Entertainment: I’m Not Just a Hundred Billion Actor

Chapter 758 Let the Dragon Palace protect people!

"What..." The sudden change of subject made Lin Yan a little unprepared, her face flushed again: "Nothing, what are you talking about, I'm going back." Then she left.

Deputy Captain Jiang clutched his heart and stayed in place. Just now, Lin Yan's expression was the first time he saw him in his life.

And the way she looks at Wang Wu during the day is not the way she looks at her by herself?

"Wang Wu, you are dead!" Deputy Captain Jiang gritted his teeth.

"Sneez!" Wang Wu sneezed again: "Who is it, am I so hated?"

On the way back, he felt a little uneasy. If Vice Captain Jiang didn't protect Huang Mao's family because he hated him, what consequences would happen, wouldn't his conscience also be damaged? After all, he said the words.

Thinking of this, he got up and leaped into hiding, flew to the old town where he had come before, and followed the address given by Huang Mao to the roof of a residential complex, and knocked on the door when he went down the first floor.

Pap! The door opened, and it was a five or six-year-old girl.

Before Wang Wu could speak, she asked, "Are you Wang~Wu?"

Wang Wu smiled and knelt down and asked, "Hello, this is Wang Hao, is your grandma at home.-"

"At home, Grandma Wang Wu is looking for you!"

"Which Wang Wu." An old grandmother with a walking stick walked over slowly, squinting at Wang Hao.

Wang Wu bowed politely: "Hello Auntie, I was asked by your son to take you and your children away."

"Oh, didn't my son get caught again? I listened to people on the whole street."

"Yes, his case is still on trial, ask me to take care of you for a few days.'

"No, thank you young man." The old woman said, she was about to pull the little girl in.

"Hey, auntie, wait." Wang Hao didn't expect the grandmother to refuse so decisively.

"Is there anything else, young man?"

"Your son asked me to take you away because he was worried about your safety. I hope you don't worry him." Wang Wu said.

"Huh! I have lived for so many years, I haven't seen anything! And I made him worry, he just don't let my granddaughter and me worry every day! Let's go, we don't need him to find someone to take care of!" The reluctant granddaughter closed the door.

"It's a bit difficult." Wang Wu scratched his head and took out his mobile phone to get through to Longdian.

……For flowers………

"Hey, locate me and protect the elderly and children in this family." After the order was over, Wang Hao hung up the phone.

This was the first time he asked Longdian to do things for himself.

It is not his responsibility to protect Huang Mao's family, but seeing the innocent and cute face of the little girl and the trembling physical condition of the old lady made him feel soft.


As Wang Wu often filmed, Lin Yan took Deputy Captain Jiang and two team members to a chess and card room written by Huang Mao in disguise. It was located in an alley with some people at the entrance and a back door at the end of the alley.

When I walked to the door, I heard the sound of mahjong clattering inside. The four people pretended to be familiar and scattered to the mahjong tables to watch the battle, looking at the people around them.

Deputy Captain Jiang stood behind a fat man, enduring the smell of second-hand smoke and pretending to be concerned about the game, but in fact he was looking at the identities of these people.

Suddenly the fat man in front of him clutched his stomach and said, "Hey, I'm sorry, everyone, I broke my stomach last night. I'll go to the bathroom."

Then he grabbed the deputy captain Jiang and said, "Handsome guy, you help me play two laps. If you lose, you take it. If you win, you take it. I'll be back in a while."

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