Entertainment: I’m Not Just a Hundred Billion Actor

Chapter 711 Song Qian turned out to be his subordinate!

"Come in!" Wang Wu opened the door and let them in, then poured water for the two ladies.

But after they entered the door, they kept their subordinate posture with their heads and waist bowed.

Wang Wu didn't care too much, and said, "Take off your masks. Disguise is too bad. When you smile, only the corners of your mouth move."

The two women did not hesitate, and immediately took off the masks on their faces, revealing their true faces.

The long-haired woman lost her previous charm, and replaced it with a heroic look. Wang Wu thought she was a bit familiar, but couldn't remember who she was.

The short-haired woman surprised Wang Hao. The demon-burned figure, big eyes, and recognizable smile all marked the identity of this woman.

Song Qian has been very active on the screen in recent years!

She made her debut in the Kimchi country with a women's group. With her outstanding dancing skills and beautiful face, she has been popular in several countries, and is considered an international star.

In recent years, she returned to China and won a lot of goodwill with her straightforward personality.Later she also appeared in some movies and TV series, but because she has not learned acting and her acting skills are not particularly strong, the response is not very good, but this can't deprive her of her national female idol. The heat.

Wang Wu said, "I didn't expect you to be Long Wei Lu.

"Yes, Lord." Song Qian said: "I have been nurtured by the organization since I was a child. It was the organization that made me an idol who can collect intelligence internationally and better serve the country."

"It's very tired, it's hard work." Wang Wu handed her the wine.

There was a warm current in Song Qian's heart. For so many years, she had never been comforted by her superiors, only endless orders and tasks.

But she never complained, because this is what she should do and shouldn't ask for more things, but today Wang Wu's concern is that she has a lot of grievances in her heart and wants to tell, but she has suppressed it. .

Because whether you are an idol or a dragon guard, you shouldn't have feelings. After so many years of training, it is nothing to suppress this feeling.

"Thank you Lord for your concern, this is what the subordinates should do, and serve the country without hesitation!"

"Okay, you can contact me if you need help in the future."

"Yes!" The two women should arrive, and then they walked out of Wang Hao's home.

Wang Wu received the news early the next morning.

The wolf cub sports car he bought in the country has been airlifted to the seaside city, but because the car is too expensive, he must sign for it in person.

He wanted them to pull over directly, because he didn't want to move now, but after another thought, he was still at Angel Baby's house, so he flew away.

When he arrived at the airport, Wang Wu saw from a distance that his cool sports car was surrounded by a large number of people pointing and pointing, as if they were all guessing who the car was.

But no one dared to get too close to this car, because there were a few tall black bodyguards standing around the car.

*.~ Let a let, let a let. "Wang Wu pushed aside the crowd and walked over.

"Ah! It's Wang Hao." Familiar screams sounded one after another, and there were more and more people around, and the flashlight had begun to dazzle.

Originally, Wang Wu could change his face, but he felt that he was too embarrassed to live like that, and sooner or later he could not hide the fact that he had money, so he simply made it public and made his life more comfortable.

"Mr. Wang!" several people in black shouted respectfully, bowing 90 degrees.

The surrounding crowd also boiled.

"Wang Wu is the second generation of super rich! No wonder (good money, good) has a noble temperament!" This is a fan.

"Hmph, I knew that he was not so hot on his own, he turned out to be a rich second-generation!" This is Qiu Fu's dick.

"Ha, Wang Wu is the second generation of the rich, and tomorrow's headline is here!" This is a paparazzi who heard the wind.

I don't know why they inexplicably guessed that they are the rich second generation. Although they are indeed, he bought the car himself.

But it doesn't matter, after all, as long as you are rich and young in this age, the first identity to be suspected is the rich second generation.

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