After a while, Wen Mingda rushed out and said: "I warn you! Let Hans go immediately! You have no right to lock him here!"

"No." Wang Wu rolled his eyes.

"You don't have this right!" Wen Mingda's face was very savage.

It should have been threatened just after entering.

Wang Wu left directly, leaving two words faintly: "I have."

"I will sue you!" Wen Mingda shouted from behind.

Wang Wu fished his ears and didn't pay attention. He wanted to take this opportunity to visit Hans's residence.

Now that he knew the address, Wang Hao instantly moved to Hans' villa, controlled all the monitoring, and looked around.

The villa is large, but very clean. There are no 460 nanny and cleaning staff, and there are no secret doors and basement facilities.

An hour later, Wang Wu found nothing, only a list of some Chinese people.Wang Wu entered the national database and looked for them. They are all scientific researchers from China. This should be the target of the spy organization, but these lists can't be done. Any evidence.

"Yeah" Wang Wu thought for a while, teleported to the back door of Phoebe's Bar, walked in and was going to ask Kelly if he had any other clues.

Although the boss was arrested, the bar opened normally.

After walking in, the bar changed a person, it was (bedf) a Chinese woman, Wang Wu walked over and asked, "Where is the original bartender?"

"She has something to go back to her hometown." The bartender said with a smile.

"Do you have her contact information?

The bartender shook his head and said, "No."

"Come on, come here, I have a secret of her to tell you." Wang Wu beckoned.

A woman's gossip psychology will never go out. The female bartender looked over her head and waited for Wang Wu to say something, only to find a gleam of light in his eyes, and then she lost consciousness.

Looking at the silent female bartender, Wang Wu once again lamented the usefulness of hypnotism, which is not harmful to the enemy and interrogation.

"Are you a spy?" Wang Wu asked.


"Do you know anyone who is a spy?"

"do not know."

"Do you know where Kelly lived before?"

"Live in employee dormitories.

"Is there anything weird about this bar?"

"I just came here and don't know yet, but the salary is quite high, higher than all the bars."

"Wake up, forget what happened just now." Wang Wu turned his head and left after speaking.

"Hey! You haven't said what the secret is!" "The bartender yelled from behind.

"I'll tell you next time!" Wang Wu responded. He had a bad premonition. Kaili might have been dealt with internally by the spy organization, but she shouldn't. She obviously did the aftermath perfectly.

While thinking, he went into the staff dormitory building invisibly.

The dormitory has only two floors. The first floor is very messy and the second floor is very tidy. Wang Wu casually teleported to a dormitory on the second floor and found that everything was neatly arranged, as if he had been trained in advance.

Wang Wu searched one by one, but didn't find any clues to Kaili. He could only look at it by looking for a needle in a haystack with a surveillance camera in the city.

More than an hour later, he found it. Kelly was taken into a car last night, her eyes full of determination.

The end of this car is a mountain in the suburbs.

Wang Wu teleported over and flew around in the sky to search, but to no avail, he could only ask the system in the end: "System, is there any way for me to find Kaili in this mountain?".

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