Chapter 4 The microwave was washed away? Su Ming's high-strength line!

"It's over, Su Ming, don't sleep. "

"Something big is going to happen!".

Reba, who was on the side, watched the camera leave, and hurriedly shook Su Ming awake, his face full of anxiety.

Su Ming really had an accident now.

offending Fang Yue is equivalent to offending the capital behind Fang Yue.

In the future, don't say that it will be difficult for Su Ming to get out in the entertainment industry.

I'm afraid it's hard for them and other artists to mix up again.

And just now, these fans in the audience were immersed in watching Fang Yue on the stage, and they didn't look at the screen.

Otherwise, such fans would have to do something.


Yang Mi, who was about to play, saw the situation on the screen just now, and now she was also in a hurry.

I was thinking that Su Ming would make a mistake during the interview.

As a result, before the interview, such a thing came.

But now she couldn't say anything.

I can only wait for the concert to end, and then spend some money to apologize to Fang Yue Capital, and then make public relations.

This Su Ming really makes her feel uneasy!

At this time, Su Ming was already awakened by Reba.

I saw Su Ming yawn heavily, stretched, and looked at Reba with a blank face: "What's the big deal?".

"Could it be that the matter of Fang Yue's lip syncing was discovered?"

When Reba was asked by Su Ming, the whole person froze all of a sudden.

Then he quickly covered Su Ming's mouth.

Su Ming's heart is inevitably too big.

Big brother, this is Fang Yue's concert.

directly said that Fang Yue sang falsetto, which is too...

As for the little fresh meat at the back, they were also amused and covered their mouths and laughed.

They weren't surprised that Su Ming said that Fang Yue was lip-synching, after all, they were basically lip-synching.

It was Su Ming's reaction to sleep, which had no "emotional intelligence", which made them feel funny.

In their opinion, Su Ming's path to continue to be a star can be regarded as blocked.

Of course, there are also many little fresh meat with a serious face and a glint of "wisdom" in their eyes.

Giao, you can still grab the camera so much!

Why didn't they think of it?!


Then, Reba leaned over to Su Ming's ear and talked about the situation just now.

"Is that all? It doesn't seem like a big deal. "

"When the time comes, let the company's public relations team copy Fang Yue's whitewashing announcement, and say that I am too tired from practicing normally, and I haven't slept for ten days and ten nights. "

Su Ming couldn't help but yawn again, and looked at Reba with a strange expression.

What kind of big deal is sleeping in a concert?

Before, Fang Yue's gang of little fresh meat recorded the show and slept with fish.

Staying up late to play games and going to the set to film the next day, and directly asking the entire crew to wait for him to catch up on sleep before starting filming and other ridiculous things.

Take out any one of them, is it worse than him?

Their whitewashing announcement was issued.

All kinds of marketing accounts to keep up.

The fans at the bottom are all distressed that my brother is too tired and dedicated, Balabala's.

What kind of big deal is he?

When Reba heard Su Ming's words, she couldn't help but bite her fingers, with an expression of "it seems to be true".

For a while, he was completely speechless.

"Okay, I'll go talk to the PR side, I'm afraid they won't deal with it. "

Su Ming saw that Reba was still worried, so he immediately took out his mobile phone and prepared to contact public relations.


As soon as Su Ming turned on his phone, a series of messages like a waterfall swept through his entire screen.

If you look closely, it's all from the microwave.

"Is this the guy who slept at the concert at my brother's house?"

"That's it, the number of fans is not even one percent of my brother!".

"Laughing to death, this paste coffee actually smokes fans to go shopping, can't it be a fan of C?

"The angry dog is honestly lying on his stomach, putting this and jumping a hammer, is it worthy of my brother's shoes?"

"Pure passerby, who is this paste coffee at my brother's concert, I don't seem to have heard of it, but I feel that the quality is very low. "

"This paste coffee is actually an artist under Yang Mi, I originally liked Yang Mi, but now I feel really down!"

"What is the ingredient of smoking fans to go shopping, I don't need to say more, right?"

"Such people and fans are really laughing to death!".

"What kind of idol there is, what kind of fans there are, and his fan composition is definitely not high!".


It's like, all of them are basically Fang Yue's fans.

Of course, there are also some sporadic fans of Su Ming and passers-by netizens who don't like Fang Yue in the first place.

It didn't take a while.

Originally, there were only one or two hundred lottery draws.

Nearly 10,000 comments popped up at once, and the number continues to rise.

Fortunately, in the retweet lottery, Su Ming set up that only those with a fan value of more than level 50 could participate, and they were not affected by these brain fans.

All in all.

The current situation is: That's right, Su Ming was washed away!

Looking at these comments that scolded him, Su Ming said that there was no wave.

People who don't have brains, he really doesn't want to deal with them.

However, when he saw that his iron powder was also washed, some people even formed a group to rush Yang Mi.

Su Ming directly couldn't bear it.

"You like to rush, don't you?"

