Entertainment: I’m Not Just a Hundred Billion Actor

Chapter 840 Let them put pressure on the Dragon Palace!

"A misunderstanding." Hans said with a bleak expression, covering his head, "but it doesn't matter, I will definitely solve it."

"My dear, don't be sad, I will help you." The middle-aged woman looked at him lovingly.

"Squirting, pretending to be pitiful, and causing a woman's maternal love is really rubbish." Wang Wu didn't even want to look at him again, it was disgusting.

"Thank you." Hans said moved.

The two middle-aged people were tired of being together all day long. Wang Wu endured the nausea and kept going. He thought it would be good to endure one day. He didn't expect Hans to look for different women for 14 days in a row.

They were all middle-aged women, each of whom was a big brother's wife, and Hans had only one purpose in finding them, so that they could put pressure on the Dragon Palace.

Wang Wusi didn't worry about this. As long as he didn't speak, Longdian would not give up investigating Hans. After all, his family was not vegetarian.

The strange thing is that Hans never sleeps with those women, and goes back to his home to sleep every night.

At first, Wang Wu thought he was trying to avoid causing family conflicts among married women, but later discovered that he did the same with older leftover women.

Wang Hao wanted to know the reasons for this, so in a thunderstorm, when Hans was having a private meeting with a woman in a private villa, he secretly broke Hans's car.

There is no taxi here, no one will come, and the signal is blocked by Wang Wu. Hans is destined to spend a good night with this woman.

At night, Wang Wu moved to Hans’s house instantly, slept in his bed, and saw what would happen if Hans didn’t sleep here tonight.

Gradually, when the time came to midnight, Wang Wu closed his eyes and spread out his perception to monitor every move around the person.

Suddenly, the mattress vibrated slightly, sometimes hurriedly and sometimes slowly.

Is there any machine under the mattress?

Wang Wu opened the mattress. There were a lot of lines and some buttons, one of which was vibrating.

"System, what is this?" Wang Wu asked.

"Master, this is a simple telegraph machine." The system replied.

"*!" Wang Wu cursed secretly: "It's hard to guard against. I didn't expect them to use such a simple way to contact. No wonder Hans has to come back to sleep every night. It is estimated that when he touches this button, he will remember his memory of the situation. Can what they send decipher?"

"These codes are only known to the people who receive and send the telegram, and others cannot decipher it.

Wang Wu scratched his head and asked, "Can you find out where his telegram was sent?"


After the system answered, the world in front of Wang Wu immediately changed. There were many lines in the air flying around.

"Master, what you see are all kinds of signals propagating in the air. 467"

"Good!" Wang Wu was very excited.

He had already seen the unique signals of the telegraph, one by one, flying in from outside, and then into the line, turning into a vibration.

Wang Wu didn't dare to touch the machine more, for fear that it would send a signal to stun the snake.

He followed the incoming signal and ran out of the villa, and then followed all the way to a community in Kyoto. The community was surrounded by schools, including elementary schools, middle schools, and universities.

When I came to the elementary school next to the school district, the signal disappeared. It should be that the signal was stopped here. Wang Wu spread the mental effort to search, but found nothing. The school was empty. .

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