As soon as the voice fell, Kevin's expression changed.

He obviously felt that he was no longer in the headquarters of Boss Zhou, but his space was still expanding.

Boom! Kevin's space finally exploded. The moment after the explosion, Wang Wu healed his injury and kept him weak, but he couldn't die.

Kevin looked up and asked, "Where is this?"

Wang Wu said that he didn't answer him, but just said: "God said, there must be light."

In an instant, the entire space lit up, and you couldn't see the head at a glance. There were snow-white colors everywhere, bright and holy.

There were neat piles of gold on their hands, and Kevin looked dumbfounded.

"This is your space?" Kevin trembled a little, and now he really felt the gap.

Wang Wu ignored him. This is a systematic space. The gold was moved out of Mold Country last time. After that, Mold Country immediately suppressed the news because of the decrease in its gold inventory, and then raised the price to buy it from the market. Wu took the opportunity to sell some and made a lot of money, but he didn't expect so much left.

"Let's go, you will serve China for the rest of your life." "Wang Wu pulled his collar and teleported him back to the headquarters of Zhou Boss.

As soon as he landed on the ground, Wang Wu heard a shout, and saw a dragon guard hugging the huge Paul's waist and fell on a German-style arch bridge.

Paul fainted and returned to his original shape.

But Rose was dealing with her speed advantage. Everyone was afraid of her dagger because it was very poisonous.

"Hey!" Wang Wu suddenly shouted, Rose glanced at him subconsciously, Wang Hao took the opportunity to use his favorite skill, super electric eyes!

System reminder: Rose's favorability for you was originally 30 points, but increased by 50 points to reach 80 points!

Rose was stunned for a moment, and was quickly subdued by the surrounding dragon guards.

Wang Wu escorted Kevin to walk over and said, "You can finish it, I'm leaving."

Originally, he called Long Wei to come to the end because there were too many people here.

"Yes!" Long Wei replied respectfully. They are now convinced of the Lord Wang Wu, defeating a Space Element wizard and unscathed, and with their eyes, they have subdued a S.H.I.E.L.D. agent.

They believe that even if they are not here today, the Lord can defeat these three S.H.I.E.L.D. agents.

"Can we meet again?" Rose said suddenly.

She was organized and educated since she was a child, and she couldn't have any feelings, but now her heart beats faster because of a man's eyes.

She hangs around men for a long time for organization, knowing what it feels like.

*.~If you cooperate, maybe it will. "Wang Wu left without looking back, leaving only such a sentence leisurely.

All newspapers and televisions in Jinling City reported on the incident of Boss Zhou breaking the law.

The entire organization is connected to the lowest-end brothers and there are thousands of people. The business scope covers eating, drinking, gambling, fighting, gun making, smuggling, collecting protection fees and so on.

All the people in Jinling breathed a sigh of relief, and even many stores launched a half-price event for the black boss.

Wang Wu wants to leave this place too. He has already let Yang Jinli go ahead of time to go to the next destination, the capital of China, the capital of Yanjingyang.

At the end of the night, Wang Wu wears a hat and a mask at the door of Lin Yan's work place.

After a while, Lin Yan came out, Wang Wu followed, followed her to a place where no one was there, and then suddenly came from behind.

Lin Yan was shocked at first and quickly resisted, but found that it was Wang Wu and gave him a soft punch.

"You really hate it." Lin Yanjiao groaned.

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