Chapter 5 Free hot search, Boss Yang also opened?

And with the gradual fermentation of Su Ming's microwave, the heat is also rising.

Less than half an hour.

The hot words about Su Ming have already successfully appeared on the hot search.

[The artist who hasn't slept for a month is suspected of being rushed by top fans #Su Ming#].

[Intelligent depression # Su Ming #].

[Outdated artist hard Fangyue fan #Su Ming#].

[Su Ming angrily criticized Fang Yue's fans #Fang Yue#].

[Fang Yue was falset-sung by a real-name angry hammer?!#Su Ming#].

[Su Ming angrily reprimanded the sky-high ticket #Fang Yue#].

[Great Onmyoji # Su Ming #].


And this is one of them.

The entry that was put at the top was about Fang Yue's lip-to-sing and sky-high tickets.

After all, Fang Yue herself is still holding a concert.

"It's interesting, don't jump now?".

Su Ming looked at the comment area that was now full of joy and couldn't help but sneer.

To be honest, he didn't want to make a big deal out of it.

After all, he really doesn't want to get involved in these nonsense things in the entertainment industry.

But since it's such a stinking fan, it's going to be a must.

Then come on.

However, just when Su Ming was about to continue to send the next microwave.

Yang Mi's message came.

[Su Ming, don't post it again!].

[The PR side is already in a hurry!].

[The scene is full of Fang Yue's fans!].

Although Su Ming didn't see Yang Mi in person.

However, Yang Mi's anger can already be seen from the news.

For a moment, he couldn't help but scratch his head.

He almost forgot that he had a company behind him.

Immediately, Su Ming immediately chose to be well-behaved and did not continue to post.

Think about it.

He was a little reluctant to go.

Yang Mi and everyone else in the company are very good to him.

He's cool.

But it's hard for the company.

At this time, Yang Mi, who was in the background, obviously felt dizzy.

So much so that she didn't know how to face Fang Yue who was lip-synching on stage later.

Su Ming's words are too straightforward!

Not surprisingly, after this concert is over, the capital behind Fang Yue will inevitably cut off all cooperation with them.

But soon, Yang Mi also adjusted her mentality.

That's it anyway.

The big deal is that it doesn't cooperate with Fang Yue.

There are a lot of capital parties in the entertainment industry, just find other artists in the future.

"Why did you invite this Buddha here in the first place?"

"But... This yin and yang weird scolding kung fu is really good!".

Yang Mi looked at Su Ming's microwave in a broken tone, and was also amused.

In fact, she also knows these chaos in the entertainment industry.

I have to say.

Su Ming's every microwave is very accurate.

And let's be honest.

Fang Yue's fans were indeed too jumpy.

Now it's even at her and her artists.

How ugly it is to scold, how ugly it is.

Her heart was on fire.

Tear your face and tear your skin.

"Su Ming's operation doesn't seem to be all bad, maybe he can use it to become popular. "

"With Su Ming's talent, the future may be..."

Yang Mi looked at these hot searches, and with years of capital thinking, she suddenly thought of another way out.

And on the other end.

At this time, Fang Yue's Sea Fish Entertainment Company is now busy like ants on a hot pot.

Not only was he busy angrily reprimanding Su Ming's various yin and yang weirdness.

More is still thinking about how to public relations Su Ming said about Fang Yue's lip-to-sing and sky-high ticket prices.

Now this point has not only been condemned by countless netizens, but also hyped up by many enemy capitals.

If she is not careful, Fang Yue will not talk about the collapse of the house, at least she will have to lose a large number of fans.

If you don't get it right, you will become a bad artist.

You must know that Fang Yue now has a lot of endorsements on her body.

If the brand side is unhappy.

The liquidated damages will be sky-high!

"These Zishabi fans, why are you messing with this Su Ming? I know that he is all confused, and I still go to blast people's microwaves!".

"It's really speechless, don't let us spend so much effort to praise the red Fangyue, and in the end we will be blown up by these fans!".

