"Uh, actually I." Deputy Captain Jiang just wanted to say that he would not, but he was already pressed on the chair.

In order not to reveal his identity, I had to rub mahjong obediently.

Although he has learned to play mahjong before, he has never played it very much. He just understands the rules, so his card skills are very bad, and he has lost a lot in a few laps.

At this time the fat man came back: "Handsome guy, I am back. How did I win and lose?"

"Ha "Four one zero" Ha! This kid has never won!" The man next to him pointed at him and laughed.

"Then get up, I'll fight.

"Didn't you say that you lose?" Vice Team Jiang asked.

"When did I say that?" The fat man began to shame.

"Are you playing with me?" Vice Team Jiang was angry, grabbing the collar of the fat man by his height, and the casino was noisy.

"+! Boss Zhou, dare to do it!" The fat man shouted, "Call me!"

Suddenly several younger brothers rushed up with chairs, but they were all brought down by Deputy Jiang.

Most of the people here are gangsters who have been in prison. At a glance, they can tell that he is using a special catcher for catching prisoners. Someone immediately shouted: "plain clothes are here!"

The gangsters walked through the door, and jumped through the window. In this alley extending in all directions, Lin Yan and four of them were not caught.

"Captain Lin!" The team members ran over, panting, holding a gun in his hand, and handing it to Lin Yan, saying, "It was found in the cabinet just now."

"This is the branch of Boss Zhou! Go and protect Huang Mao's family!" Lin Yan took a taxi and left.

At this time, the boss of Zhou had received the news and threw his phone angrily: "Grass! That is my most hidden den! It must be Huang Mao who has leaked the wind! Go get his mother and girl!"

The old city itself has a branch of Zhou's boss, so a group of punks soon arrived at the gate of Huangmao's community and was stopped by security as soon as they were about to enter.

"This is not allowed in!

"*! Don't you know me! Get out! Or even fight with you!" shouted the leader.

"Said not to let in!" The security still didn't give way. At this time, an old woman walked past him, but the security let it go without even seeing it.

"What do you mean! Deliberately! Why can the ladies enter, why can't we!"

Boom! Uncle Security raised his hand and punched, and the headed gangster flew out.

"The smelly security guard dare to do it first! Fuck him!" The gangsters heard a scream from behind before putting down the brick.

Turning around, I saw the auntie cleaner on the side of the road, standing there with a broom, and a few gangsters lying on her feet.

"Let's go, don't ask yourself hardship." Uncle Security said.

"+, too evil, you wait!" The gangsters ran away while talking on the phone.

Ten minutes later, a taxi came and Lin Yan got out of the car, but did not catch up with the scene of the gangsters escaping.

At this time, the uncle security guard listened to the broadcast in the security room and closed his eyes and rested, and the cleaning lady was sweeping the street as if nothing happened just now for 3.5 years.

The uncle security came out and asked, "Who are you looking for?"

"Hello, uncle, are the residents of Building 3 101 here? I'm looking for something to do with them." Lin Yan took out his credentials and said.

"The grandmother went to pick up the child from school and was not at home."

"Okay, thank you." Lin Yan ran away as he said.

On the other side, the old grandma took the little girl just out of school.

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