helped him. What kind of wine can he sort out? Wine tasting is just like acting. It takes time and quantity to settle.

Just being stimulated by the woman next to me is like proving myself.


Boss Duan took his fork and struck the wine glass again: "Okay, the wine tasting is over, now you can start bidding, the starting price of this bottle of wine is two million!"

"Two hundred and one hundred thousand!" "Two hundred and two million!" The price slowly went up, but Wang Wu and Angel Baby really didn't have any interest, because they were not particularly knowledgeable about wine, and they were indeed violent.

The two women at the next table were very active, but obviously they couldn't compete with so many rich people. Because the short-haired girl was always bidding, and the long-haired girl was always blocking, Wang Wu vaguely heard the words "funding" and "above".

Slowly, the price reached three hundred and one hundred thousand and gradually slowed down.The two women also stopped competing early. With a disappointed expression, the short-haired girl stood up and said that she was going to the bathroom. Whatever arrived, he got up and followed.

When he arrived at the toilet, Wang Wu saw that no one stopped the short-haired woman and asked, "Are you Longwei?"

"I don't know what you are talking about." The short-haired girl was taken aback for a moment, and turned to avoid the topic.

"I saw your tattoo." Wang Wu grabbed her arm with a dragon-shaped pattern on the inside of the arm.

The short-haired woman quickly got close to her body, 3.5 took out a knife against Wang Wu's artery, outsiders seemed to be just men and women lingering, only the two of them knew this was a life-and-death confrontation.

Wang Wu lifted Yi Rong and said, "It's me!"

When the short-haired girl saw Wang Wu De's face, she quickly closed her sword and lowered her head, and said respectfully: "Long Zun, I'm sorry, I didn't know it was you.

"It doesn't matter, what are you doing here?".

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