Wang Wu didn't move. The center of the luxury car team was a Mercedes-Benz RV. The door slowly opened, and you could see the luxurious interiors inside.

A pair of smooth long legs stepped down from the car. The owner of the legs was a beautiful woman in professional attire. She bowed respectfully and said softly: "Master, I will take you home.

"Yeah." Wang Wu stood up, looked back at Zhao Yihuan with his mouth wide open, and said with a smile: "Is there something wrong?"

"No, it's okay." Zhao Yihuan looked at Wang Wu's smile and felt a little different. The smile that he used to think was full of gentleman and sunshine, but now he only thinks that his smile is a gift from the upper 14 to the lower.

"Well, goodbye." Wang Wu got into the car.

There were actually two beauties sitting in the car, their clothes were very loose, and they gently pressed their legs to Wang Wu, with temptation in their eyes. They were lucky to be in this car.

As long as Wang Wu is willing to do something extraordinary to them, then their lives will take off.

But Wang Wu didn't. He had seen too many such beauties, so he couldn't cause any fluctuations in his heart. He just closed his eyes and calmed down.

Seeing that Wang Wu didn't respond, the two women's hands became more and more presumptuous.

"Cough cough!" The woman in professional attire coughed slightly, and the two women immediately became well-behaved.

"How to call it?" Wang Wu asked.

The woman said softly: "Master, his subordinate is called Wang Jiu, the deacon of the Wang family."

"The deacon of the family?" Wang Wu thought of the woman named Sun Jiu who had come to Longdian before, so he asked in confusion, "Are all deacons of large families a woman?"

"No." Wang Jiu softly answered his doubts: "The deacons of each major family are within each family and provide a promotion channel for the people below. Those who perform well in the family can become deacons and are responsible for various family affairs. And you can use the family's surname, according to the order of the first name, I am the ninth, then I will be called Wang Jiu."

"How many are there?" Wang Wu asked.

"That depends on the needs of each family, there are about ten."

"Oh, it's good." Wang Wu satisfied his curiosity and began to close his eyes again.

After a while, the car drove to a villa in the island city, which looked very luxurious.

The car drove into the courtyard of Nuo Da, and someone outside opened the door for Wang Wu. Wang Wu entered the courtyard surrounded by all the servants.

There are already many people here. They all look very well-dressed, dressed in dresses or suits, and look very responsible.

Wang Wu's high profile caught everyone's attention, and everyone was whispering.

"Hey, that seems to be Wang Hao." said a man in a suit.

"It seems to be hey, what is a star doing, to be the clown tonight?" a woman said.

"Hahaha, don't say that. Looks like 443 looks handsome. I don't know how much it will cost." The speaker was a woman with a bloated body and a greasy face. She was holding a pig elbow in her hand and surrounded by her. Many women seem to be of good standing.

"Hahaha, Princess Li is so good-looking, he must have rushed forward, but you are a princess, you still need to spend money." A woman said jokingly.

"Hahaha! That's what I said." The woman named Princess Li didn't seem to know herself at all. She took a big bite of the pig's elbow and her mouth was full of oil.

After that, Princess Li began to act, took the pig elbow to Wang Wu, stretched out a foot, and said contemptuously: "Hey, the actress, come and lick my shoes!".

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