"Run? Huh." Wang Wu gave a cold snort and waved his hand. All the guns were thrown out and floated in the sky, and then the muzzle suddenly faced down, shooting at the crowd.

It was like a rain of bullets.

The mafia scrambled, many people were shot, but many others hid in the villa.

Several mutants received a lot of bullets, but they didn't fall down. Instead, their eyes were red, and they became more excited, and they rushed straight to the Dragon Guards!

"Oh~" Long Wei had a pair of twin brothers, shouting, tearing his upper body clothes, and rushing towards the mutant.

Although there is a huge difference in body shape, it blocks all mutants, and does not leave the wind in the slightest.

The other Dragon Guards also resorted to various means, and they were inextricably fought for a while.

Song Qian said to Wang Wu: "Lord, let's go and catch Daun, just leave them here."


The two broke into the villa, easily brought down all the mafia along the way, and came to the top floor.

They searched all the rooms along the way, but did not see Dawn.

Now there is only the room at the end of the corridor in front of me.

"Squeak~a 々"" The door at the end of the corridor opened, and a middle-aged man walked out of him, looking very gentle with glasses, and shaking his head.

"I am the housekeeper of Master Dawn, Master is already asleep, please hurry up," the man said.

"Heh, sorry, he can't sleep tonight." Wang Wu said.

"Go!" the man said to himself.

"What if you don't leave?" Song Qian looked at the shivering man, feeling very funny.

"Don't go, I'm afraid I can't help eating you!" The spectacle man suddenly raised his head, his eyes flashed red, his mouth grew fangs, his mouth was dripping with saliva, and he was panting.

It turned out that he was shaking with excitement.

"God, forgive me, these people are guilty and have to die." The figure of the man with glasses slowly changed. Become a claw.

"Werewolf! Looks like a pure-blood werewolf!" Song Qian shouted.

"Miss, you are right." The werewolf suddenly appeared in front of Song Qian and said with his mouth open.

Song Qian turned over and withdrew for several meters. She drew her knife and rushed forward.

"I'm coming." Wang Wu reached out and stopped her.

"Young man, you are very courageous." The werewolf licked his mouth: "I have lived for hundreds of years, and I have eaten a lot of young people like you. How frantically talking, how delicious it is to eat."

He closed his eyes and looked like he was aftertaste.

*.~ Congratulations, I will serve the National Research Institute of China for the rest of my life, and study why your group of dogs can’t change their shit. "Wang Wu said indifferently.

"The dignity of the wolf race does not allow you to insult!" The werewolf rushed over and opened his mouth wide.

Wang Wu raised his leg and kicked it out, and the werewolf flew out and broke a fang.

"I'm thinking about how I can not kill you, and make you honest, your beast's brain, if it should be hypnotized, it will bite like a dog." Wang Wu slowly walked over and said Zhou.

"Oh!" The werewolf (okay) got up and rushed over again.

Wang Wu flashed aside and grabbed the werewolf's ears, leaning over to the lion roar of luck and shouted!

The werewolf passed out on the spot and recovered his human appearance.

Song Qian looked at her with caution. No man had ever given her such a sense of security.

"Let's go, let's ask Daun why he wants to die with all his heart." Wang Wu said and opened the door.

"Pop!" As soon as he opened the door, a bullet came over, and Wang Wu easily dodged his head. .

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