In the evening, Wang Wu came to the last barbecue restaurant alone. He wore a sleeveless vest, a white shirt, a leather jacket, and a pair of jeans. His symmetrical figure was exposed.

After pushing the door and walking in, there were several exclamations from the female customers and waitresses in the restaurant.

With this figure and this face, Wang Wu should be the most perfect man they have ever seen in their lives.

In an instant, there were countless flashing lights, and some women couldn't help but pounce on them.

But Wang Wu didn't respond, because Tao Hong waved to him at the door of a box. Tonight, his target was only hers. He didn't like other women.

"Teacher Taohong!" Wang Wu walked over and shouted enthusiastically.

"Oh, just call me sister. Teachers and teachers call me old." Tao Hong joked.

"Why, sister Tao Hong is an immortal goddess." Wang Hao's sweet words have been tempered after so many women, and a single sentence made Tao Hong amused.

"Hahaha, I'm really good at talking, come in, no one else is here yet, you came early~ well."

"I didn't want to see Sister Tao Hong, I was so excited, you saw that I didn't pick my clothes, so I just wore it." Wang Hao deliberately molested her, and now Tao Hong's favorability has reached 90, as long as it is not too much-she will not Will be angry.

Sure enough, Tao Hong's heart moved, she turned around and said: "Your mouth, what you said is the same.

"Of course, you are the goddess of my dreams." Wang Hao said half-truth.

"Cut." Tao Hong pinched-Wang Hao, and felt his strong muscles. "You don't know how many little girls you cheated."

"Goddess, there is only one." Wang Wu said affectionately, staring into her eyes.

The two looked at each other for a few seconds, and Tao Hong suddenly staggered her eyes and said in a panic: "They're coming soon. Why is this restaurant so slow to serve food? I'll urge you."

"Uh, let me go." "Wang Wu didn't react.

"I'll just go." "Does not wait for Wang Wu to refuse, Tao Hong hurried out.

"Good risk!" Tao Hong hid in the toilet and exhaled deeply: "I almost didn't hold it, Tao Hong, what's wrong with you! You can be someone else's mother!"

She washed her face with cold water, adjusted her clothes, restored the goddess state, and went out.

……For flowers………

Food has already started in the box, and people are arriving one after another.

Xu Shanzheng greeted him, seeing Tao Hong coming in, and said dissatisfied: "Why are you going? The director is here, come and pour the wine!"

Tao Hong felt uneasy, but her many years of acting as an actress made her cover up well, and she smiled generously: "I just urged the food to go, so please bear with me if I greet you badly."


"Where and where, you only came today, you are the guest, let you invite you to dinner, so we can't take care of it well." The director said with a smile.

"Director, what are you polite with us? Everyone knows so well, so come and have a drink!" Xu Shanzheng took out an exquisite wine bottle at the right time.

He has already touched the director's hobby, that is, drinking, almost every day not drunk and unable to sleep, so he has brought a bottle of Maotai with Taohong, this is his goal today.

Although Xu Shanzheng is also a great director, he knows that his talents are limited. In the subsequent films, it is more and more to make friends with these talented directors in order to have a way out. and,

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