Chapter 10 The paparazzi collectively burst into tears and broke into the paparazzi

The two glanced at Su Ming in the back seat.

Then they looked at each other again, their eyes full of confusion.

So much so that they forgot to answer Su Ming's words.

The two have a ten-year paparazzi career.

They have been through countless ups and downs.

What was beaten by the star.

Hit by a celebrity bodyguard.

Hit by a star assistant.

Spanked by celebrity fans.


After going through so much, they asked themselves, what scene has not been experienced?

But now this scene, they really haven't experienced it!

It's outrageous!

How can there be celebrities who take the initiative to drill into their cars?

What's the difference between this and poor Tom stewing himself in an iron pot?

"Brother Paparazzi, will you send it? If you don't send me to someone else, or I'll be late. "

"Send it, send it, go to this place, we'll take you there!".

The two who reacted hurriedly agreed.

As soon as he stepped on the accelerator, he sped away directly, with a look of ecstasy.

Outrageous to outrageous.

Now Su Ming is the focus of their shooting.

This is sent to the mouth, how can there be any reason to let go?

Since Su Ming said to send him, it is to send!

What Su Ming says is what it is!

And as the car drove away.

The five or six cars on the nearby street were also moving.

"What's the situation, why did Su Ming get into their car?".

"Damn, these two are internal ghosts!

"Aren't these two people in the group, ask what the situation is!".

"I wonder if Su Ming has bad eyes and mistook them for flute drivers?"


That's right, these people are all paparazzi.

Seeing Su Ming's unusual behavior.

They are also full of question marks.

But it's too late to figure out what's going on.

If you don't keep up, you won't even be able to see the taillights.

And on the other side.

At this time, Su Ming had already chatted with the two lucky paparazzi.

At first, the two paparazzi chatted very restrainedly.

I didn't dare to take the initiative to talk to Su Ming.

But as the approachable aura on Su Ming's body gradually dispersed.

The two of them slowly relaxed.

Anyway, at the very least, they didn't feel that Su Ming was preparing to trap them or something.

"That, Brother Ming, don't you mind if we secretly photograph you?"

"Yes, you were the first celebrity to take the initiative to get into our car, and you haven't scolded us yet!".

After all, the two of them asked the question they wanted to know the most.

Su Ming was naturally blunt: "Of course I mind, but what's the use of minding, don't you want to be photographed?"

"Rather than being secretly photographed, let's be open, and how to say it, do what you do, make money, don't chill. "

In his previous life, Su Ming was harassed by the paparazzi.

Judging by his years of experience.

It is impossible for the paparazzi to be driven away, and even the more you rush, the more the other party wants to secretly film you.

So Su Ming chose to swing directly.

Anyway, he doesn't plan to mix in the entertainment industry now.

Now it's because it's temporarily on a hot search, and it's a bit of a topic.

Wait for this gust of wind to pass.

Naturally, these paparazzi will not come again.

Isn't he fragrant with a free driver?

Hearing Su Ming's words, the two paparazzi subconsciously scratched their heads in embarrassment, and at the same time felt a little moved in their hearts.

"Alas, Brother Ming, I'm really sorry, but we really can't help it, there are some index requirements in the contract, otherwise it would be like this, you and the fans will have lunch later, our brothers and sisters will be invited!".

"That's so embarrassing, in that case, you and the paparazzi behind you should have a group, let me inform you later, I invite you to drink milk tea, it's not easy for everyone on this hot day. "

"When we get to the place in a while, I'll give you a few more good poses, so that our brothers can be upright and happy to shoot once!"

"Brother Ming, don't break the bank, rush to you, we have to take care of your and fans' consumption today!".

"Yes, yes, yes, I'm not afraid of your jokes, Brother Ming, you are the first star to treat us as human beings!"

"Yes, those sub-stars have a bad temper, let's just say that Fang Yue, who you scolded before, he is completely two people in private and in public, I watched your microwave yesterday, and I can be relieved!"

"Oh, is it?".

"That's not, the entertainment industry can have a good personality with Brother Ming, you can't pick out any of them, especially those little fresh meats, one by one, they can take themselves as wrists, they look high, one of them is called Li Yi, I don't know if you know it, in private... "

"Wow, and what?!".

