The most troublesome thing is that Longdian has seized all the industries under his name. This organization should have received the news, or it may flee or hide.

Let Hans speak out about his upline is the key to this action.

Wang Wu scratched his head. He had strength, but he couldn't wipe out this spy organization, which made him very annoyed.

"You can only use a stupid way, come here! Send Hans "Four Six Seven" back!" Wang Hao roared.

"Lord, do you really want to let him go?" A dragon guard said tremblingly.

"Let it go! I say let it go!" Wang Wu was very impatient.

Hans will definitely find his emptied memory through a certain method. He may not have looked carefully enough in the surveillance before. This time he has to sneak in personally. This is the stupid method he thought of.

"Yes!" Long Wei pulled up the sluggish Hans, escorted him into the car and sent him back.

Wang Wu teleported to his home ahead of time to wait for him invisible. After Hans returned home in a daze, he went to bed immediately, as if nothing was more important than sleeping.

Early the next morning, Hans got up to wash, Wang Hao kept walking, even going to the toilet.

Then he came to his company office, dealing with company affairs, he frowned, because Longdian seized all his properties.

Suddenly he became a little idle and sat there for a while.

Wang Wu thought he might be recalling his own memory, and he immediately appeared, looked at Hans' eyes and said, "What are you thinking?"

"I'm thinking about which woman to call," Hans said honestly.

"+, you continue, forget what happened just now." Wang Wu went invisible again.

Hans regained his senses and stunned again. Soon he took out his cell phone and made a call, asked a woman to play golf, and drove to a golf course.

Wang Wu sat in the back seat, watching his every move.

After arriving at the golf course, Hans waited for a while, a car drove over, and a charming middle-aged woman came down from above.

"Mr. Hans, long time no see," the woman said.

"Hello, dear madam." Hans gave a gentleman's salute, then took the woman's hand to his arms

Wang Wu took out his mobile phone to check the identity of this woman, and then found out that this woman was the wife of a certain gangster, and this golf course belonged to her.

"Spray, it turns out that Hans relies on women to do business." Wang Wu thought with a look of contempt.

After a while, the two separated, smiled at each other, and got into the car.

Wang Wu counted the time, and after half an hour had passed, the two got out of the car.

"Spray, now this old woman is so real" Wang Wu's view of Hans deepened again.

The two took out the golf equipment and actually played golf against the sun. There was no one in the course, not even the service staff. It seemed that the woman was emptied ahead of time.

3.5 "Oh." Hans sighed long.

"What's wrong with Hans? Are you not happy with me?" the middle-aged woman asked suspiciously.

"No, seeing you is the only happy thing I have recently." Hans said with a smile.

The middle-aged woman blushed, leaning in Hans's arms and asked: "What's wrong with you lately? I heard that your property has been blocked?".

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