Entertainment: I’m Not Just a Hundred Billion Actor

Chapter 828 Lord of all things! Mysterious base!

The system replied: "You are already the lord of all things. If you want, you can communicate with everything on the earth.

"E?" Hearing what the system said, Wang Wu remembered that when he was sniped by a sniper in Jinling City, he seemed to really feel the response of everything to him.

He closed his eyes, spread out his sense of power, and found the original feeling. Gradually, the world quieted down, and he could only hear his own breathing. Slowly, the breathing in his ears became louder.

Every inch of land in the world, every little grass, followed his breath, and all the running or flying animals stopped, waiting for Wang Wu to give orders.

"Go, find a woman in this mountain." Wang Wu said in his heart.

The animals in the mountain cheered up and ran around. After a while, news came from a group of monkeys at the foot of the mountain that they found a cave.

Wang Wu flew to the entrance of the cave immediately. He knew that he hadn't found the reason after flying for a long time. There were many trees growing at the entrance of the cave, which was very tightly blocked.

As he walked in, he felt that there were no animals or plants in it, and the more he walked in, the more he could feel the gloomy death period.The monkeys who had just given him the news stopped more than ten meters away from the entrance of the cave. Did not dare to leave again.

"Go back." Wang Wu shouted.

The monkeys jumped in relief and ran away.

Wang Wu frowned. He had a bad premonition, and he had no time-look for it slowly.

I saw him rise from the ground, lasing into the cave, and arrived at the end of the cave in less than a minute.

There is no road. Large blocks of rocks are stacked there, blocking the next road tightly, and the lifelessness that Wang Wu feels is emitted from behind the rocks.

Wang Wu waved a few six-channel magic sword and shot it through the rock. Only then did he discover that the rock was just a camouflage. Inside was a wall made of steel. The attack just now shot the steel out of a big hole, exposing a few wires.

It seems that the people inside have discovered that they are coming, and should react immediately,

Wang Wu didn't know if there was a back door in this cave. In order to prevent people from escaping, he flew in immediately.

After the steel wall, the structure of this cave is completely different from the outside. The walls and ceiling of the cave are very smooth and seem to be artificially built, and there are electric lights and cameras around.

……For flowers………

Not long after flying, many iron gates appeared on the left and right sides of the cave, which looked like a prison. Wang Wu stretched his head and looked at it. There were people inside, but they were all dying.

Randomly broke one of them, and inside was a dishevelled, moldy country woman who fell on the ground and said vaguely: "I have done something sorry for Zero Country. I should be punished and I should die."


Wang Wu opened another fan. The people here are relatively healthy, and they are Chinese, but they have fainted to the ground with scars all over their body. There are burn marks on their arms and back. They should have been shocked by electric shocks.

Wang Wu input a little energy, and he woke up immediately. As soon as he opened his eyes, he screamed and fled to the corner, and said loudly, "Everything I know has been told to you! I really don't know the other things, I just Just a small scientific researcher

"Don't be afraid, don't be afraid, be optimistic, I am from China, come here to save you." Wang Wu slowly calmed down. and,

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