Chapter 6 Don't Praise Me, I'm Not Talented!


"The company wants to praise me?!".

On the way back.

When Su Ming heard Yang Mi say the company's future plans, he was directly dumbfounded.

The entertainment industry is in chaos now, and he has long had no intention of getting into it.

Now he just wants to lie quietly in the company as a salted fish.

It's hard to get out of breath.

As a result, he is going to be praised again?

"Sister Mi, I'm really untalented, don't praise me!".

"Sister Mi, I know it's wrong..."

"Sister Mi, if you want to praise me, unless you personally subtly rule me, no, you have to add Reba..."


Let Su Ming say it.

Yang Mi's attitude is still very resolute.

It's to praise Su Ming!

Reba on the side and the driver in front of him were already stupid.

Before, they still thought that Su Ming was pretending not to be popular, but now that they look at it, he really doesn't want to be popular!

"I don't care! Anyway, you have to at least earn back the money I lost this time, so that I can let you go!"

Yang Mi also played Laipi, with both hands on her waist, and shouted loudly.

Su Ming had a headache.

Yang Mi really didn't know how to answer this.

This loss was indeed caused by him alone, and it is really not good if he does not make up for it.

But once you agreed.

Where is there any turning back?

It's all a routine!

Damn capitalists!

After being silent for a while, Su Ming looked at Yang Mi.

"Sister Mi, if you want to praise me, I also have absolute confidence to make Jiahang the No. 1 entertainment company in China. "

"But... I have a request!".

As soon as this remark came out.

Yang Mi couldn't help but be stunned.

Su Ming said this very seriously, not like a joke.

Guaranteed to make Jiahang the No. 1 entertainment company in China

How confident do you have to be to say this?

Even though she knew that Su Ming was very talented, she didn't think Su Ming could do it.

However, she really wanted to hear what Su Ming's requirements were: "What kind of requirements, as long as they are not too excessive, I can consider them." "

The next second.

I saw Su Ming looking directly at her, and said seriously: "I want our Jiahang to be our own capital!"

When the words fell, Yang Mi's whole person froze directly.

She naturally knew what Su Ming was talking about.

Su Ming's meaning is to let go of the current unfair capital agreements such as gambling and preferential ownership of works, and take everything into their own hands.

Let's be honest.

It was difficult for her to make that choice for a while.

Jiahang is just getting started.

She has only just stepped into the first line.

If you put aside the capital behind it, you can go it alone.

The consequences are unimaginable!

Which entertainment company didn't rely on capital?

"Sister Mi, if you can agree to this, don't worry, I will immediately cooperate with the company's hype, release a new song tomorrow, start filming the day after tomorrow, and we will go directly to the market the day after tomorrow!".

Su Ming looked at Yang Mi with a tangled face, and immediately returned to the appearance of a hippie smile.

Obviously, of course, he didn't think Yang Mi would agree.

After all, if he changed his position in Yang Mi, he didn't dare to bet.

Anyway, for the purpose of saying this, he just didn't bother to enter the big dye vat of the entertainment industry again.

In the current entertainment industry, he really has no interest at all.

Isn't it fragrant to give back to his iron fans well, and then be a free and easy ordinary person?

As for the money that caused Jia Hang to lose this time.

Su Ming will also be responsible, write a few fire songs for the company's artists, and write a few scripts for Reba Yangmi, and the money will be back in minutes.

Listening to the conversation between the two, Reba on the side no longer dared to speak.

Su Ming asked for it.

This is even more outrageous than the online match with Fang Yue's fans at the concert just now!

"Okay, don't talk about it here, let's not talk about your things first. "

"I have a press conference tomorrow, and I don't need a foil, so you can go with me. "

"Also, don't go too far in the microwave in the last few days, otherwise the company will not be able to respond easily. "

Yang Mi still didn't dare to bet.

So just digress the topic.

However, Su Ming was still very brave, and in the face of the capitalist's request, he directly said no: "Sister Mi, tomorrow weekend, it's my rest time, and it's written in the contract." "

Yang Mi's head was big for a while.

Reba just took a sip of water and squirted it out.

Even the driver almost slammed on the brakes.

Su Ming made this thing today.

Still thinking about spending the weekend?!

"And I've already made an appointment with fans to go shopping, so I can't break my promise. "

Su Ming continued.

In fact, weekend rest is one thing.

On the other hand, it is naturally a matter of promise to the fans.

The fans are sincere to him, and he can't live up to the fans.

And the lottery results have already come out, so it's time to communicate with fans about a specific location.

As soon as these words came out.

Reba directly scored twice and sprayed Su Ming's face.

Yang Mi also looked at Su Ming with a strange expression

The two didn't say anything, though.

But you know what they want to say by looking at their eyes.

Do you really want to go shopping with your fans?

