"He said you believe it? You will be responsible for something wrong?"

"Why, do you think I can't afford it?"

The smell of gunpowder in the interrogation room became stronger again, and the two staff members were afraid to interrupt for fear of being affected.

"Okay!" Lin Yan's shout stopped the quarrel between the two people: "Just as Wang Wu said, let him eat first, and I will be responsible for any problems.

"Captain Lin, you... OK." Deputy Captain Jiang couldn't say anything in his heart, so he could only buy food with a wry smile on his face.

"Wang Wu, are you sure?" Lin Yan asked.

"Don't worry, nothing will happen."

"That's good."

After a while, Deputy Captain Jiang returned with a meal: "Everyone, eat something, ah? Excuse me, it seems to buy one less."

Seeing Vice Captain Jiang's sulky eyes, Wang Wu smiled: 410 "It's okay, I'm not hungry." Then he opened the door and gave Huang Mao the meal.

"Eat quickly, write quickly, and I will pick up your family tonight.

"Okay, okay." Huang Mao wolfed down, replied vaguely.

Ten minutes later, Wang Wu came out with his notebook.

Lin Yan took a look. It introduced each branch and the information of each member in detail. Not only did she admire: "This week, the boss is really not a simple character. The underground casinos in the city are all his branches. There are hundreds of people. We need to plan carefully, otherwise we won't be able to catch this leader."

(bedf) "Captain Lin, is it possible that Huang Mao lied to us? What if we are in the air after a long preparation?" Captain Jiang still did not want to believe Wang Hao.

"Well, my task has been completed, you can solve the rest by yourself." Wang Wu said he was leaving.

"Where are you going?" Lin Yan asked.

"Going back, I will be filming tomorrow. Since you invited me to come but you still don't believe me, it doesn't make sense for me to stay here.

By the way, I promised Huang Mao to protect his family's safety. If you can't catch Huang Mao, I caught it. You can't ask for information. I asked it out. I believe you can still do it to protect his family. "Wang Wu is very dissatisfied with the efficiency of these people.

"Don't be too arrogant! It was illegal for you to catch yellow hair privately before! You will also go to jail when you are investigated!" Deputy Captain Jiang shouted.

"Haha." This guy didn't even know how terrifying his true identity was. Wang Wu looked back at him with contempt and left.

Lin Yan stayed in place and hesitated: "You need to think about this first. Go back and rest first. Send someone to these places tomorrow to investigate and see if Huang Mao's information is true."

"Okay, Captain Lin." The two staff took Huang Mao away and put him in custody. They got off work by themselves, leaving Deputy Captain Jiang and Lin Yan behind.

"" Lin Yan held her forehead and thought distressedly.

"Lin Yan" Deputy Captain Jiang came over and said softly: "Don't think about it, go to my house for dinner tonight, my mother made your favorite fish soup."

"No, thank you Auntie for me.

"You're welcome, she treats you as a daughter-in-law, and she should treat you better," said Deputy Captain Jiang.

"Auntie has a wrong love, let her leave this love to your future wife." Lin Yan frowned.

"You know my heart. Marrying you as a wife is my life's dream." Deputy Captain Jiang said affectionately.

Lin Yan put on a serious expression: "Deputy Captain Jiang, I remind you that in our line, our dream should be for the country and the people."

"Do you like that Wang Hao?" Deputy Captain Jiang asked in a deep voice. .

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