Entertainment: I’m Not Just a Hundred Billion Actor

Chapter 841 It turned out that my mother invested!

He can now be sure that the leader of this organization is here, at least the leader of Kyoto is here, but he doesn't know who he is.

To no avail, he can only give up temporarily. Today, this person has not received news from Hans, so he will doubt something. Fortunately, Hans does not know that he has been with him all the time. Said that nothing happened tonight.

Knowing Hans's secret, Wang Wu had no need to follow.

After he repaired Hans's bed, he returned to the Dragon Palace and asked them to take pictures of Longwei to monitor the elementary school and the surrounding school district rooms.

Early the next morning, the man with glasses called anxiously to report the situation.

"Report to the Lord! The elementary school you found is very high-end, and there are many big bosses in the surrounding community. It takes time to infiltrate and monitor!"

Wang Wu yelled: "How can there be so much time for you to slowly infiltrate, how much information about China will be leaked out for every minute you delay?"

"This 々..." The spectacle man was in trouble: "We really have nothing to do.

"I see, I will go by myself." Wang Wu hung up the phone rudely.

He came to the elementary school alone. It was too dark last night to see clearly. After a closer look today, he discovered that the elementary school is indeed very luxurious.

The building is a combination of Chinese and Western. There is a simple big clock on the tallest floor. Wang Wu squinted his eyes to see the texture. It should be an antique. The door was luxuriously written with four golden characters "Beiyang Primary School".

He changed his original face and walked over, and was stopped by the security guard without any accident. The security guard said in a frantic manner: "During class, no other people are allowed to enter."

"You don't know me?" Wang Wu asked.

The security guard didn't look at him directly, and yawned and said, "I know you, Wang Wu, a big star, but even if you are famous, you can't go in casually in our school."

Wang Wu didn't want to spend too much time with him, so he directly stated his purpose: "Tell you the principal, I will invest.

"Investment? Then you won't see the principal. Our school wants to send children in in the name of investment. Our principal can't manage it." The security guard tore up an admission slip to Wang Hao, and then said:" Go in, the investment office on the third floor of the office building."

Wang Wu didn't say much, and walked in with the slip.

When I came to the investment office of the office building, there was a line, standing with a lot of well-dressed people, holding the admission card given by the security guard in their hands, just like family members holding registration slips in the hospital.

Wang Wu was at the end, and the eldest brother in front of him was afraid to ask: ".~ Sir, are you here to invest too?"

The eldest brother turned his head and was startled: "Oh! This is not Wang Wu, you want to send the child here too?"

"Ha ha, ha ha" Wang Wu smiled awkwardly: "No, I'm not married yet, I just want to make a contribution to education."

"I know what you don't contribute, right? Bastard? It's okay. People here are not ordinary people, and they won't go out and talk nonsense like other people (Zhao's)." I know how big brother looks. His expression tapped Wang Wu's shoulder and said.

"Ha ha, ha ha." Wang Wu didn't know how to answer him either.

After ten minutes, the team still didn't get too short. Wang Wu became a little impatient. He had never queued so long in this life.

He took out his mobile phone and called the man in glasses and said, "Who is behind the investors in Beiyang Primary School?"

"It's the Shao family." The man with glasses replied. .

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