The next second, he rushed into a dark shadow.

After entering the dark shadow, this place is really another space, a world with all black and no light. Although you can't see anything, Wang Wu knows that there are people here.

"Unexpectedly, you dare to come in." A voice said faintly.

"Heh, there is no place in this world that I dare not go to." Wang Wu said confidently.

The voice did not catch up: "I heard that you made Mr. Pierre almost impossible to be a man."

"E?" Wang Wu was a little surprised, and asked, "Can he be a man now?"

Suddenly there was confidence in that voice: "I also have powerful wizards in Mold Country 14, but your hand still took a lot of our time."

Wang Wu shrugged and said, "After I catch you, he will never be a man.

"Ha, I'm not ashamed, come to my world and want to arrest me? Originally, the organization said that we would take you back, so I was sent here as a wizard of the Space Element. It seems that now, I can only take your corpse back!" As that said, there were a few broken voices in the space.

Wang Wu disappeared in the same place for an instant, and then let a few wind blades hit the air.

When he reappeared, he had already taken out his mobile phone, turned on the flashlight and shining forward, a pale face appeared in the light, and this was Kevin.

Wang Wu smiled slightly and said, "No matter how you move, you still have the ontology."

"Are you also a space wizard?" Kevin took a few steps in shock.

"Wizard? Haha.""Wang Wu smiled and said slowly: "I am a god. "

In fact, this is the instant movement he learned from Dragon Ball on the road, very easy to use.

"It doesn't matter what you are! You can't escape this space!" Kevin suddenly disappeared.

Suddenly Wang Wu's feet were empty, and he fell extremely fast, and there were more air-breaking noises above his head.

Wang Wu didn't rush, closed his eyes and disappeared. When he reappeared, he still held his phone and looked at Kevin's face and said, "You are too weak. Whether you put this space upright or horizontally, the size is still only With such a small size, you still have a body, where can you hide?"

Kevin was completely desperate. The strength of this man was unfathomable. He should have obeyed Paul's words and run away. According to his strength, he would never be caught.

"No!" Kevin suddenly cheered up and shouted: "Long live the mold country!"

This emotion Wang Wu is very familiar with. At that time, the mold country dead man on the plane called the same thing before committing suicide. Realizing that this person is also going to commit suicide, he immediately punched it, smashed Kevin's mouth full of teeth, and even contained poison. The one that came out together. 420

"Hahahaha!" Kevin laughed madly, "Do you think I want to commit suicide alone? No! I will drag you Chinese people to death together! This way, the moldy country will lose a strong opponent!

Suddenly, Wang Wu felt that this space was expanding rapidly like a balloon. He didn't know when it would explode, but he knew that if it exploded, the energy of the space would blow up everyone outside.

He stepped forward and grabbed Kevin by the collar.

"What? Do you want me to let you go?" Kevin asked with a wild smile.

"No." Wang Wu's smile came to his face again: "I want to show you to the world."

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