Chapter 101 "Under Heaven" exploded!

Su Ming's barrage fired.

The next second.

It caused a collective boiling of the barrage.


"Damn! Su Ming sent a barrage!"

"Are you sure it's me?"

"I'm sorry!

"Su Ming is actually watching like us!"

"Poof! Isn't this nonsense? Su Ming is a guest on this show, and his song is about to appear, how can he not watch it?"

"Hahahaha, Zhang Zheng kills indiscriminately, I feel that my expectations can't be too high, Su Ming himself"

"Su Ming, to be honest, after listening to the three people in front of you sing, do you regret it in your heart now?"

"No, Su Ming said this suddenly, can't this Zhang Zheng really have something?"

"Zhang Zai must have something, but compared to other singers, he doesn't have many things!"

"Indeed, the strength of those other singers is too strong, it is estimated that Su Ming should know that he will lose when he says this, and deliberately make a wave of show effects. "

"Hahahaha, Su Ming understands the effect of the show. "

"[Lao Xue]: Looking forward to a surprise!

"Damn! Lao Xue is actually watching!"

"What's the situation? Lao Xue actually thought that there would be a surprise, this robbery wouldn't really be killed indiscriminately, right?"

"[Ziqi]: Looking forward to indiscriminate killing, hahahaha!

"Damn! Ziqi is also watching! Also standing on Su Ming's side!"

"There's not going to be a reversal, is it?"

"Thinking too much, old Xue Ziqi is here to cheer Su Ming, the relationship between people is good, hahaha!"

"Seven, Six, Seven" At this time, Su Ming's barrage undoubtedly ignited the enthusiasm of the audience.

However, for the words of "Zhang Zheng and Random Killing", obviously not many people cared, and even most of them thought that Su Ming wanted to make a wave of program effects.

However, after Lao Xue Ziqi was also blown out and sent a barrage.

The original one-sided barrage repercussions have changed all of a sudden.

No, Su Mingxuan's Zhang Zheng can really bring them any surprises, right?


"I want to see, how can this peasant chosen by Su Ming kill indiscriminately?"

"Hahaha, I see that Su Ming is in a hurry, prepare a wave of program effects in advance, and find a step for yourself. "

"Don't say it, the effect is still okay, and when he loses, he will directly transform into a comedian. "

Another place.

Song Yunteng, who paid attention to Su Ming's barrage, and the other three Qu fathers, almost laughed out loud at this time, no, they had already laughed!

According to the performance of the top three so far.

They really didn't think that Su Mingxuan's Zhang Zheng could create a miracle.

And look at the wind direction of the barrage in the live broadcast room.

Su Ming really couldn't help but want to laugh.

As long as Zhang Zheng plays normally, Zhang Zheng will definitely be able to send a surprise later!


In the midst of a heated discussion of the barrage.

The advertising time has passed, and the stage image has reappeared in everyone's eyes.

"Okay, audience friends, welcome back to the "King of Golden Melody Singers" exclusively titled by Jindian Youkun Milk!"

"I'm your host Shen Tao!"

"After experiencing the singing of the first three singers just now, we are about to usher in our fourth singer, Zhang Zai!"

"But before we start, I would like to interview the four of us listeners about what they expect from Zhang Zai's next singing?"

As soon as he came back, the host Shen Tao began to enliven the atmosphere first.

And in the face of Shen Tao's interview.

The four listeners also gave their own opinions.

Han Hong: "I'm still very much looking forward to it, since I can stand on this stage, I don't think there will be any weakling!"

Li Jian: "First of all, I don't know much about this singer, so it's not easy to comment on it.

However, I still have an understanding of the composer of his song, Su Ming, Su Ming is an extremely good composer in my eyes, this time Su Ming chose Zhang Zheng to sing, I think there must be a reason for him, you can look forward to it. "

Sun Nan: "I think the same as Mr. Li Jian. "

Liu Huan: "I know that there seem to be many people in front of the screen who are not very optimistic about the singer selected by Su Ming, but generally those who are not very optimistic can bring surprises, but even if there are no surprises, that is normal, I hope everyone can give newcomers a little more encouragement." "


The speeches of the four listeners were very pertinent and did not carry too much prejudice.

