Wang Wu smiled and immediately showed his true body.

Zhao Yihuan held his arm and dared not let go.

She angrily said: "Why did you leave without saying goodbye that day?"

"Because I still have something to do." Wang Wu replied.

"Then why don't you find me?"

Wang Wu smiled and replied: "I thought you just wanted to have fun.

"Why, I'm not a woman who wants to have fun." "Four Four Three" Zhao Yihuan coquettishly.

"Then are you happy?" There is something in Wang Wu's words.

"I hate it." Zhao Yihuan was disgusted, but speeded up the pace of going to the hotel with Wang Wu.

At the same time, the young master of the Song family who was beaten by Wang Wu last time was angrily smashing things in his villa, shouting angrily: "Why, this Wang Hao, he thought he was something! Let my grandfather go to kowtow!"

"Sun Wen! What are you doing!" The voice of a middle-aged man came from the villa building.

"Dad! Give me some people! I must kill Wang Wu!" Young Master Sun Jiao shouted with red eyes.

Sun Wen's father, Sun Qu, said: "He is not something you can move. I will go to Grandpa with me tomorrow and tell all the information you know. We adults will solve it.

"He and I are the same age!" Sun Wen was very unconvinced.

"It would be nice if you had him half-hearted!" Sun Qu walked back to the room and closed the door heavily.

"+! +! +!" Sun Wen was still smashing things angrily.

The next day, Wang Wu was filming and received a call from his mother.

"Hello? Mom?"

"Wu Er." Mother's voice was as gentle as ever.

"Yeah! It's me.

The mother tentatively asked: "We have a dinner in several big families. Would you like to come? I want to take this opportunity to introduce you as the heir, okay?"

""Wang Wu thought-next, this is his blood relationship, maybe he can't escape for the rest of his life.

He said: "Okay, mother, I will attend on time."

"Thank you, Wu Er." Mother was very moved: "I will find someone to pick you up."

After hanging up the phone, Wang Wu let out a long sigh of relief.

After shooting in the afternoon, Wang Wu refused Wu Jing's invitation to go to the bar.

In the past few days, the director has become a drunkard. Seeing that Wang Wu is not going, he has a lack of interest.

Wang Wu jokingly said: "Director, in order to create, drink more, the more you drink, the more inspiration you have.

"Yeah." The director looked serious, as if he had made up his mind to drink to death tonight.

Wang Wu laughed in his heart, sent away the last person on the set, and then silently moved a chair at the door of the set, waiting for his family to pick him up.

At this time, Zhao Yihuan also finished filming and came to Wang Hao quietly.

3.5 She has not met such an outstanding man for many years, a gentleman, handsome, talented, and more importantly, a good life.

She looked lonely when she saw Wang Wu sitting in a chair alone, and wanted to go up quietly to give him a surprise.

But I saw even more surprising scenes.

Several super luxurious cars were parked in front of Wang Wu in a row. A large group of people in black got off the car and bowed and shouted, "Master!"

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