"Haha, Teacher Taohong is much more beautiful than on TV!" Wang Wu stretched out his hand and held Taohong together.

Tao Hong looked at Wang Wu Yingjun's face, and suddenly some of her body followed and fell into Wang Wu's arms.

"Teacher Taohong, what's wrong with you!" Wang Wu supported her.

"It's okay, Teacher Taohong!" the people around asked with concern.

Tao Hong felt Wang Wu's sturdy and powerful arms, and her heart thumped. She held her forehead and said, "Excuse me, I'm sorry, I have been losing blood sugar recently.

Tao Hong's assistant hurried over: "I will help you to rest."

"Okay, thank you 390." He said so, but he was a little angry: "How can this assistant be so ignorant!"

"Thank you, Wang Wu." Xu Shanzheng was filming just now. After hearing that Wang Wu was holding his wife, he hurried over to thank him.

Although the relationship with Tao Hong exists in name only, as a public figure, you still have to do enough superficial effort.

"You don't need to be polite, it's just a matter of raising your hand." Wang Wu took advantage of the situation and took Xu Shanzheng's hand.

The system prompts: "Success in robbing Xushan for energy! Your favor will increase by 50 points to 70 points! What rate for the pink one will increase by 30%! Up to 90%!"

(bedf) Hey, there is still the last step! It depends on how to seduce her today!

Xu Shanzheng felt that something had been taken away from his body, and he couldn't help but sway.

Wang Wu pretended to be worried and asked: "It's okay, Teacher Xu."

"It's okay, it's okay. Maybe it was because I drank too much with the director last night, and I haven't woken up yet." Xu Shanzheng suddenly realized that the young man in front of him was pleasing to the eye a lot. Smile.

In today's next shooting, the two of Xu Shan Zheng Wang and Wu became more and more co-production, and more and more tacit understanding.

Needless to say, Xu Shanzheng was promoted by the system.

Wang Wu thanked him for bringing such a good woman to him.

During the shooting in the afternoon, Tao Hong had been watching from the side of the set. Everyone thought she was watching her husband, but in fact she had been watching Wang Wu.

His every movement and every expression deeply affected her heart.

She couldn't help asking herself "What's wrong with me?"

She looked at Wang Wu again, recalling that when she was young, she was hiding in the distance and quietly watching the school grass running on the basketball court.

"Could it be that I'm in love again?" Tao Hong spent the whole afternoon in this mood. She didn't come back to her senses until the director called the end of today.

Xu Shan struggling to wipe his sweat came over and said: "At night we will accompany the creators to have a meal together, and there will be many ways to go for filming in the future.

"Well, I know." Tao Hong replied faintly.

Xu Shanzheng didn't care, he had been used to it for so many years.

Wang Wu in the distance waved to the couple and motioned to leave first.

Tao Hong suddenly involuntarily shouted: "Wang Wu!"

"What's wrong, Teacher Taohong?" Wang Wu ran over with Yang Jinli and asked.

"Let's have a meal together tonight, the director is also with them." Tao Hong said with a smile.

Xu Shanzheng had a suddenly realized expression: "Oh! Yes, yes, you also invested in this movie. Young people have nothing to do with the director. In the future, if you are good, you will be in the last hotel."

"Okay, two teachers, I'll go back and change clothes first, and I must be there on time in the evening." Wang Wu said enthusiastically and cheerfully, and then ran to his car. Before getting on the car, I didn't forget to smile at Tao Hong and play myself. The charm of sunshine.

Tao Hong's heart trembled, and she had never looked forward to the dinner so much.

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