It looks like a coffee shop here. In fact, all the staff including customers are Dragon Guards. The basement of the coffee shop is the secret base of Dragon Palace.

Several assassins were already awake. They took off their gas masks and saw their faces. They turned out to be all Chinese and they said nothing in the interrogation room.

Wang Wu walked in without wasting time and directly hypnotized one of them.

"Who are you? Who sent you here?"

"We are the Mafia, no one sent us, but we accepted the reward." The killer replied honestly.

The other 14 people opened their eyes wide, wondering what demon method Wang Wu used.

Wang Wu continued to ask: "Who offered the reward? Who offered the reward?"

"Hey! Wake up! Can't tell! We all have to die!" The assassin next to him shouted.

But the assassin didn't seem to have heard it, and he still stared blankly and said: "Dao'en is offering a reward, and the reward is Wang Hao."

"Shaking" Wang Wu waved his hand and stunned the speaker, and the rest of them were quiet, afraid to speak any more.

"It turns out that I was only offering a reward." Wang Wu knew in his heart, so he wouldn't have to protect Wu Jing anymore.

He walked out the door and said to the Dragon Guard outside: "Keep asking, let me know when you act."

"Yes! Lord!

Shooting as usual, in the evening Wang Wu came to the mountain villa that he tracked before, and Dragon Guards had gathered at the foot of the mountain.

Song Qian is also here, she is the person in charge of the island city, representing the island city government.

When everyone came to the threshold of the villa, Song Qian rang the doorbell.

A group of people from the Soviet Union came out and shouted, "What are you doing! This is a private villa, so visits are not accepted!"

Song Qian said with a cold face: "We are civil servants in the island city. We received an order to arrest Daun and search the villa. Please let us in.

"No! We are foreigners and we have the right to find a lawyer!'

Song Qian reluctantly said: "Then ask him to follow us, and we will give him a chance to find a lawyer.

"Tomorrow, he is not here today.

"Then please let us search the villa first."

"I said I'll come back tomorrow, can't you hear me?" the man shouted openly.

A sneer appeared on Song Qian's face: "Are you trying to violently resist the law?"

"So what?" "Everyone in the villa stood up and blocked the door. The darkness was very spectacular.

On Longwei's side, even Wang Wu had only a dozen people, and the number was much smaller, but the momentum was not weak at all.

Wang Wu stepped forward and walked into the villa as if there was no one in front of him.

He stretched out his hand and pushed, and the person in front of him was shot and flew a few meters away.

"They do it first! Go!" The Mafia also moved.

Dragon Guards are not ordinary people, each of them 430 can deal with a group.

Inside the villa, Dawn looked at the conflict outside, sneered and picked up the phone and said: "Use a gun, let the mutants move!"

Under the order of Dawn, all the Mafia drew their guns. Some people also took out their rifles from the villa and pointed them at Dragon Guard. The scene suddenly fell silent.

"Wow!" The window on the first floor of the villa cracked, and a few people sprang out from it, tall and muscular, shouting toward the sky, like a human-shaped beast.

"Be careful, everyone! It's a mutant!" Song Qian shouted.

"You go now, at least you can save your life!" someone in the mafia shouted. .

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