"yes, anyway, those stars don't have a few good things, and they can't stand digging deeply!".


"By the way, before Haiyu Entertainment asked our agency to dig up your black material, it turned out that you didn't have any black material at all, but a lot of various honors, I thought Brother Ming you were a good person at that time!".

"Small achievements, small achievements, not enough to worry about!".


With Su Ming's heart-to-heart.

The two paparazzi have gradually opened their hearts and began to share with Su Ming about the stars in the entertainment industry over the years.

There is one thing to say.

As senior paparazzi, the two of them have even more things to do than him about those stars in the entertainment industry.

I thought the two of them should ask him something about the circle.

It turned out that I was a little worried.

After a wave of exchanges, he gained a lot of knowledge.

Of course, this also made him more determined not to enter the entertainment industry.

And when it came to the end, the two also began to vomit bitter water and talked about the hardships they had suffered over the years.

In the depths of their love, the two were already choked up and burst into tears.

regarded Su Ming as a rare confidant.

As for the paparazzi who followed behind, after learning Su Ming's thoughts and some words in the group.

All of them are ashamed and embarrassed, but at the same time, they are also moved.

In the end, he even pulled Su Ming into the group.

As Su Ming once again compared his heart to heart in the group.

The big guys all remembered the painful experience of being beaten by celebrities.

Compared to Su Ming, who was so highly cooperative, he even shouted at them and asked for warmth.

Everyone seemed to be holding back some tears.

For the first time in my life, a celebrity treats them as human beings!

"Brother Ming is really different from those stars, he is so good!".

"That's right, Brother Ming is not only a good person, but also down-to-earth, there is no shelf at all, and he said later that he would invite us to drink milk tea. "

"That's not it, it's the first time to drink the milk tea of the star!"

"That's right, but I really don't understand why Brother Ming is not popular, just with Brother Ming's character and appearance, you can kill a bunch of little fresh meat in seconds if you praise it!"

"Maybe we haven't reached Brother Ming's realm, by the way, since Brother Ming has invited us to drink milk tea, we have to come back in the evening!"


Chat all the way.

The paparazzi almost felt like they were about to bow to Su Ming.

But the time for happiness is always short-lived.

An hour later.

Su Ming had already arrived at the agreed place.

After communicating with the prestige, the female fan Chi Xiaoyun said that it would take some time to arrive.

It just so happened that Su Ming took a group of paparazzi to the milk tea shop next to him.

By the way, it was also very cooperative with the paparazzi to start taking pictures.

patting and patting, a few paparazzi were even too emotional, and couldn't help but look up at the sky at forty-five degrees, and a few tears were sprinkled uncontrollably.

It's so easy to shoot back and forth!

In the end, everyone also took a group photo with Su Ming.

On the group photo, Su Ming was full of bright smiles, and the paparazzi were all holding milk tea one by one, their eyes were red, and their faces were full of emotion.

I don't know how to say it, anyway, the picture is kind of weird that can't be said.

"Brothers, I'll have to go shopping with female fans later, no accident, it should be a live broadcast throughout the whole process, so there isn't much to shoot. 、"

"But if you really want to shoot materials, pay attention to keep your distance, at least don't make my female fans feel uncomfortable. "

"Brother Ming, don't worry, we are all professionals, if you want to shoot, we will definitely not bother you!".

"That's it, and Brother Ming, don't worry, we will never make some messy things when we write the manuscript, you have a saying right, compare your heart to your heart, you are good to us, we will naturally not forget!".

"Yes, if you need us later, the group will give us an order, and we will come up immediately!"


is about to meet with female fans, and Su Ming also has to be separated from the paparazzi.

After a few words, the paparazzi all patted the horse to ensure that Su Ming was the first to look forward!

Passers-by who didn't know even thought that Su Ming and his party were some kind of social group.

One by one, they couldn't help but take a detour.

And wait for Su Ming to leave.

While drinking milk tea, the paparazzi also quickly submitted the photographed materials to the leader.

There are even a few efficient ones who have already written articles, and after attaching pictures, they directly uploaded their microwave accounts.


Under the manipulation of the agency behind the paparazzi.

These contents were also bought on the hot search for the first time.

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to rush immediately(Event Period: October 1st to October 7th)

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