"Su Ming, this dog thing too, really dare to say anything, I suspect he is taking revenge on our company!".

"Thinking too much, Su Ming has this character, don't you remember that when he was still in the company before, he went directly to the office to scold the leader?"

"Come on, our company feels like we can't get rid of this plague god!".


At this time, the public relations department of Haiyu Entertainment Company was full of national quintessence, which was extremely unpleasant.

They were all vomiting blood.

originally thought that this concert would be happy to cut a wave of fans.

At the end of the year, take the year-end bonus of the fat girl.

As a result, a Su Ming was killed halfway.

But after all, it's top-level PR.

After the successive release of several announcements and explanations and a large number of naval control evaluations.

At least the doubts on the Internet have been temporarily suppressed.

As for the concert scene, the stage also used the prompts of the backstage staff to reduce some unnecessary lip-synching phrases.

Even the difficult songs that were originally intended to be used to show off their skills were urgently replaced with simpler and cheerful songs suitable for choruses.

As for the song that Yang Mi was supposed to sing, it was also canceled.

Fang Yue on the stage didn't know exactly what was going on for a while.

But I heard the company's urgent arrangement.

I also quickly made adjustments very cooperatively.

Let's talk about the concert scene at this time.

Special guest seats.

Including Reba, everyone's little fresh meat looked at Su Ming in unison.

The original sneer on the faces of the little fresh meat is gone, replaced by a seriousness that has never been before.

Su Ming, this Nima is too rigid!

How is it different from normal stars like them?

Don't play cards according to the routine at all!

A little fresh meat who was accidentally glanced at by Su Ming saw Su Ming looking at himself.

Even hurriedly put his hands together, Brother Ming called Brother Ming.

For fear of offending Su Ming, he was hung by Su Ming on the microwave of yin and yang.

Of course, there were also some little fresh meat who felt that Su Ming was finished, and he didn't overreact, but just dodged his eyes.

As for the fans at the scene who have seen Su Ming's microwave remarks.

Now they all looked at Su Ming's location with righteous indignation.

Fortunately, there is a gap between the audience and the special guest seats.

Otherwise, there may have already been fans who were overly emotional.

The security personnel at the scene also immediately noticed the emotions of the audience, and hurriedly arranged for Su Ming to leave the venue.

Reba received news from Yang Mi here, and also left.

That's right.

The cooperation has been suspended, and Yang Mi doesn't need to help singing.

Now I am ready to go back to the office early.


Come backstage.

Su Mingreba soon met Yang Mi.

"Sister Mi, that, I really can't hold back..."

Su Ming saw Da Mi Mi looking at him angrily, and couldn't help touching his head, looking embarrassed.


"You kid, I've done too much for you this time, if you dare to disappoint me in the future, you definitely want you to look good!".

Yang Mi came up and gave Su Ming a brain crash, her eyes watery, just like an angry little daughter-in-law.

"You too, don't you know where to stop?"

"I can't look at it well!".

Reba on the side also received the same brain meltdown.

Although the strength is not great, it is also painful for the two to touch their heads and bare their teeth.

"Sister Mi, don't worry, I promise to converge next time!".

Su Ming hurriedly raised his hand and sent four.

He could think of it with his toes.

Now Jiahang and Fang Yue's side have definitely torn their faces, and they should have to lose a lot of money.

To be honest, this time it was really not considered... You should wait until the concert is over before scolding!!

originally thought that Yang Mi would continue to reprimand.

But Yang Mi's next sentence made Su Ming stunned directly.

"There's no need to converge, it's already torn apart, what's there to converge on. "

"You better do it and keep being yourself. "

Yang Mi couldn't help laughing when she saw Su Ming's appearance of admitting for the first time, and gave a roll of her eyes.

Su Ming: ???

Reba: ???

The reaction was not what they had imagined.

Yang Mi also saw the doubts of the two, and waved her hand: "Forget it, the company has its own arrangements, let's go back to the company first." "

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to rush immediately(Event Period: October 1st to October 7th)

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