Chapter 102 The level of "The World", Jiahang Yang Mi wants it all!

"There is love in your life, so don't be afraid of wind and sand

Sad white hair can't keep the fragrance!

Throw away the picturesque country and replace her smiling face like a flower

Resist this life's empty worries!

If there is no resentment, love and hate will follow her

The love of heaven and earth is endless

Just for her to stand up to the world


Zhang Zai continued to sing.

The four listeners, as well as the first three singers in the waiting area, and even the first-line singers who are preparing to take the stage backstage.

Now there is an incomparably shocking face written on it.

Because Zhang Zai's control of both the treble and the emotion is almost perfect!

And now Zhang Zheng, who is completely let go, has a sense of oppression that looks down on everything in this typhoon on his body, which is too strong!

At this point, they were already a little bit unconvinced.

Is this really the first time a newcomer has just appeared on stage?!

Li Xuan, who has won one hundred and five votes before and is highly admired.

Now looking at Zhang Zheng on the stage, there is really a feeling of looking up to his predecessors!

Not to mention the fifty composers on the field.

Those ones were even more shocking.

But what shocked them was Su Ming's song.

They didn't expect it at all.

Su Ming is so perfect that he can integrate national style and pop music!

And against the backdrop of this poetic and picturesque lyrics, the artistic conception of this song is simply vividly displayed.

Do you want a country or a beauty?

The whole song is about this controversial issue, both ancient and modern.

It's different from what most people might choose in the past.

Here is a firm choice of beauty!

The reason is simple.

If you lose your loved one, what's the use of wanting this country?!

In the majestic atmosphere of the melody, there is chivalrous tenderness everywhere.

It's like seeing a king standing on a high position, thinking about the beloved who once disappeared in the golden iron horse.

What about the three thousand beauties? none of them are his love!

What about the vast rivers and mountains? There are hidden dangers everywhere, and if you are not careful, you may be in the abyss!

If he is asked to choose 06 again, he will firmly choose his beloved!

Overall, Su Ming's song was written.

Whether it is from the melody of the song or this artistic conception, it is written to amaze them.

They're almost out of adjectives now.

It's awesome!

"I don't care about the generals

It doesn't matter what will happen forever

Seek only love and resolution

This red dust is chaotic and never ends


At this time, Zhang Zai seemed to have completely entered the state of enjoying the stage, and the whole person was extremely relaxed

It's like returning to that melon field.

He looked up to the sky and sang, enjoying the joy that music brought him.

Both the listeners and the audience in the audience are the melon seedlings under his feet and the rice and wheat in the distance.

And the barrage at this time.

It was already boiling.


"This singing is too good, isn't it?"

"I'm getting goosebumps!"

"This Zhang Zheng, who said that he is a newcomer?! A newcomer can sing like this!"

"This high note, this explosive power, this breath control, this is stronger than Li Xuan!"

"Damn! I'll admit I'm blind!"

"Su Ming doesn't seem to be wrong, he's really killing indiscriminately!!"

"Good girl, this clear high voice, I'm really convinced, if only I could continue to vote online, I really want to vote for him!"

"Look at Teacher Han Hong's expressions, Zhang Zheng is simply crazy!"

"Doesn't anyone care about the song?

"That's right, that's right, this song is really suitable for his voice, and the quality of the song is really amazing, the lyrics are the same as Nima's ancient poems!"

"I'll just say, Su Ming's talent, you will always be trustworthy!"

"Poof! There's no memory on the Internet, right, what you posted before the barrage was obviously Su Ming Zhenshabi, and it's about to overturn!"


"If you have love in your life, why be afraid of the wind and sand, and the sad white hair can't keep the fragrance, I think this sentence is the most awesome, and it really writes out this artistic conception!"

"What does Su Ming mean in the song, does Su Ming want a beauty? hahahaha!"

"Poof! If it were me, I would choose the country! With the country, what beauty can't be found? The song is good, but it's almost meaningless. "

"Superficial! Su Ming's beauty is not what it means on the surface, this obviously refers to the beloved, and it is completely different from the beauty you spent two thousand and five nights!"