At the same time, the speeches of the four also raised the barrage's expectations for Zhang Zheng a lot.


It didn't take long.

After Shen Tao came back from the field, the show finally officially began.

"Let's have a please, Zhang Zai!"

As Shen Tao's words fell.

At the entrance to the stage.

Zhang Zai exhaled deeply, and walked towards the stage.

But even though he had made a series of mental preparations for himself just now, he tried to relax as much as possible.

But if this is really played, it must be false to say that you are not nervous.

In the face of these dazzling cameras in front of you, spotlights everywhere, and these big names sitting in the audience.

All of this makes Zhang Zao feel too dreamy.

Of course, more is still nervous.

It is precisely because of this nervousness that unconsciously, Zhang Zai's walking posture has become a little awkward.

Not only walking, but even the expression looked a little awkward.

It's a bit like when I was a kid and was caught by the teacher and performed a show for the whole class.

And for such a scene.

The barrage is really already laughing.

"Wow, what's going on with this walking and suddenly becoming the same hand and foot?"

"Poof! He doesn't seem to be fully used to this body!"

"Hahahaha, I'm going to die laughing, this painting style is too different from the previous ones, right?"

"It's not, the first three are the protagonist's painting style, and when he comes to him, he will directly become a passerby!"

"Harm, it's really no way, this robbery is really a pure newcomer, I'm still too nervous. "

"Indeed, if you think about it from another perspective, let me go to this stage, I guess I will have to shiver!"

"Nervous is nervous, walking is deformed, this nervousness is a bit outrageous, I was not so nervous the day I was a man, how can I sing?"

"It's a pity, Song Qu's father's meal should have gone completely away. "

"Song Qu's father lost a delicious meal, and Su Mingfang needs to be fully responsible!"

"Poof! I should regret it now, right? I said don't be a newcomer, Su Ming himself"



Zhang Zao's performance was almost exactly the same as expected before the barrage

And it's not just the barrage that exploded.

Song Yunteng and the other three Qu fathers are even more laughing now.

As they expected, it was.

This chain should be dropped or must be dropped!

"That's it, I thought Su Ming was really hiding something, and I laughed to death, hahahaha!"

"Look at this person's appearance, he can sing smoothly, I count him as a winner!"

"If you want me to say, Su Ming probably didn't write any good songs for him, if he wrote a good song to such a newcomer, then Su Ming would be too stupid!"

"Didn't Su Ming send a barrage just now to kill indiscriminately? Everyone are ready, when this person finishes singing, we will also go to the barrage to bring a wave rhythm and blow up this Su Ming's mentality!"

Looking at Zhang Zai's appearance, the four Qu fathers were already ready to speak on the barrage.

And the other end.

Yang Mireba's side really mentioned her throat in her heart.

"Zhang Zheng is too nervous, right?"

"Sister Mi, I don't want to watch it. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

The two goddesses were extremely nervous at the moment.

In this situation, there is a chance that something may happen to Zhang Zheng!

Even Su Ming on the side.

Now he has become slightly furrowed.

This is the first time Zhang Zai has come to power, and he has long expected that Zhang Zai will be nervous.

However, Zhang Zai seemed to be a little more nervous than he thought.

But of course.

Now there is no other choice than to believe in Zhang Zheng.

Let's go back to Zhang Zheng.

Coming to the center of the stage, Zhang Zai pursed his lips, his eyes couldn't help but sweep towards the camera in front of him, and his body couldn't help but tremble a little.

"Don't be nervous, young man, just sing as you normally would!"

In the audience, the enthusiastic Han Hong obviously saw Zhang Zheng's nervousness, and opened his mouth to encourage at this time.

"Yes, just sing it normally, don't have too much pressure. "

Teacher Li Jian on the side was also enthusiastic and gave Zhang Zai a positive look.

The encouragement of the two obviously eased Zhang Zheng a little.

At the same time, Zhang Zai's mind suddenly remembered what Su Ming had said to him yesterday night.

