Chapter 3 Sleep at the concert, borrow Reba's shoulder

There is still half an hour before the concert starts.

There are already long queues outside the stadium today.

As far as the eye can see, most of them are women.

Everyone was holding Fang Yue's support in their hands, and the scene was quite lively.

Major media are also flocking to the media at the moment.

Prepare to grab the best interview position as soon as the concert is over.

On the Internet, the major live broadcast rooms were also criticized by Fang Yue's fans.

I have to say.

The momentum of this concert is really huge.


"What the is this water, is it for people to drink?".

"I'm about to go on stage, if my voice goes wrong, can you afford it?"

In Fang Yue's lounge, there was a burst of scolding at this moment.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm going to change!".

The little assistant hurriedly apologized when Fang Yue scolded her, her eyes were red.

Hurriedly rushed out with the Fijian water in his hand.

Seeing that Fang Yue was angry, the agent on the side didn't dare to say anything, just lowered his head silently.

"Damn, where did you recruit an assistant, just opened it for me!".

"Sister Qin, what's going on on the stage?"

Fang Yue's face was full of impatience, and then she took a deep breath and looked at the agent on the side.

"Everything is ready, the treble part is completely lip-syncing, you don't have to sing, you don't have to stress. "

"Well, that's fine. "

This is his first concert since his debut.

To be honest, he was so nervous that he didn't sleep well for days.

After all, he still has an understanding of his singing skills.

If you drop the chain, you have to lose some powder.

In this small fresh meat entertainment industry, losing fans is a big taboo.

There are countless little fresh meat in the circle waiting for their batch of first-line collapsed houses, and then pounce on them to grab fans.

Fortunately, the capital side arranged it for him.

Everything can be lip-synched, as long as there is no big mess, there will be no problems.


In a blink of an eye, with the admission of fans, the concert officially began.

Invitational seating area.

Rubbing the light of Yang Mi, Su Mingreba sat side by side in the first row at this time, surrounded by small fresh meat with oily heads and noodles.

This made Su, who didn't wear much makeup and just made a rough hairstyle, obviously a little out of place.

Obviously, most of the people here are men.

As a result, it seems that only Su Ming still has male characteristics.

Let's talk about concerts.

Whether it is the stage effect, lighting, or dancing, everything in the concert is first-class.

It's a pity that the one who sang on stage became the rat.

From time to time, he plays on the electric music, looks up and plays handsome, revealing his thin abdominal muscles.

I can't help but let the fans eat this set.

The screams of the girls below were louder than giving birth.

Su Ming looked at it, and the whole person was a little sleepy, so he simply tilted his head and took a nap directly.

At this time, the Internet is also lively now.

"Brother Typhoon is simply amazing!".

"This song is really good, I really envy the sisters who can listen to it live!".

"Let's hurry up and call for my brother! This singing skill is really amazing! Blow up!".

"Shawl becomes a king, sail away with the moon!Brother, you are the best!".

"Sisters, I'm in tears, my brother must have put in unimaginable efforts behind his back, so that he can show us such a good stage!".

"Yes, and the atmosphere is also very good, and the support of my sisters is in place! It's a pity that I don't have any money, otherwise I would definitely have to go to the scene!"

"Sister, you're too small, isn't it fragrant to spend twice as much as you can borrow and borrow a little hungry loan? If I hadn't been able to get the cash, I would have been on the spot!"


Fang Yue's fans were enthusiastic about watching it, and the barrage was brushed together.

This caused many passers-by and netizens to want to complain, but they didn't dare to speak at all.

Can you still hear this Nima electronic music and sing skills?

And with the camera of the live director, it cut to the special guest seat.

Fang Yue's fans immediately climaxed again.

"A lot of stars are here, my brother really has cards!".

"That's not it! Our brother is the top class now!".

"Sisters, brush the waves!".


And at this time, the on-site special guest seat.

A group of little fresh meat looked at the camera and swept over, all of them rushed to make various expressions and gestures towards the camera, wanting to have a close-up of the camera.

"Wow, I saw my brother, so handsome!".

"My brother is too!".

"Being a guest at Fang Yue's concert, my brother really has a card, and the future is promising!".

"Our brother's strength is stronger than Fang Yue, and he will definitely be able to surpass Fang Yue and stand on the big stage in the future!"


The fans of these fresh meats are also bubbling up in the barrage.

But there was little momentum.

was overshadowed by Fang Yue's fan barrage all of a sudden.

Reba was okay, he didn't grab the camera, he just smiled at the camera and beckoned, elegant and generous.