"it! Two thousand five a night? Why don't you grab it? Could it be that there is something inlaid with it?"

"Young man, we're all starting at 3,000. "

"Ahem, don't talk crookedly, doesn't anyone pay attention to the number of votes for this song later? If it exceeds one hundred and five..."

"Hahaha, Song Yunteng, dangerous!"



The barrage was obviously amazed by Zhang Zao's singing skills and the majestic "Under Heaven".

At the same time, he also realized the barrage that Su Ming posted before.

Su Ming was really right.

Zhang Zai is really killing indiscriminately now!

They were blinded.

"Old Song, it! I feel like something is going to happen!"

"Old Song, what do you think of this song?"

"This song is really well written, and it is also very suitable for this singer to sing, Lao Song is probably going to be stumped!"

"It's really not unreasonable for Lao Wang to keep blowing this Su Ming, he's really perverted, he's young, he can control so many styles of songs, even if he can, the most important thing is that he writes all the thieves!"

"Yes, it's really perverted! Think about when we were still at Su Ming's age, let alone many styles, we couldn't even write a song that could be regarded as a masterpiece. "


At this time, in Wang Quan's small group of Qu Dad, now it has exploded, and they have begun to Song Yunteng, sighing about this song "The World".

Looking at this scene, as the only Su Mingchui in the group, Wang Quan was already very happy at this time.

Su Ming really didn't disappoint him!

The quality of this "Under Heaven" is really high!

And this choice is really not wrong, this Zhang Zheng's singing skills and this timbre are really suitable for this kind of song.

This couldn't help but remind him of his own song "Kingship".

If that song is sung to Zhang Zai, it is estimated that it can achieve the effect that one plus one is greater than two!

It's a pity that this song was ruined by the archmage.

And Wang Quan naturally will not delay this great opportunity at the moment, and Song Yunteng will be in the group immediately.

"Old Song, Su Ming's singing seems to be average, don't panic. "

The other end.

At this time, Song Yunteng was already panicked, looking at Wang Quan's news, he almost didn't hold back, and he was in this yin and yang.

Is this song still called average?

It's outrageous!

He really didn't expect that Su Ming would be able to integrate national style and pop music to write such a song "The World".

And Zhang Zheng not only didn't drop the chain, but even played very well, better than Li Xuan! (If you read a violent novel, you can go to Feilu Novel Network!)

So it seems that

His one hundred and fifth vote is really a bit hanging.

I can only see what the situation will be like when this song "Under Heaven" will be.

is similar to Song Yunteng, and the other three Qu Fathers are also a little panicked now, and they are all silent.

If you really let Su Ming's song take the first place.

How many of them have become Su Ming's background board inappropriately?

What kind of face will you use to talk about seniority with juniors in the future?

But they're fine.

The worst thing is Song Yunteng, when the time comes, the bet that Song Yunteng set up by himself, will it be fulfilled or not?

"I'll go! Zhang Zai's singing is too good! Sister Mi, do you think Zhang Zai will be the first!"

"I don't know, but it's really good!"

is different from Song Yunteng's fathers.

At this time, Yang Mireba seemed to be excited.

Originally, I thought that Zhang Zheng was going to drop the chain at first, but he was directly surprised.

Su Ming, who was on the side, couldn't help but sweat for Zhang Zheng in his heart now.

Fortunately, Zhang Zheng stabilized.

And it seems that the singing is really good, and there are almost no flaws to be found.

It seems that Zhang Zai's practice these days is estimated to be very hard.

"Su Ming, your song is well written. "

"Do you want a beauty, not a country?" Does that mean that you want Sister Mi, not Jiahang?"

At this time, Reba looked at Su Ming mischievously, with a gossip in her eyes.

And Su Ming hadn't spoken yet.

Yang Mi's face was already flushed, and the deer in her heart was bumping.

and then pinched Reba's thin waist,

"Reba, are you talking nonsense?!There's nothing between me and Su Ming!Why do you always think about these things?"