Enjoy the stage!

That's right, when there was a charity troupe in the melon field before, he dreamed of a big stage0...

Now that this opportunity has come, you can't mess it up because you're nervous.

Su Ming is right, enjoy it and it's over!

Thinking of this, Zhang Zai's eyes obviously became firm, and the aura of the whole person changed.

The next second.

I saw him take a few deep breaths, pick up the microphone, and speak to everyone in the audience.

"Hello everyone, my name is Zhang Zai. "

"The next song I want to sing is the song of Teacher Su Ming. "

"The title of the song is "Under Heaven"!"

The voice fell.

Zhang Zai turned his head and gestured to the dubbing teacher.

At this moment, many people on the barrage obviously saw some changes in Zhang Zao.

The keyboard player who was originally about to deduct a wave of ridicule words was directly stagnant.


The prelude to "Under Heaven" also sounded at this moment.


Jin Ge Iron Horse!

Chivalrous tenderness!


With the prelude to the perfect integration of the national style and popular elements, all kinds of emotions suddenly rushed towards everyone.

Listening to this prelude, it is really like the title of this song, giving people a feeling of sitting on the world.

At this time, there were four listeners in the audience.

Including the fifty first-class composers, they couldn't help but widen their eyes and look full of surprise.

The traditional Chinese style with the pop melody can be combined with such a shocking effect!

Especially when the flute part sounds.

It's as if people have traveled back to ancient times, and saw an ancient king looking at his own country and thinking about the scene of the past when he first went to war.

The sense of picture and story is directly full!

Judging by the prelude alone.

This song "Under Heaven" has completely crushed the previous three songs!

"This song!"

At this time, Wang Quan in front of the screen was also shocked.

It's worthy of Su Ming, this prelude is good!

And this is actually a completely different style from Su Ming's previous songs!


The other end.

Song Yunteng and the three Qu fathers couldn't help frowning now.

Not to mention how good Zhang Zheng can sing later.

If you talk about Su Ming's song alone, the quality should not be bad.

However, they also secretly shouted in their hearts that Su Ming's newborn calf was not afraid of tigers and had courage.

The combination of national style and pop music, this difficulty is not ordinary!

Except for those Qu dads who are extremely familiar with traditional national style, few people in the circle dare to make this kind of attempt easily.

Under the stage.

Even the host Shen Tao, who doesn't know much about music, is full of shock at the moment.

Because after this prelude sounded, Zhang Zheng 5.5 on the stage, the momentum was completely and completely changed.

There is no tension and rustic atmosphere before, but there is a sharp edge that is difficult to describe in words!

Needless to say, the barrage is even more so.

Nowadays, all brushes are exclamation points!

The prelude to this extreme resistance and the momentum exuded by Zhang Zheng at this time.

Zhang Zheng doesn't really want to kill indiscriminately, right?

And just when everyone was thinking like this.

The prelude has come to an end.

Zhang Zai also spoke.

"The smoke rises~,

Looking for love is like a wave of sand~"

"Meet her~,

Like spring water reflecting pear blossoms~"

Zhang Zai's voice was high-pitched and clear, pure without any redundancy and procrastination.

Just these two lines are sung.

The faces of the four listeners in the audience changed, and they couldn't help but stand up in unison.

This singing skill!

It seems that he is not inferior to Li Xuan in front of him at all, and even the handling of this tail note is better than Li Xuan!

"Swing the sword to break~, the end of the world is lightly put down

In my dreams, I was obsessed with it."

Two more lines were sung.

Accompanied by a rapid flutter of the rhythm of the background music.

Zhang Zheng's whole person's momentum has gradually opened,

"I don't care about the generals

It doesn't matter what will happen forever

Seek only love and resolution

This red dust is chaotic and never ends

Love is more love for eternity

Be more gentle like water

Who cares who is the master of Spring and Autumn!


Zhang Zai's explosive Chinese-style rap is accompanied by the sound of drums and strings in the background.

For a while, the atmosphere of the audience was instantly ignited!


It's so fried!.

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