Chapter 2 Reba: Who has whiter legs, me or her?

In the blink of an eye, it was already five o'clock in the afternoon.

Next to a Rolls-Royce downstairs in the company.

Da Mimi was wearing a burgundy hip-wrapping skirt, showing off her slender legs very Sykes, and the assistant on the side was holding an umbrella for her.

After a while, Reba, dressed in a dress and with an equally excellent figure, also arrived.

I have to say that these two people standing together are really eye-catching.

"What about Su Ming, why hasn't he come yet?".

Yang Mi looked at Reba, who was coming over alone, and asked.

Reba frowned: "I called him when I came out, and he should come over right away." "

Yang Mi glanced at the time, it was not too long before the start time of Fang Yue's concert.

If Su Ming makes some moths, I'm afraid he will be late.

So, she directly chose to dial Su Ming's phone.


She heard the fierce keyboard sound coming from Su Ming's end.

In the next second, Yang Mi's angry little milk voice immediately broke out: "Su Ming, you won't still be playing games! Come here, if you don't come again, you'll be late!".

"Sister Mi, don't worry, I'll come over right away, I'll push the front teeth on the opposite side. "

Su Ming, who was on the other end of the phone, continued to operate frantically while comforting Yang Mi.

Hearing Su Ming's words, Yang Mi was almost angry: "I'll give you three minutes! Within three minutes, you will appear in front of me immediately!".

After speaking, he hung up Su Ming's phone directly.

"I'm so angry, the other artists in the company can't wait to follow me. "

"As a result, he Su Ming still has to beg me to go!".

Yang Mi stomped on her calves, and her face turned red with anger.

Reba on the side looked at Yang Miqi's appearance and couldn't help but take a few steps back.

Although she and Yang Mi are like sisters, when Yang Mi is angry, she doesn't dare to provoke at all.

At the same time, she couldn't help but secretly call Su Ming really brave in her heart.

can be so angry with Yang Mi, and he will not be expelled.

Except for Su Ming, it is really difficult to find the second one.

If it weren't for her understanding of Su Ming's background.

She really felt that Su Ming was not related to Yang Mi.

Fortunately, Su Ming didn't delay for long.

After pushing the crystal smoothly, I met with the two in a few minutes.

After getting in the car, the group hurriedly went to the concert venue.


Yang Mi may have been used to Su Ming's rotten personality for a long time, so she didn't scold.

After just verbally talking about Su Ming, he began to tell him about the interview later.

"Su Ming, Fang Yue was also drafted like you, and they both debuted as champions, and they were also in the same company. "

"Later, the media will definitely compare you with him, and by the way, ask some if there are any, and remember to be a little more restrained in your words..."

Yang Mi looked at Su Ming on the side and said seriously.

Fang Yue has become the top stream with capital, and Su Ming has been out of gas for many years.

According to the urine nature of the unscrupulous media, it is strange not to compare it and stir up a wave of topics.

And she also knows Su Ming's character.

She was really afraid that Su Ming wouldn't be able to keep her mouth shut.

However, she kindly advised, but Su Ming's eyes were always on her lap at the moment, not serious at all.

"It's so white. "

Su Ming let out a heartfelt sigh.

I have to say.

Today, Boss Yang's outfit is really good.

In terms of figure in the entertainment industry, it has to be Boss Yang!

"Hey, Su Ming, are you listening to me?".

Yang Mi noticed Su Ming's gaze, her face turned red immediately, and she hurriedly asked.

But before Su Ming could speak, Reba on the side was amused first, and when he opened his mouth, he said: "Poof, do you have white legs?"

Su Ming is really the most real artist she has ever seen, she can say whatever she wants, without pretentiousness.

The reason why she can have a good relationship with Su Ming in private is because of Su Ming's character.

Su Ming turned his head at this time and looked at Reba carefully, and then gave a serious evaluation: "You guys, let's divide it equally." "

The two sang and harmonized.

directly closed Yang Mi to herself.

The two looked at each other and smiled.

It's not the first time I've done it to tease the boss.

But this is also an episode.

Yang Mi is the boss after all, and Su Ming and the others also listened to the arrangements.

And after a general understanding of the entire process.

Su Ming swiped his phone by himself.

Turn on the microwave.

In the morning he posted a microwave below.

