Wang Wu spread the hot towel on her shoulders and began to squeeze it.

The two were speechless for a while, and the atmosphere became a little strange.

Half an hour later, Wang Wu said: "Miss Tangyan feels better."

"much better.

"Then I will leave first."

"Wait a minute!" Upon hearing that Wang Hao was about to leave, Tang Yan hurriedly stopped him, he hadn't seen his face yet!

"Is there anything else, Miss Tangyan."

"Can you press the leg for me? Recently, my leg is a little sore." Tang Yan said.

She wanted to see what the masseur's face looked like!

"Okay, please sit up."

Tang Yan sat up and saw Wang Wu wearing a mask and asked: "What's wrong with you? Have you caught a cold."

"Yes, it's a little uncomfortable." Wang Hao knelt on one leg, let Tang Yan put his leg on his 387's knee and knead gently.

"Take off the mask, I'm not afraid of infection." Tang Yan insisted on looking at his face.

"No, Miss Tangyan, this violates the rules."

"What are you afraid of?" Tang Yan said, reaching out to take off Wang Wu's mask.

She didn't want to endure this kind of torture anymore, even if she let herself give up.

Wang Wu pretended to be evasive. After being taken off his mask, he showed a surprised expression. Then he lowered his head and said, "I'm sorry, Miss Tangyan."

Tang Yan asked eagerly: "You picked up my shawl? You gave the perfume, right?


"Why don't you dare to see me?"

"I love you, but you, so I can only secretly express my heart (bedf). I hope you don't blame me, I have no malice." Wang Wu raised his head, with a few tears in his eyes.

Tang Yan couldn't be moved by himself, gentle, handsome, and talented, is there a better man than this?

"Fool, how could I blame you? I'm looking for you too." Tang Yan was so excited!

All the depressed feelings in the past few days have been released. It is this man, I believe him.

After a while, the system prompts: "Sugar Yan's full attributes increased by 10 points, mental strength 25, strength 25, physical strength 22, agility 18, and luck 16!"

"Tangyan will be 10 years younger in the next 100 days! Its appearance will increase to 96!"

"How about it, is your spine still painful?" Wang Wu asked with concern. He had just cured Tangyan's spine.

"It doesn't hurt anymore. Your massage is very useful. Did you learn it early?"

"I learned it specially for you."

"My dear, thank you." Tang Yan said moved,

"By the way, I have something to tell you, and I hope you don't get angry." Wang Wu wanted to put some words on the front, so as not to have trouble afterwards.

"What's wrong?.'

"I have other women." Wang Wu said while looking at her eyes.

Tang Yan was shocked: "Other women? I have never heard that you have a lover."

"It's not public, can you accept it."

"This Tangyan is a little uncertain. She really loves Wang Wu too much, not sure if she can share him with other women.

Wang Wu kissed her and said: "It's okay, I love you, even if you can't accept it, my love for you will not decrease by one point.

Listening to his gentle and magnetic voice, Tang Yan said with emotion, "I can accept it, my dear, I love you too, as long as I have you, I am not afraid to share it with others."

"thank you baby."

In the afternoon, Wang Wu found a recipe book from his mobile phone and made a table of good dishes using sugar at home.

Then he walked to the bed and looked at Tang Yan who was asleep on the bed because of fatigue.

Tang County rubbed her eyes and looked at Wang Wu, who was smiling very brightly in front of her. She felt that the world was really good to her, and she whispered softly, "Dear."

"I'm cooking, get up quickly, and see if it suits your taste." Wang Hao helped her with the inconvenient candies and walked into the living room. The table full of dishes made her speechless.

In this era, it is hard to find a woman who cooks, let alone a man who cooks. This should be the only man besides his father who is willing to cook for her.

The relationship between the two of you, Yiwuyi, was heating up, but was interrupted by a phone call from Wang Wu. After he was connected very irritably, he found that it was a woman's voice.

"Did you forget me?".

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