Originally, they all thought that Su Ming was just joking, sending a lottery and microwaves such as fan shopping to activate the account.

As a result, you really came?!

Su Ming also shrugged his shoulders and gave a "otherwise" look.


It's all a small quintessence scene of Yang Mi's milk sound version.

But fortunately, Su Ming saw the big scene and didn't panic at all.

In addition, there is a natural stay in this Reba from which it is coordinated.

After some negotiation.

Su Ming finally succeeded in winning the right to rest on the weekend.

As for Yang Mi, she also successfully won Reba's right to rest on the weekend.


The other end.

In a blink of an eye, Fang Yue's concert has come to an end.

As Fang Yue appeared outside the venue.

The reporters who had been waiting for a long time immediately flocked to it.

"Fang Yue, may I ask what you think of Su Ming saying that you are lip-syncing?"

"Fang Yue, Su Ming insinuated that you are a woman, did you have relevant surgery in the early years?"

"Fang Yue, may I ask what you think of Su Ming's yin and yang weirdness towards you?"

"Fang Yue, may I ask if you and Su Ming had any personal conflicts when they were entertaining in Haiyu?"

"Fang Yue, what do you think of Su Ming's sarcasm about your sky-high ticket prices?"


Faced with the congestion of reporters, Fang Yue's entire face was black.

But in front of the camera, I still have to force a smile.

As for these piercing questions.

Fang Yue could only pick a few questions to answer.

"First of all, I don't have a lip-syncing problem, my talent is beyond doubt!".

"Secondly, why is Su Ming angry with me, the company is also investigating, and the specific situation will wait for the follow-up company announcement. "

"As for the sky-high ticket price, I don't think the ticket price is too expensive, and we have also prepared a standing area for fans who are more financially tight, which is only a few thousand yuan. "

"Finally, I would like to thank the fans who have been there for their continued support. "

"This is my first concert, but it turned out to be like this, and I didn't show my best self, so I'm really sorry for the fans (bow)!"

As she spoke, Fang Yue soared into her best fake crying skills.

The bodyguards also took advantage of the situation to escort Fang Yue and left the scene.

The whole process is smooth and familiar.

And with the live broadcast of this interview.

A large number of fans who felt sorry for their brother and were ready to continue to rush to Su Ming suddenly appeared on the Internet.

There are even female fans who said that they would form a group to go offline to the real Su Ming.

And after Fang Yue got into the nanny car at this time, her tears disappeared in a flash.


"Su Ming, you remember it for me!"

Fang Yue drank lowly, and her back molars were about to be crushed.

I was happy to come to the circle of fans.

As a result, Su Ming was particularly embarrassed.

"Sister Qin, what is the specific situation?"

"Lao Tzu didn't mess with him Su Ming! Get me this!".

Fang Yue looked at Sister Qin, the agent on the side, at this time.

To be honest, he still hasn't figured out what is going on, only that Su Ming is angry with him on the Internet.

And wait for Sister Qin to finish talking to him about the specific situation of the matter.

His face darkened.

"These Shabi fans!".

"I know all day long, Chong Chong, Chong Nima, there is not much money, and it is quite six to buckle the keyboard, I am really convinced!".

Fang Yue couldn't help but burst into foul language.

It was indeed Su Ming's fault in the first place, but it was his own fans who made the matter bigger.

"I can't blame the fans for this, I can only say that they rushed to the wrong person and don't understand this Su Ming's character. "

"And you keep quiet, there are fans out there. "

Sister Qin on the side frowned and spoke, signaling Fang Yue to restrain her emotions.

When Fang Yue heard this, she could only swallow this qi.

Quite right.

If other artists were rushed, it is estimated that they will immediately issue an apology statement.

But who made them rush at Su Ming.

He knew Su Ming, Su Ming was very loose, and he was extremely rigid.

When he was a colleague with Su Ming before, he had heard a lot of legends about Su Ming's fierceness.

In addition, Su Ming was already completely confused, so he didn't have too many worries.

Can this get used to these brains?

"What does the company say?".

"Anyway, I mean, I have to make Su Ming stink! And Yang Mi too!".

"If you can't control your own employees, then don't start a company!"

Fang Yue continued, her eyes cold.

He is now a top-notch, why did Su Ming touch porcelain?

Yang Mi saw her attitude, obviously she also wanted to protect Su Ming, so naturally she couldn't let it go.

"Su Ming's company is already dealing with it, and it is collecting black materials, and the marketing account has also communicated. "

"But forget Yang Mi, she also has capital behind her, and it's too tricky to get her. "

"Anyway, you have a good rest these days, don't take the lead, the company will take care of it for you." "

The agent, Sister Qin, said seriously.

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to rush immediately(Event Period: October 1st to October 7th)

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