Chapter 9 Paparazzi: I Became a Driver?

Let's talk about Su Ming.

At this time, Su Ming was already awake.

For the news about him hanging on the hot search, he naturally saw it.

There is one thing to say.

He almost burst out laughing.

It's not that I laugh when I see that I am brainless and talentless.

Instead, I saw that in one of Fang Yue's interview videos, Fang Yue's sentence: "My talent is beyond doubt!".

It almost made him laugh when it was true.

Fang Yue's national champions are all shady.

All the songs were made by other composers.

Where is his talent?

Ten days and ten nights without sleep?

Ribs set?

However, Su Ming didn't bother to watch the news in this area anymore.

After all, the current situation has developed into a mutual blackout between the capital of Haiyu Entertainment and the capital of Jiahang.

In addition to guiding the emotions of the fans, there is no nutritional value at all.

It was a waste of time for him to take a second look.

"It's a nice day!"

Pulling open the curtains, the warm sunlight slowly poured in through the floor-to-ceiling windows, and Su Ming couldn't help but stretch.

Then I went to feed the cats, watered the flowers, and did a simple cleaning every day.

I have to say.

Since he chose to be rotten, the whole pace of life has slowed down, and everywhere is warm and comfortable.

It's so nice to be an ordinary person.

After everything is sorted out.

Looking at the time, there is still an hour left at the agreed time with the fans, and it is almost time to go out.

"Aunt Wang, come with two steamed buns, a cup of soy milk, and a bowl of mixed noodles and poached eggs. "

"Okay! Xiao Ming is wearing such a handsome life today, is this going to see the little girl?"

"Tut-tut, I don't know which little girl is so blessed to be fancy by you. "

"Anyway, that dead girl in my family can't do it, she knows how to sleep lazy every day. "

"Uncle Li, this... It's not what you think, I'm just going to meet a fan, and isn't Tingting a good person, she's chubby for nothing. "

"I see, that's a misunderstanding. "

"One thing to say, Xiao Ming, you are really different from those stars, you have no frame at all, you are too close to the people, I really hope you can become popular. "

"Uncle Zhao, look at what you said, we are the people, no matter how popular we are, how can we become immortals after singing a few songs, making a few movies, and making some money?"

"Hahaha, there's nothing wrong with that. "

"By the way, Uncle Zhao, your grandson has to be in charge recently, I see that his games are often online, and the high school entrance examination is an important period. "


Outside the community.

While Su Ming was solving breakfast, he chatted with the neighbors in the store as usual.

Everyone knows Su Ming, and they all know that Su Ming is a star.

In fact, at the beginning, the big guy still had a little bit of a taste of Su Ming, and he didn't dare to contact him too much.

After all, people are stars.

The stars in my impression, aren't they all a posture that they are wrists and are superior.

But after getting along for a long time, the big guy found that Su Ming was different from those stars on TV, which was really too kind.

And the guy can talk.

So naturally, Su Ming has now become one with the neighbors in this area.

All parents will talk to Su Ming.

And during the time of breakfast.

Su Ming also sent a microwave by the way.

[The weather on the weekend is so good, I'm going to meet the fans who were drawn yesterday today, just a hint, it's a big beauty!].

The purpose of posting this microwave is naturally not to make any news.

It's just for those fans who support him.

After all, yesterday he said that he wanted to draw a fan to go shopping together.

This has to be explained to the fans.


After he sent out this microwave.

It's not just the fans who are concerned.

As a person at the center of the hot search vortex, Su Ming has a microwave.

Less than ten minutes.

The comments directly went to nearly 10,000.


"What's the situation, isn't Su Ming afraid that the capital behind Fang Yue will him now, and he is still in the mood to go out and play?"

"No, is this the point? Now the point is, Su Ming is really going to meet the fans?"

"I'll see you for a long time! I thought the lottery microwave he posted at the beginning yesterday was a joke, is he coming for real?".

"Damn! Su Mingzhen is going shopping with fans in the lottery! And he's a female fan, he really doesn't think of himself as a star, isn't he afraid of collapsing the house?".

"Hahahaha, I can see it, this Su Ming really doesn't want to mix in the entertainment industry!".

"Indeed, lottery and fans go out to play, which star can do this?".

"Look at it, I said it a long time ago, Su Ming's character is not good, and now I am going to C female fans, and I am shameless, apologize to my brother!"

"It's too arrogant, so unmasculine, blatantly asking fans about that, the official hurry up and ban him!".

"Do you have sisters in the magic capital? Why don't we make an appointment together, let's be real Su Ming offline and avenge our brother!".

