Chapter 8 Reba: Sister Mi, we have become Su Ming's wife?!

The girl frowned at times, delighted at other times.

Holding the pillow printed with Su Ming's portrait tossing back and forth, the deer in his heart collided, and his face was full of longing.

That's right.

The microwave of Su Ming's lottery, the winner is her!

Her name is Chi Xiaoyun and she just graduated from college.

Currently on the comic live broadcast.

He runs an account with about 300,000 followers who cook food.

I usually cook or chat with fans live.

Occasionally, I will go out and broadcast outdoors.

As early as when she was in college, she was already a fan of Su Ming.

is also Su Ming's microwave supertalk host.

It can be said that he is a very pure iron fan.

There are more than 100 people participating in the lottery, and the probability of winning is not very high.

She just wanted to give it a try, but she really hit it!

When Su Ming sent her a private message, she almost fainted with joy.

It's too dreamy to be able to spend a day with your idol!

However, Chi Xiaoyun, who was still looking forward to tomorrow, glanced at her phone, and then suddenly remembered the Fang Yue fan who was on the line with her just now, and her little face was indignant.

At the same time, he began to worry about Su Ming.

"These Fang Yue's fans are really angry!".

"I hope Brother Su Ming won't be affected by them. "

She has been watching Su Ming since Su Ming's draft period.

At the beginning, Su Ming debuted as the strongest champion of the new generation in history, and his excellent singing skills have been recognized by many old artists in the circle.

The so-called lack of talent is purely embarrassing!

As for why Su Ming has never had a work.

Even she could have guessed.

It must be the ghost of Sea Fish Entertainment.

After all, a newcomer with a lot of momentum disappeared not long after, and there was something hidden in it, in fact, there is no need to say much.

As for the scandal between Su Ming and Yang Mireba, she was a little worried.

People are talented and beautiful, and it seems that it is normal to be really together.

But it didn't matter, it wasn't something she was supposed to think.

For her, being able to go shopping with Su Ming for a day is already an unforgettable thing in her life.


Here, Chi Xiaoyun was still worried about Su Ming's situation.

As everyone knows.

On the other side, now Su Ming's snoring is almost ultrasound, and his sleep is very beautiful.

Let's be honest.

He was a human being in two lives, and in his previous life, Su Ming was still the ultimate top.

What winds and waves has he never seen?

His current mentality can be said to be extremely stable, and he has not been affected in the slightest at all.

When he got home in the evening, he thought of tomorrow weekend, and he was refreshed and ate deliciously.

After taking a shower, he even took the time to go to the Wave Summoner's Canyon and came with a few happy cords.


Early the next morning.

Inside a luxury villa in the magic capital.

"Sister Mi, something is wrong!".

Reba was wearing pajamas and no makeup, and hurriedly ran to Yang Mi's room, and hit Yang Mi's milky long legs with a snap.

"What are you doing, surprised. "

Yang Mi, who was awakened, half-squinted, frowned, and copied a small milk voice, full of doubts.

Reba pinched Yang Mi's little face that was not awake vigorously, and pointed to the hot search on the screen: "Sister Mi, you are still sleeping, now the two of us are about to be rumored to be Su Ming's two wives!".

"No, you're a wife, I'm his lover!".

"Oh, you get up and let the PR department handle it!".

Reba was in a hurry and stomped on her calf.

Yang Mi also sobered up at this time, and her eyes began to look at the content of the hot search seriously.

But after she read it carefully, she couldn't hold back and laughed directly.

"Look at the urgency for you, do you want to be big, let me be small?".

"Okay, okay, I'll just rely on you, what is the relationship between our sisters, I will live in a side room in the future, and the big bed will be left for you and Su Ming." "

Yang Mi looked at Reba with a smile on her face, intending to tease Reba.

She has long been used to this kind of scandal-like black material.

It's not a big deal at all.

That is, people like Reba, who have just debuted not long ago and have not experienced much, will take it as a thing.

"Sister Mi, what are you talking about?"

Reba's face turned a little red, and she also saw Yang Mi's attitude towards this matter.

Yang Mi's attitude can basically determine the seriousness of this matter.

It seems that she overreacted.

"Hey, you're still blushing, don't you really like Su Ming?"

"Ao, think about it, Su Mingren is good-looking, has a good figure, a good mouth, and a little talent..."

"Tut-tut, the woman is not staying!".

Yang Mi saw Reba's appearance, hurriedly struck while the iron was hot, and continued to tease.

Reba saw Yang Mi's thoughts, and she was not to be outdone.

"Sister Mi, this is not a company, if you talk nonsense, believe it or not... Hey, hey, hey!".

Let's talk about it.

The two tickled each other and played a pillow fight, and the atmosphere was very happy.

And this is the norm in the lives of the two.

On weekdays in the company, it is naturally a relationship between superiors and subordinates, but at home, it is a good girlfriend.

There is still an itinerary today, so the two of them are not crazy.

"Su Ming doesn't have any black material, but he can't find any breakthrough on the sea fish. "

"It would be nice if Su Ming could cooperate with the company's hype, taking advantage of this incident, Su Ming will definitely have a chance to get up. "

Yang Mi looked at the points that the company had sorted out about Haiyu Entertainment Hei Suming, and couldn't help but shake her head and sigh.

In this era, it is really difficult to find a person who is talented, has no black material at all, and has no bad external conditions.

In her opinion, Su Ming has fully met all the conditions to become the next top stream.

Now it's up to Su Ming to cooperate.

"It's difficult, Su Ming is the least important person in my life, and I don't know why, he looks like this at a young age. "

"With his personality, let him cooperate with the hype, it is better to let him die. "

"Why don't you try the beauty trick Sister Honey, anyway, he lives in the community opposite us, you try it tomorrow, I'll take care of it downstairs." "

Reba, who was eating fruit on the side, also sighed, and then gave Yang Mi a suggestion.

There was no accident, and this suggestion immediately received a roll of Yang Mi's eyes.

Don't say it, though.

For a moment just now, she really thought about Reba's plan just now.

As soon as she thought that she was going to hook up with Su Ming like a little woman, her face turned red and she didn't dare to continue thinking about it.

She has always been a cold boss lady in front of Su Ming.

The most real side has also been seen by Reba.

I can't collapse this character.

Even if you want to use a beauty trick, you have to let Reba go!

"Forget it, anyway, go with Su Ming yourself, since you don't want to be angry, then don't make trouble for me. "

"Not long after, there will be a variety show called "Tomorrow's Son", and I will see if I can sign a few newcomers on it. "

"Su Ming's talent can't be wasted, this time he owes me, I have to ask him to write a few songs for the newcomer!".

Yang Mi shook her head and said her plans for the future.

Su Ming didn't cooperate, and it was useless to hold it, so she had already given up on this aspect.

However, Su Ming has goods in his stomach.

Since Su Ming doesn't use it himself, let's use it for the company.

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to rush immediately(Event Period: October 1st to October 7th)

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