Chapter 103 Let the senior eat first, the next song "Ordinary Road"!

"One hundred and nine votes?, will these composers comment?!"

"How did Su Ming write this song?"

"It's outrageous! How can you play this? Do you have a good song that you have the confidence to surpass this song?"

"I don't have it anyway, this ticket is a bit exaggerated!"

"What should I do then? Is it possible to wait to be ridiculed by Su Ming, a junior, so that so many netizens can see our jokes?"

"Is this a joke? Why should I make a bet!"

"Ahem, Brother Yunteng, don't worry, we still have songs, but we may not be able to reach this number, and there may be miracles in the future. "


At this time, Song Yunteng and the three Qu fathers were about to break through.

I have to say that they also admit that the song "Under Heaven" is good.

But they really didn't expect that this "Under Heaven" could get such a high number of votes.

This made the four of them a little unconfident.

Unless they can make a perfect song, otherwise the four of them won't be able to get off the stage.

Especially Song Yunteng.


"Dog woman, you remember me!"

Now his face is almost green.

While hating being unladylike, I also regret why I saved that little money that day.

Of course, the most regrettable thing is why Su Ming was mentioned at that time!

At the same time, he is also very angry with these other three Qu fathers.

If it weren't for the three of them being so confident, they would support him on the microwave.

He had already refuted the rumor that the picture was fake in accordance with the company's requirements, and the gambling contract could be invalidated, and at most it would be criticized by people in the circle.

Now that this situation has been achieved, it is really a dilemma.

And looking at him at this time, the barrage of asking him if he would fulfill his bet really made him even more headache.

couldn't bear it anymore, so he sent a full-screen barrage.

[Can you bastards shut up!The show isn't over yet!]

This barrage came out.

The barrage is fun all of a sudden.

"I'm in a hurry!"

"Hahahaha! Song Qu's father is about to curse, he's really anxious!"

"If you want me to say, why don't we take a sip? Song Yunteng"

"Poof! I'm going to die laughing! God takes a sip! A sip is like not eating, right?"

"Song Yunteng, my suggestion is to put it in the burger a little bit, add more tomato sauce, and you shouldn't be able to taste the taste at all when you mix it!"


"No, are you a little too much? Do you really think that my Song Qu father will not dare to eat it?

And with my Song Qu father's body, isn't it casual to be bored?"


"Ahem, let's talk about it seriously, is there a possibility, for the time being, Su Ming hasn't won the first place yet?"

"Poof, is this someone who can get a perfect score?"

"It can only be said that it is possible, after all, it is all Qu Dad's work, but it is unlikely!"

"By the way, Su Ming's other singer, I feel that I can also pay attention to it, this robbery is so awesome, and the second one is estimated to be not bad!"

"The second one is called Plain, right, looking at his sick appearance, I don't know what song he can sing. "


Song Yunteng looked at the barrage today, and his mentality was undoubtedly more explosive.

The barrage did not stop him.

Now it's even time to start thinking about how to eat for him!

The most important thing is that he was still fucking simulating these methods in his mind just now!

And the last straw that crushed the camel was the news from Wang Quan.

"Old Song, which People's Square are you going to go to later? Our brothers will help you bring a bucket, it will be convenient when you vomit, in fact, it is normal to lose to Su Ming, didn't I lose before, relax." "

This is simply a mouthful!


Song Yunteng scolded angrily, his face was really green.

This yin and yang weird!

However, he didn't dare to reply for a while, otherwise Wang Quan estimated that he would be more ruthless.

And Wang Quan on the other end is now laughing.

One hundred and nine votes.

He didn't believe that Song Yunteng could write a song that was even more perverted than this "Under Heaven".

At the same time, he was already looking forward to what song Pu Su would sing later.

Zhang Zheng is still like this, and the simplicity should not be bad.

Let's talk about barrage.

With Song Yunteng's speech just now, the current wind direction has become unrelated to the show.

All of them were bored about how decently Song Yunteng was.

Looking at such a barrage, Su Ming couldn't help but open the microphone and sent a barrage.

[Can you respect the old-timers? Everyone has dung, let the seniors eat first!]

As soon as this remark came out.

The barrage is instantaneously fried again.

"Poofhahahaha! Su Ming is murderous!"

"Poof! Everyone has dung, and the old ones eat it first!

"Hahaha, it has to be Su Ming!"

"I'm going to die laughing, they used qualifications to talk about Su Ming before, and now this qualifications are finally coming in handy!"

"Hahahaha, did the other three also say they wanted to eat?"

"Not to mention, if the other three also eat, Song Qu's father seems to be much more decent. "

"Poof! Decent six!"

"Su Ming himself, when will it start? Start broadcasting quickly, it's not interesting to watch your song kill here. "

"Indeed, it's on, it's a broadcast! This time it's still a female fan, isn't it?

"Su Ming himself, you can't celebrate too early, in case a song with a full score appears, it will be a big shame when the time comes. "

"[Su Ming himself]: Don't panic, even if it appears, it will be my song! "


"I'm lost! Could it be that the next song is better than "Under Heaven"?"

"Hey, then I'll have to take a look!"