"Laugh to death, the chicken girls are in a hurry, Su Ming just said that he was shopping with female fans, why are your thoughts so dirty?".

"Hahaha, I think it's because their brother didn't go shopping with them in the lottery, so I'm jealous. "

"You still want to be the real Su Ming offline?

"Are the chicken girls planning to challenge the security of the Demon Capital now?

But to be reasonable, Su Ming and his fans go shopping live broadcast, if they go there secretly in private, maybe it's really easy to have trouble. "

"It's not clear, but don't worry, the paparazzi's mission will be achieved, let's just wait and see." "

"Tsk, I really hope to broadcast live, it's the first time I've seen such a wayward star, and I say that if I go shopping with fans, I will go shopping with fans!


At this time.

There was a lot of buzz underneath the comments.

Except for Fang Yue's fans, who are still slandering.

Passers-by and netizens were all shocked and confused.

Throughout the history of entertainment development in the Xia Kingdom.

There has never been a celebrity who would run a random fan on a social account to go shopping with him, even if he is paste.

After all, in everyone's impression, celebrities and ordinary people like them have little to do with each other.

Su Ming is a precedent.

And not to mention passers-by, netizens were shocked.

Even a group of insiders in today's entertainment industry are confused.

The first thing they can think of is hype.

But if it's hype.

It's also too risky.

Daily life is the most revealing of an artist's nature.

If it's a script, it's actually easy to see from the words and deeds.

If you want to be seen, the popularity of the passerby will be forced to disappear.

If it weren't for the script, such hype, one would accidentally expose some of its own not-so-good points, and it would be easy to collapse.

Sea Fish Entertainment, Inc.

In a conference room, all the staff of the planning department gathered here.

"This guy!".

"It seems that Jiahang's gang has already planned it. "

"That's what they want, we're all set. "

"But... Aren't they afraid of playing with a crash?".

The head of the planning department looked at Su Ming's microwave tightly, his brows furrowed.

In his opinion, Su Ming slept at the concert and frantically matched the line on the microwave, which seemed to be building momentum for this time to draw fans to go shopping.

After all, the first microwave sent by Su Ming was the one that was drawn!

All of this is in Jiahang's plan!

"I'm going to see what you're up to!"

In the artist lounge of Haiyu Entertainment Company, Fang Yue was also staring at Su Ming's microwave tightly at this time, her face cold.

This concert incident can be said to have had a very big impact on him.

Let's not talk about economic reputation.

Just the fact that a certain broken station is now piling up a video of a ghost animal about him, he is already unbearable.

Su Ming made such a big storm, he wanted to see what Su Ming wanted to do?!

As for going to Su Ming.

It is impossible for him to come forward on his own anyway now, and the company has banned it and even taken over his public account.

And the other side.

At this time, all the staff of Jiahang Company, except for Yang Mireba, were also in a state of confusion.

They didn't expect Su Ming to come for real!

"It's a bit busy right now. "

"Why don't you ask the boss for advice?"

"No need to ask, the boss said that he would go, as long as it doesn't affect the image of our company, don't worry about it for now. "


The public relations department was talking nonsense at this time.


"Aunt Wang, check out!".

"Okay, a total of twenty dollars and five, I'll give you a change. "

There are waves on the Internet, and there are undercurrents surging from all sides.

Su Ming is completely quiet here.

And after drinking the last sip of soy milk, after settling the account.

Su Ming walked towards a black sedan outside the door.

In a car.

When the two saw Su Ming coming over, they were so frightened that they hurriedly put away their cameras and prepared to drive away.

That's right.

They are two paparazzi.

Now Su Ming is a hot person, if he can shoot something, he will definitely have traffic.

But they never expected that as soon as they turned on the camera, they were actually discovered by Su Ming!

"No, how the hell did he find out?".

A paparazzi scratched his head frantically, puzzled.

But how did he know?

In his previous life, Su Ming had seen more paparazzi than he had eaten!

Found them, this is not a sprinkler?

And just as the two were about to run away.

Su Ming actually knocked on the car window with a smile on his face, blocking the way for the two.

Seeing this, the two could only roll down the car window.

"That, we..."

A paparazzi was about to explain, but before he could say anything, Su Ming actually opened the car door directly and sat in the back row.

"Two paparazzi brothers, you're here to shoot me. "

"It just so happens that I don't really want to drive today, why don't you give me a ride, the place is not far away, and it can be reached in an hour." "

As soon as this remark came out.

The two paparazzi looked at each other, and their eyeballs were about to fall off.

The question mark is almost on the face.

What's the situation?!

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