"It hurts, it hurts, Sister Mi, I was wrong!"

Reba hurriedly admitted his mistake and begged for mercy.

Looking at this scene, Su Ming was overjoyed.

Look at this question, it's just too unlevel.

If you really let him choose, Da Mi Mi, Jia Hang, of course, all of them!

It's the little kid who makes the choice!

"When I met her, it was like spring water reflecting pear blossoms

Swing the sword to break the end of the world, and the acacia put it down lightly

In my dreams, I was obsessed with it."

Back to the stage.

As Zhang Zai's last song fell.

This song "Under Heaven" has come to an end.


The fifty composers and the other audience members couldn't help but get up and applaud Zhang Zao in unison.

At this time, Zhang Zai seemed to have lost the tension before the earliest, and bowed to the big guy very generously.

It seems that there is not much difference between this stage and the melon field where he practiced singing before.

"Okay, our Zhang Zai's song "Under Heaven" is really good!"

The host Shen Tao had already slowly walked onto the stage at this time and began to continue to take over the show.

There was a touch of shock and admiration on his face, and he was really excited to hear it in the audience just now.

Then it was the turn of the four listeners to talk about their feelings.

This link is a bit long.

Completely exceeded the review time of the previous three songs.

Because there are so many things that the four listeners want to say, and the emotions are even more exciting than the other.

But the general meaning is very simple.

The song is awesome!

People sing very well!

That is, they don't have the right to vote, otherwise they would all want to vote for this song!

"Then, next, I would like to invite our three teachers outside the field, as well as the fifty teachers on the scene, to start voting for our song "The World". "

After listening to the comments session, under the promotion of Shen Tao, this was the 230 votes cast.

And about thirty seconds passed.

The vote is already done.


Everyone on the field, including everyone in front of the screen, couldn't help but hold their breath, looking forward to what the votes for this song "Under Heaven" would be.

"The voting has been completed, I'm so nervous, I don't know if the number of votes for this song "The World" can exceed the previous song "Explosion"!"

"Then let's reveal it now!"

As Shen Tao's voice fell.

On the screen, you can see a clear number of votes.

"One hundred and nine votes!"

That's right, one vote is still missing, it's a perfect score!

When that number comes up.

The audience fell into a brief silence.

One hundred and nine?

That's too high!

Isn't this about taking the first place?!

But think about it, it doesn't seem to be too much for this song to get this number of votes.

And Zhang Zai looked at this number, and his heart was really excited.

It seems that he has not lived up to Su Ming's expectations!

And at the same time.

This number of votes seems to make the barrage boiling.

"Damn!One hundred and nine votes?!"

"I'm not mistaken! The number of votes is so high! It's just a perfect vote!"

"My mother, isn't this the championship locked in advance!"

"I feel the same way, this vote is estimated to be difficult to surpass. "

"I'm really curious, who didn't give this last vote?"

"I don't know, but this song must be the first, Su Ming is still strong!"

"Su Ming first, then isn't Song Qu's father going to cry and faint in the toilet?"

"Poof, aren't you fainting in the toilet?"

"Hahahaha! Don't be embarrassed, okay? People are obviously talking about it in People's Square!"

"Holy! He doesn't really like that, does he?"

"Hahaha, does anyone really believe it? But if Su Ming is really the first, he really doesn't know how to step down. "

"Don't talk about Song Yunteng, aren't the other three Qu Daddy too, their qualifications will be directly killed by Su Ming now!"

"You say, will Song Yunteng eat it then?"

"Why don't you ask, Song Yunteng"

"Hahaha, don't be, the show isn't over yet, but there is a high probability that he is going to take that step, he Song someone will do what he says, and he shouldn't break his word. "



This number of votes is really a bit surprising to the barrage.

At this moment, it is already considered that the championship has been locked in advance.

And Song Yunteng and the other three Qu fathers, who looked at this vote, are really ugly now.

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