Now there are more than 100 comments and dozens of retweets.

Compared to his peak a few years ago, when tens of thousands of comments were casually made.

It's really bleak.

No way, out-of-fashion stars are like this.

However, there are also benefits to being over-gas.

Now the people who speak in the comment area are basically true love fans.

"It's a microwave!

"I'll go!, did my brother finally remember the microwave account password?!".

"Brother, is your account stolen, pumping fans to go shopping?

"It seems to be, I've never seen an artist do this, is this microwave really sent by me?".

"Is it really possible! Can any of you contact my brother himself? I have to tell my brother about this, if this thief sends something strange, my brother's reputation will be ruined!"


Looking at the comments below, Su Ming was really a little crying and laughing.

I haven't microwaved myself in a long time.

These fans didn't even believe that he was sending this microwave.

But he was quite impressed.

Many comments are even worried about his stolen account and ruined reputation.

I'm too angry, and I still care about the reputation of a hammer.

Anyway, now he doesn't plan to break into the entertainment industry.

It's time to give back to these die-hard fans and get closer to the fans.

And to be honest, he didn't think of himself as an idol.

Everyone is an ordinary person, and it is a great honor for him to have such a group of fans to support him.

Subsequently, he personally explained the authenticity of microwaves under the comments.

After knowing that this microwave was sent by Su Ming himself.

The iron powder at the bottom is boiling directly.

"Damn! it's really my brother himself!".

"In other words, if you are selected, you can really go shopping with your brother for a day?!".

"Damn, I'm not in the Demon Capital!".

"Is it still in a hurry to go to the magic capital now?".


Looking at these comments, Su Ming directly replied to them one by one.

After replying, the car had already arrived at the entrance of the venue.

Led by the staff.

Su Ming and the others walked directly into the VIP channel.

Along the way, there were all posters of Fang Yue.

Judging from the poster, Fang Yue's whole person is starry, as if he is a top-notch superstar.

Come backstage.

Many guests have already arrived.

Among them, except for a few well-qualified celebrities, they are basically all small fresh meat with oily noodles.

At this time, when these guests saw Yang Mi coming, they all greeted each other, Sister Mi and Sister Mi.

Reba has also been a little hot recently, so there are also many guests who come forward to say hello.

As for Su Ming, he was completely left aside.

No way.

The entertainment industry is like this, as long as the coffee is here.

Everyone smiles at you.

There's no coffee table.

It's the same as air.

Su Ming didn't feel angry because he was ignored.

After all, he didn't treat these little fresh meat as human beings.

He didn't get noticed, but he actually felt at ease.

Taking advantage of Yang Mireba's negotiation with these people, Su Ming was ready to go to the toilet.

Just arrived at the toilet door.

He heard two staff members at the sink chatting about their idle days.

"Sister, I have to rely on you, we can see Brother Fang Yue up close later, and we can still stand in the front row of the concert!"

"Hehe, don't rely on me, rely on my dad, if it weren't for my dad arranging two positions for us, we would never have been able to get in. "

"Yes, it's still up to my uncle, I heard that the standing tickets in the last row of the concert have been sold for 3,000, and the front row has been sold for 20,000 or 30,000, so we've saved too much money. "

"That's not it, but our brother is really absolutely top-notch, I think the tickets are still cheaper. "


Listen to the small talk between the two.

There was a black line on Su Ming's forehead.

The tickets for this concert are sold for 3,000

What is the difference between this Nima and robbing?

The current brain powder is really amazing.

Such an unreasonable price is acceptable, and even feels cheap!

You know, 3,000 yuan is a month's salary for ordinary people!

He really can't understand this deformed traffic culture more and more.

But he didn't bother to care about that.

The game of capital, let capital play.

Anyway, the brain fans will pay for it.

After going to the toilet, Su Ming went to the hall.

There is still some time before the concert starts, and he is going to find some snacks to pad the mat.

And the two brain fans who were talking also noticed Su Ming passing by at this time.

"Hey, that person just now is so handsome, he looks a little familiar. "

"I remember, it seems to be called Su Ming, who used to be from the same company as our brother, and it seems that he debuted as the champion of the same talent show. "

"Hey, I remembered, too, but he seems to have been confused for a long time. "

"It's really confused, I can only say that there is a gap between the champions, not everyone can become the top like our brother. "


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