"Come on, then. "

Su Ming snorted coldly, and immediately started to start a microwave.


[Chicken girls misunderstood, I'm the same as your brother, I haven't slept for a month, what's wrong with sleeping for a while?

At the same time, under the microwave, a photo of the whitewashing announcement copied from Fang Yue's microwave was pasted.

In addition to the Fang Yue company and the seal p are gone.

The announcement picture didn't even change Fang Yue's name.

Immediately afterwards, Su Ming continued to launch the next microwave.


[Don't rush, don't rush, listening to lip-synching is quite hypnotic, you guys, I'm a little energetic. 】

[Oh, I have to be reminded by you, I actually forgot to put on a woman's makeup to go out today, I couldn't be as handsome as your brother Fang Yue, and this seat is so cool, who can warm me up for a seat, chicken girls?].

[Damn, why are the eight-pack abs still there, I knew that I had been hungry for a month, so that I could have the same ribs as Fang Yue's predecessors, this wave of mine!].

[Chicken girls, hurry up and give me more comments and comments, and you will be able to get a hot search for free soon, after all, I am not as rich as your brother Fang Yue, and the hot search can be paid for a month!].

[I'm so angry, I'm so angry, the chicken girls are commenting so slowly, haven't you eaten yet? 】

[No, no, no, I take back what I just said, the chicken girls can spend 3,000 yuan or even 20,000 or 30,000 yuan to listen to lip-pegging, they must all be rich second generations~].


A dozen microwaves were sent out in a row, and each microwave was accompanied by a harmless emoji of humans and animals.


Su Ming's microwave exploded directly.

However, this time it is no longer Fang Yue's fans who dominate, but the majority of passers-by and netizens.

"Hahaha, I haven't slept for a month, isn't this a matter of mocking Fang Yue for ten days and ten nights before he mocked it?

"Women's makeup, rib suit, so cool, depression, mom, this Su Ming's summary is too incisive!".

"Su Ming is too terrier, depression, is it an intelligent depression exclusive to star brands?".

"Hahahaha, I'm laughing to death!Su Ming, what kind of fairy star is this, this yin and yang is weird, Fang Yue's fans are all numb!".

"It's not, you see Fang Yue's stinking fans angry and ruined, I'm about to explode with laughter!"

"It's so fierce! If I were a fan of Fang Yue, I would probably be angry to death by now!".

"I strongly recommend Su Ming to endorse the Onmyoji! Brothers, catch me!".

"One person fights alone and Fang Yue's whole network fans, it's really the only one!Brother, I would like to call you the best!".

"That's not it, Fang Yue's fans kicked the iron plate, no, it's a titanium alloy plate!hahaha!".

"Help! He's so real, is he really a star?".

"No, you didn't pay attention, Su Ming seems to say that Fang Yue is lip-syncing!".

"It seems to be, is it possible that Fang Yue is really lip-syncing now?".

"Frog fun, isn't it, it's all on the electronic music, do you still want to lip-synch? This is too shameless, isn't it, how much more can you make real singing skills?"

"That's right, and the ticket is at least 3,000 yuan, which is almost enough to catch up with my monthly salary!".

"Don't say it, his fans are really rich!".


Passers-by and netizens who came to eat melons quickly seemed to be amused by Su Ming's weird microwave.

The comment area, which was originally controlled and commented by Fang Yue's fans, was instantly swiped by netizens.

Among them, countless onmyoji have emerged, all kinds of stalks are flying wildly, and they are very lively.

As for Fang Yue's female fans, they now have an extra title, "chicken girls".

And except for passers-by and netizens.

Many people in the industry are also paying attention to Su Ming's microwave.

"Grass! This Su Ming is really a good scolding, I have long seen that Fang Yue's kid is unhappy!".

"If there is a chance in the future, Lao Tzu will find Su Ming to make a movie!"

A director who had been rushed by Fang Yue's female fans watched Su Ming's microwave and scolded directly.

However, because he was afraid of being washed again, he just silently gave Su Ming a thumbs up.

"Good scolding!".

"Can you contact the big boss? I want to invite Su Ming to our last show!".

In front of the barbecue stall, a director in charge of recording a variety show showed off a bottle of Dawusu and shouted loudly.

Obviously, he had also been angry with Fang Yue before.

"Fang Yue's fans have finally provoked ruthless people, hahaha. "

"Su Ming seems to have come out of the singing draft, I don't know what the strength is, maybe I can try to cooperate in the future. "

"My song is really bad for Fang Yue's kid to sing. "

A powerful composer in the industry drank wolfberries while brushing Su Ming's microwave.


Of course.

The most excited are naturally Su Ming's fans.

Seeing that my idol is so rigid.

They were about to cry with emotion.

Su Ming is not popular.

But so what?

Did it affect Su Ming's output?

ps;Ask for flowers!Evaluate votes!

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to rush immediately(Event Period: October 1st to October 7th)

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