With Su Ming's end, the barrage suddenly became more active.

And when he saw that Su Ming was so confident in the next song, the barrage was a little uneasy.

Is it possible that the next song can be stronger than "The World"?

And what is also not calm is that there are Song Yunteng and the other three Qu fathers. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Su Ming put aside this barrage yin and yang weird to them, they didn't dare to reply, after all, it is a big headwind now, and it is not appropriate to jump too much.

As a result, Su Ming actually revealed that the latter song may be more fierce than "The World"?

That's too desperate!

However, they didn't know if Su Ming deliberately said this to blow up their mentality.

But that's the end of the story anyway.

Let's look at what happens next, if the singers can get their songs to the point where one plus one is greater than two.

Actually, it's not impossible to give it a go!


Back to the show.

Today, the show continues.

After Zhang Zheng finished singing.

This next singer to appear, the pressure is really huge now.

One hundred and nine votes, what else does this make them compare to?

But it's okay, they're just responsible for singing, just sing it well, it doesn't matter how many votes there are.

Anyway, this face is not shameless, the bet is not a bet, it is all between the four Qu Dad and Su Ming.

It has nothing to do with them.

"It's so good!"

"Brother Pusu, just come on, just enjoy the stage!"

Zhang Zai returned to the backstage, and Pu Su immediately gave applause.

Just now, through the screen behind him, he also saw Zhang Zai's excellent performance.

Originally, he was still worried about Zhang Zheng at first, but when Zhang Zheng opened, it was completely high-energy!

And it didn't take long for his turn.

To be honest, he is much older than Zhang Zheng and has experienced a lot of things, so it is not possible to be too nervous.

But the pressure is not small.

Zhang Zheng has already sung the votes to one hundred and nine.

Then he can't sing this song too badly.

And between the two chatting, the eyes of these artists in the background have completely changed now.

At the beginning, they could say that they didn't take the two of them seriously at all, and felt that the two of them were nothing more than being taken over by Su Ming to make up for it.

As a result, as soon as this robbery appeared, it was Wang Bang!

Reasonable inference, the simple estimate will not be bad

Not surprisingly, Zhang Zai's simple and simple two, in a few days, it is estimated that they will become popular.

If this can be done early, it will definitely be beneficial for them in the future.

But their previous attitude of ignorance, at this time, is really a little embarrassed to come forward to talk.

In the blink of an eye.

It was already three o'clock in the afternoon.

There are two singers on the stage who have already finished singing.

I have to say.

The strength of these two singers is also very good.

With their respective songs, they got one hundred and three votes and one hundred and four votes respectively.

That's a lot of votes.

But obviously, it is still a little bit close to Zhang Zheng's one hundred and nine.

But it's also normal, in terms of the quality of the song, it's really not as good as Su Ming's "Under Heaven".

And now.

is only simple, and there is one Zhang Yun who has not yet sung on stage.

Pu Su sings Su Ming's song, and Zhang Yun sings Song Yunteng's song.

For Song Yunteng and the other three Qu fathers.

This cloud undoubtedly became their last hope.

"'Welcome back, "King of Golden Melody Singers", which is exclusively titled and broadcast by Jindian Youkun Milk!"

"I'm your host Shen Tao!"

"The singing of the two just now is also very good, but there is still some distance from the current highest "Under Heaven". "

"And the singing of the last two will affect the ranking of our songs in this issue, I wonder if any of them can get a full score?"

"Don't talk nonsense, let's have the next singer, plain!"

With Shen Tao's hot field again.

The next one to appear is plain.

Simplicity is different from everyone else.

Pu Su is the only singer in the audience who did not wear makeup and did not accept the costumes of the program group.

I just came up in my own clothes.

The whole person looks like a homeless man walking on the street (Wang Li's).

And the reason for not changing clothes and not putting on makeup is mainly because I feel that I can't help it, it's too troublesome.

And when simplicity slowly comes to the stage.

At this time, the barrage and the people on the scene did not dare to have any contempt for it because of their simple clothes.

On the contrary, there was a hint of expectation in their eyes.

This is the second singer chosen by Su Ming.

Don't know what kind of surprise you can bring them?

took the microphone, only to see the simplicity at this time exhaled deeply, looked at the spotlight above, and was silent for a few seconds.

In the past few seconds, countless images had flashed through his mind.

He loves music, and once upon a time, he also had a stage dream.

But with the precipitation of time, he no longer has so much desire for the stage, or in other words, he has long been downset.

After many years of wandering, he has seen too many people and too many things, and for him, as long as he can pass on the music, any place can be a stage.

In the past, when he sang on the street, the audience was generally only a few dozen, and at most only a hundred people.

And now, on this big stage, he will be able to sing to hundreds of millions of audiences.

This feeling is really a bit indescribable.

At this time, thinking of Su Ming's sentence "enjoy the stage", the corners of his mouth couldn't help but pass a smile.

That's right, next, he just needs to enjoy the stage.

In the next second, he looked at the audience with simple eyes, bowed slowly, and said.

"Big guy, my name is Plain. "

"The song I'm going to sing today is a song written by Mr. Su Ming. "

"The name of the song is "Ordinary Road" Li!".

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