Chapter 7 The Public Relations Department of Rushing to the Doctor!

Public Relations Department of Sea Fish Entertainment Company.

The department manager was pacing back and forth in the aisle, his face flushed.

"Grass! Are you eating dry rice? Su Ming's black material, haven't you got it yet? The marketing account group is urging!".

"Give you another ten minutes, if you don't get it in ten minutes, half of your salary will be deducted this month!".

"If you really don't, make it up to me! I don't believe he'll sue them one by one!"


He had just received an urgent order from the company's top management, asking them to immediately pick up Su Ming's black material.

made Su Ming a bad artist who just wanted to gain popularity and had a bad character.

But it's been an hour or two, and there's still no result.

And the manager is in a hurry.

The employees of the department below are even more anxious.

There is no other reason.

Su Ming is so clean!

"It's outrageous, I've found his kindergarten, and there is no black material!".

"Team leader! I found out, he peed his pants at the age of seven, can this be considered black material?".

"Grass!" said the director of his street office said that he won the Street Helpful Award for five consecutive years!".

"Outrageous! He's still a good citizen!".

"I just checked his competition process that year, and it was because of his excellent singing skills that he reached the finals step by step, so it's not good to make up shady ingredients!".

"When he was in my company, it seems that he didn't do anything bad except for scolding the leader, or would he make up to molest his colleagues?


The public relations department, which had been busy for a long time, was completely confused at this time in the face of Su Ming, who was exceptionally clean.

There is no longer any further investigation into Su Ming's past experience.

On the contrary, he has already begun to make up black material.

But making it up is also a technical job.

While it can discredit Su Ming's character, it can't be too much.

Otherwise, if Su Mingzhen sued, they might have to go in a few.


One wave has not settled, and another wave has risen.

The department manager hasn't finished dealing with the black material yet.

The top management sent another public relations request.

The content is what Fang Yue said in an interview not long ago.

At present, Gao Yue's talk about sky-high ticket prices has now been raised to the hot search.

And this hot search was not bought by enemy capital or Su Ming.

It was the heat that netizens spontaneously raised.

"Fang Yue, isn't this a fireworks that don't eat the world? What do you mean by a few thousand yuan?"

"A few thousand yuan is just a standing ticket, is this especially to listen to Hongjun Ancestor's preaching?"

"I threw up, doesn't he know the salary level of ordinary people now?".

"The Three Thousand Party said it was insulted!".

"The Draconians are by my side!".

"Su Ming is really right, Fang Yue's fans are really rich and brainless, and they will go to buy a standing ticket for thousands of yuan. "


Looking at this hot search, the department manager's head is big.

A few thousand yuan is really not much money for Fang Yue, or even an entertainment company executive like him.

But I can't say that!

Arouse the anger of ordinary people.

This kind of PR is actually not difficult to start, but it is the most tricky kind.

Even if it is handled perfectly, it will greatly affect the popularity of passers-by.

But what left him speechless the most.

Now Fang Yue still has a few powders, and they are still hard washing Fang Yue in the microwave.

Saying that a few thousand yuan is really not money, don't watch your brother's concert.

Doesn't that make it even more difficult for him to make public relations!

And he even suspected that these powders were hard washed, and it was estimated that they were still hinted at by Fang Yue.

The virtues of these little fresh meat in the circle, he is basically clear.

If it weren't for the fact that he was still in the company.

He really wanted to directly scold Fang Yue for three hundred rounds.



It's late at night.

All the staff of the public relations department of Sea Fish Entertainment have huge black circles under their eyes.

finally reluctantly whitewashed Fang Yue's words in the interview.

At the same time, he also made up some black spots about Su Ming.

And so.

The marketing accounts who received the material immediately wrote a large number of black texts about Su Ming.

[Shocked! Su Ming's former boss broke the shocking news! Suspected of being jealous of Fang Yue's talent, deliberately retaliating, and his character is worried!].

[Su Ming's former colleague broke the news!Su Ming himself was hidden by the company three years ago, because he had no talent, and he ran to steal Fang Yue's song and was discovered by the leader!].

[Su Ming's yin and yang weird fang yue has found the reason!jealousy can really make people unrecognizable!].

[Quick look! Su Ming, the current boss Yang Mi and his colleague Reba have to say the secret!].

[Shocked! The relationship between Su Ming and the boss Yang Mi turned out to be...].

[Outrageous! Su Ming and Reba actually did it late at night...].


That's right.

The black spot that the public relations department found on Su Ming's body.

It started with Su Ming's lack of talent, jealousy of Fang Yue, and the relationship between Su Ming and his boss Yang Mi.

First, Su Ming has not released a single song in the three years of Haiyu Entertainment, and some of the songs written by Su Ming perfunctorily are not of high quality.

This is just enough to prove that Su Ming has no talent.

For this reason, the department manager even checked some of the company's ace composers, so as not to overturn when the time comes.

And those ace composers, they also said that they didn't notice that Su Ming had too much talent.