However, due to the fact that it is still a small fire and the fan base is not enough, there are only a few praising barrages on the barrage.

All in all.

The special guests are all rushing to show their faces on camera.


When the director's camera gradually shifted to Su Ming next to Reba.

The style of painting is directly mutated.

Compared to others who are keen to show themselves in front of the camera.

At this time, Su Ming was closing his eyes and falling asleep directly on the seat.

As if everything had nothing to do with him.

And staggered, his body was crooked, and he put his head on Reba's snow-white shoulder.

The director was also scheming when he saw this incompatible scene.

Immediately, the picture was enlarged and a close-up shot was given to Su Ming.

Reba on the side saw that the situation was not good, and hurriedly woke up Su Ming.

But it was too late.

At this time, the barrage has completely fried the pan.

"What's the situation, this man is asleep?!".

"Who is this Nima? My brother sings so well, he actually fell asleep?".

"Grass! What a sticky coffee!".

"It's really bad luck, who the hell is he, why can he still sit in the first row?".

"I'm speechless, how did the program team invite guests, obviously our brother worked so hard, and the man actually fell asleep on the spot!".

"I'm going to die, the staff get this guy out!".

"Don't give this person a picture, okay? He looks very handsome, but his character is too low!".

"That's it, I didn't even wear makeup when I came to my brother's house for a concert, so I don't need to say more about my character, right?!".


Fang Yue's fans, who were originally in the high dynasty, couldn't stand this stimulation at all, and scolded directly.

And at the same time.

Passers-by, who don't think it's a big deal to watch the excitement, netizens also began to buckle the barrage.

"Damn, who is this buddy, what a brave!".

"Hahaha, it's really brave! This Nima is a normal reaction! What kind of Kunba thing is this Fang Yue singing!".

"Awesome! Sleep at the concert! How can he sleep with this magic sound?"

"Hahaha, I'm laughing and peeing, others can't wait to show themselves, this guy is going to sleep directly!".

"Don't say it, buddy is so handsome! not the kind of handsome girl chirping!".

"Hey, this person looks a little familiar!".

"I remember, this is not Su Ming! The champion of the national singing competition three years ago!".

"Wow, I also remembered, it's him, didn't you say he quit the circle?"


Passers-by and netizens were all laughed at by Su Ming's operation.

For the first time in so many years, they have seen a star fall asleep at a concert.

And it is also a concert of a top star like Fang Yue.

Not to mention, looking at Fang Yue's angry appearance of the fans is really exciting.

However, Su Ming's next operation made passers-by and netizens laugh.

I saw that Su Ming, who was woken up, looked at Reba, and then at the camera that came over.

It's like nobody.

Tilt your head slowly to the other side, and continue to close your eyes and fall asleep.

"Hahaha, isn't this guy really a star?

"Laugh to death, you look at the expressions of those people behind you, your shocked eyes are about to fall, they have never seen such a fierce person. "

"I think they were shocked that they posed so much, and the camera turned out to be as long as no one sleeps, hahahaha!"

"It's really a knife fart valley, it opened my eyes, his name is Su Ming, right, I want to be his fan!".

"This little fresh meat is really different! But aren't you afraid of offending Fang Yue like this?"

"This brother, don't call this warrior a little fresh meat, is he a real man?"

"That's it, what's wrong with offending Fang Yue? Do you see people's attitude, do you mean to be angry?"


Originally, they thought that Su Ming had accidentally fallen asleep.

As a result, I woke up this time and was scolded by the camera, but I continued to sleep like no one else.

This Nima is really brave!

At this time, on the stage, because there is also a screen on the scene, it is synchronized with the picture of the webcast room.

Fang Yue on the stage could also see Su Ming who was sleeping.

Looking at Su Ming who was sleeping, Fang Yue was slightly stunned, and almost didn't lip-sync with the original singer in the background.

Su Ming, he knew.

He had just joined the company before, and he felt that Su Ming was a senior and had a coffee position, so he called Brother Ming Ming.

Later, after finding out that Su Ming was already confused, he directly deleted Su Ming's prestige.

He didn't expect Su Ming to come to the scene as well.

But you can come.

This is too bad to give him face!

For a moment, anger rose directly in his heart.

When the concert is over, you must take care of Su Ming!

"Director, director, what's going on, you cut the camera quickly!

Backstage, Fang Yue's agent Sister Qin looked at Fang Yue's situation, and hurriedly asked the director to switch lenses through the headset.

The director realized that the situation was wrong, and immediately cut the camera away.

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