Entertainment: I’m Not Just a Hundred Billion Actor

Chapter 712 Talk to the distinguished mother!

The leading bodyguard in black took out a box and whispered, "Master, Madam wants you to call her."

"Okay, I see." Wang Wu waved to the surroundings, took a few photos with the fans, and finally shouted: "Please come back, everyone, please support my new movie!"

Then he got in the car and drove away under the complicated eyes of everyone.

On the way, he dialed his mother's phone. In fact, he hadn't contacted his biological parents for a long time.

Because he lacked the company for more than 20 years, his feelings for them were not so close, and he even didn't know how to deal with them.

The phone was quickly connected, and my mother's voice came over there: "Hello? Wu Er, have you got the car?,

"got it."

"Then you must pay attention to safety when driving.

383 "Don't worry, I drove very steadily.

"I heard that you bought a house, why didn't you tell your mom, I knew you liked that location, so I bought that piece of land and built a building according to your ideas."

"No, I'm just looking for a place to stay, and I don't need to spend too much money." Wang Wu was a little bit dumbfounded. This mother seemed to be overly concerned.

"Oh, that's how it is."

Wang Wu felt that his mother had something to say, so he asked, "What's wrong?"

"Wu Er, do you have time lately?"

"I have a scene to be filmed recently, so the time is a bit rushed."

"Oh, it's okay, there was a banquet in the family recently, so I want to ask if you will come back."

"Okay mom, I will go back." Wang Wu heard her mother's implication. She hadn't seen herself for a long time, so she wanted to let herself go back.

Hearing the affirmative reply, Shao Danfeng was very happy. "Okay, I will let someone inform you of the time and address. By the way, did you see what I asked to give you."

"I saw it, I haven't opened it yet." Wang Wu drove with one hand, took out the box given by the bodyguard before, and opened it with a black card, a mobile phone, and a ring.

"There is a credit card customized by our family, which can be consumed anywhere in the world. The ring is a symbol of the Chen family's identity. You can enter and exit all the properties of the Chen family and Shao family without restrictions, and you can also order all jobs at will. The staff, and the mobile phone, is the latest model that (bedf) mother gave you and will be available next month.

"Okay, thank you mom.

"You're welcome, good son."

The mother and son hung up for a while again.

Wang Wu looked at these three things. In fact, he didn't need them. He might be worth more than his own family now, so this card is useless. In the case of the ring, he has not completely accepted his identity as the young master of the Chen family. That's why he didn't change his surname.

But the mobile phone is okay, the transparent style looks very novel, so I can use it directly by changing the card.

When he arrived at the community, he went to the property to go through the formalities for the parking space. Manager Li grabbed him and said mysteriously: "Miss Tangyan just called for a shoulder massage service.

"Isn't it only morning, isn't it usually evening?" Wang Wu asked suspiciously.

"I don't know that."

"All right, let the masseur give me things, I'll go."

"You go? This" Manager Li tangled up. If Tang Yan complained about exposing customer privacy, he would be unemployed and he would have to compensate others for losses.

"I have a problem." Wang Wu was too lazy to talk nonsense with him, and directly used hypnosis.

"No problem, wait a moment." Manager Li walked away without any thoughts. After a while, he took a masseur's special tool box and handed it to Wang Wu. .

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