So this one is very dark.

Besides, Fang Yue, who entered the company at that time, although the lyrics and songs were all given by others, and he had also revised the sound in the later stage, at least he was already singing.

is also a talent show, and they are all champions.

Jealousy makes even more sense.

As for the matter between Su Ming and Yang Mireba, it was naturally completely made up.

After all, they didn't know what the situation was about a few people, and they didn't monitor Jiahang.

Anyway, the manuscript is not too specific to be black, as long as it gives the public the feeling that Su Ming is stepping on n boats.

Even if the other party refutes the rumors, they can only make a statement or something.

You can't get into jail.



With the release of this batch of Haven.

Many Fang Yue fans and hired sailors are extremely efficient.

immediately put these entries on the top of the hot search.

"I see, jealous of my brother's talent, I said it earlier!

"Sure enough, it's jealousy! I said why can't I find out what works this Su Ming has, it turns out that I can't write it! Wouldn't it be that he won the championship in the first place, but it was also shady!".

"This scheming man actually wanted to steal my brother's work in the first place?".

"It's just a paste, my brother can beat him with just one hand!"

"It's jealousy for a long time, laughing to death! But it seems to be too, our brother is so talented, it's too normal for him to be jealous! It's just that the means of touching porcelain are really disgusting!".

"Not really. And this guy's character is also bad, not only touching our brother, but also stepping on many boats!".

"Su Ming is really unmasculine, it is recommended to block it as soon as possible!".


Fans who blindly love Fang Yue looked at these manuscripts, and after being ridiculed by passers-by and netizens for a long time, now it seems that they have found the backbone.

At the moment, there is an output at the bottom.

And these hot searches immediately attracted a large number of melon-eating netizens.

And so.

The comment area that was accused of commenting suddenly became difficult to control.

"Tut-tut, the chicken girls are so strong in combat, they are still defending their brother so late, hahaha!".

"Brother, I don't understand, people have to make money at night, otherwise what can I do to support my brother?

"Hahahaha, Su Ming doesn't seem to have posted any works, but isn't it really embarrassing to blow your brother's talent?

"The hot search on this is too fake, isn't it the content of the marketing account that is obvious?".

"Can't you see this, Su Ming has offended the cake of the capital behind Fang Yue. "

"The capitalist is like this, it depends on whether the capital behind Su Ming can protect him. "

"Harm, no wonder it was hacked, who let Su Mingzhen never post a work, it's hard for us to say anything in this regard. "

"I don't care, anyway, I've been a fan of Su Mingquan, and I'm a fan of him if he's not talented!"

"Me too, I just said this to him, I have been a fan of him for the rest of my life!".

"One thing to say, does Su Ming really have a leg with Yang Mireba? If it's true, I'm going to hack him!".

"It's pure embarrassing black!, my goddess can't have a leg with Su Ming!".

"What? Both of my goddesses have been touched by this man named Su Ming? Damn, he really deserves to die!".



Passers-by and netizens did not attack Su Ming as expected by the Public Relations Department of Sea Fish Entertainment.

Because they didn't come for Su Ming's talent at all.

The so-called jealousy, they didn't care about it, and their emotions were all deviated by Fang Yue's female fans' brother's momentum of being the best in the world.

In addition, what Fang Yue said during the interview ruined the popularity of passers-by.

Start hard black you Fang Yue now!

As for Su Ming's scandal.

It's still having some influence.

But it's also very small, and it's basically better than nothing.

Face this scene.

The public relations department of Jiahang, which is also working late at night, has already laughed collectively.

They are still waiting for how to do rumors for Su Ming.

It turned out to be so long to wait.

The other party was actually untalented in Hei Suming, and he was jealous of Fang Yue.

Is this not a pure illness that rushes to the doctor?

Su Ming's wave of yin and yang weird things Fang Yue said were all things that could be seen in real life.

State the facts.

Does this have anything to do with talent, jealousy or not?


They wouldn't really think Su Ming wasn't talented, would they?


Let's talk about the other end.

At this time, in a small area of the magic capital.

A fair-skinned, well-bodied, and cute girl is frantically matching these comments on the Internet.

Look closely.

The girl's room seemed to be covered with Su Ming's posters and some equipment used for live broadcasts.

She is one of Su Ming's fans.

At the same time, he is also a streamer.

"I'm angry, I'm angry!".

The girl failed to connect with the line, turned off the phone angrily, and rolled on the bed.

I have to say that Fang Yue's fan combat effectiveness is really outrageous, and her two fists are hard to beat with four hands.

If she continues, she may not be able to keep the ownership of her parents.

And to be honest, her quality really needs to be reduced.

A lot of swear words can't be typed at all.

"Forget it, Brother Su Ming said, there's no need to pay attention to these people, I'm really guilty of myself!"

"I'll be able to see Brother Su Ming tomorrow, I have to think about what clothes I want to wear~".

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to rush immediately(Event Period: October 1st to October 7th)

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