Entertainment: I’m Not Just a Hundred Billion Actor

Chapter 716 Go to Tangyan's house again!

Wang Wu took a glass of wine and sat at the bar, stuck in time. Within five minutes, if Tang Yan didn't come to find himself, he would leave.

Just three minutes later, Tang County came and touched Wang Wu with a wine glass.

"Hello, Wang Wu."

"Hello, Teacher Tangyan." Wang Wu is still acting.

"The song is very nice." Tang Yan led the conversation.

"Thank you for singing, I don't know Mr. Tang Yan is here, if you offend, please forgive me."

"It's really nice, by the way, do you live in Tomson Yipin?"

"Yes, we met in the restaurant before, but Tang Yan teacher, you didn't recognize me.

"Haha, how come you are so handsome, I just had something at the time, did you find my shawl?"

"No, I can help you ask about the property." Wang Wuzhuang is not leaking.

"Oh, thank you, can you massage?"

"will not."

"Really not?" Frankly stared at Wang Wu's eyes, trying to find some flaws in lying.

"Really not." But how can Wang Wu's top acting skills let her see it? His face was pure and innocent, like a student who hadn't known the world.

Tang County looked at his face that was not sure how much handsomer than his boyfriend's face, and was a little unwilling, frowning and asked: "Oh, that's terrible, my shoulder is a little sore, if anyone can help me press it." .

"Then I will give you a massage." Wang Wu stretched out his hand, as if he was aware of something, and suddenly took it back. Sorry, "I'm sorry, Mr. Tangyan, I have something wrong, let me go first." After speaking, he panicked. After running away, the whole process was very smooth and there was no trace of performance.

An angry Sugar County stepped on his feet: "What's this, is it a male version of Cinderella, are you right?"

After Wang Wu's affairs, he brushed his clothes. He has successfully disturbed Tang Yan's mood and his goal has been achieved. Then just wait for her to come and find himself.

When Tang County returned home, his head was full of Wang Wu's voice and appearance, and he could not fall asleep all night tossing and turning.

Wang Wu flipped through his mobile phone and found that his videos of driving a sports car yesterday and singing at night were all on the headlines.Although some people still said sourly that Wang Wu is just a rich second generation who earns money and looks to earn traffic, but those are only a few, big Some people are fans of Wang Hao's singing voice.

The women who listened to him also sent WeChat greetings, and asked Wang Wu when he could come to sing to himself.

Wang Wu could only reply one by one, calming their feelings about husbands. He was also worried. There were too many women in his own, and it was a little troublesome to communicate.

At this moment, Wang Wu's phone rang and it was Manager Li.

Wang Wu answered the phone and asked, "What?"

"Miss Sugar County called for a massage service again. Do you need me to find another technician?"

*.~ No, I just go. "After that, Wang Wu hung up the phone, took out the equipment that was massaged yesterday, put on a mask and sunglasses, and went to Tang Yan's home.

At this time, the sugar yan had spine pain again because he didn't sleep all night.

This is her occupational disease. She has been an actor for too long, especially when she has filmed too many costumes, and Wia hangs too much. Over time, her spine has problems. It is useless to see many doctors.

She was lying on the bed rubbing her spine, expecting in her heart, is it him who is here?

Dong dong dong, (good money Zhao) someone knocks on the door

"Come in, the door is unlocked."

It was Wang Wu who came in. After entering the door, he found that there was no one in the living room, so he asked, "Miss Tangyan, where are you?"

"I'm in the bedroom, come in.

"Then I'm coming in.

Wang Wu entered the bedroom, Tang Yan was wearing loose shorts and short sleeves lying on the bed, rubbing his neck, looking painful.

"Do you still massage your shoulders today?



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