In Chapter 104 "Ordinary Road", Song Qu's father quit the group chat

As the simple voice fell.

The four listeners and everyone in the room couldn't help but hold their breath.

"Ordinary Road".

The title of this song already sounds very meaningful.

I don't know what kind of light this song written by Su Ming will burst out under the simple singing?!

Then, I saw Pu Su slowly signaling to the soundtrack teachers.

The next second.

The prelude to "Ordinary Road" is slowly sounding.

The melody is melodious and low.

For a while, pictures gradually appeared in everyone's minds.

Stretches of highways.

A long journey.

and myself who don't know where to go.

At this moment, the four listeners and the fifty composers at the scene all looked full of surprise.

This prelude technique is far less gorgeous than "Under Heaven".

But this extremely strong picture and sense of story are not inferior at all!

Even the sense of picture and story created by this is easier to resonate with!

This song, at least judging from the prelude, will definitely not be bad!

For audiences who don't understand music, they only think it's good, and they have an urge to listen carefully to the follow-up.

"This song!"

At this time, Song Yunteng and the other three Qu fathers, who were paying close attention to the show, were not calm in the first place, but now they are really not calm one by one!

With such a simple prelude, you can construct such a strong sense of picture and story.

This Su Ming's melody composition skills are really a bit outrageous!

If nothing goes wrong in the future, the number of votes for this song can be guaranteed to be at least 100 votes!

And in case there is a breakthrough in the follow-up of this song, it won't really be the same as Su Ming said, and it will directly get a full ticket, right?

Then they really don't even have the last glimmer of hope.

And quickly.

on stage.

As the prelude slowly falls.

Simplicity also spoke.

"Wandering, on the road

Are you leaving, viavia


The simple voice is clean and pure, with a hint of indescribable turbidity, like a predecessor who has gone through vicissitudes.

And the first two sentences are sung, throwing the "confused" emotion at the beginning of this ordinary road.

At this moment, this confusion, coupled with the picture created in the melody on 357, instantly resonated with countless people.


Everyone on the field couldn't help but close their eyes at this moment and began to listen carefully.

"Fragile, proud

That used to be what I used to be

Boiling, restless

Where are you going, viavia

Enigmatic, silent

Are you really, listening?


Sing it here.

In his mind, he remembered the self that was boiling and restless for his dreams when he was young.

At that time, he was full of spirit, thinking of relying on the music he loved to conquer the shining stages one by one

But as time passed, he still loved music, but his dreams seemed to become more and more illusory, and the road ahead became more and more confused.

At that stage, just like the lyrics say, he became more and more silent because of confusion.

In the confusion, he chose to stick to his love while traveling and wandering, hoping to find the answer in his heart on the road.

"I used to cross mountains and seas

It also passed through the sea of people

Everything I ever had

In the blink of an eye, they were all scattered like smoke


I was disappointed

Lose all directions

Until I see the ordinary

is the only answer


Pu Su continued to sing.

On the other end, Han Hong, Li Jian and other four listeners

Now his face is full of shock.

The simple singing skills are not as gorgeous as Zhang Zheng.

But it seems to have a magical power, which makes people listen to it, and their mood can't help but fluctuate with the ups and downs of the song.

There is quite a kind of simplicity and back-to-basics flavor.

At this moment, against the backdrop of this singing

The sick man in front of him is as simple as a homeless man, and his whole temperament has completely changed.

It's not so much that this is a newcomer stepping onto the stage for the first time.

This is more like a master who has been silent in the music scene for a long time, has experienced wind and frost, understood the true meaning of life, and is now back again!!

At this moment, the singers who had finished singing in the audience couldn't help but shake their heads, their faces full of doubts about life.

These two newcomers, one sings like a senior, and the other sings like a master.

Is this Nima a newcomer?

They were happy to come over, ready to show themselves with the songs of the daddies.

As a result, they all seem to be background boards now!


I used to ruin everything I had

Just want to leave forever

I have fallen into infinite darkness

I want to struggle and can't extricate myself

I used to be like you and like him

Like the weeds and wildflowers


Go forward, just go like this

Even if you have been given something

Go forward, just go like this

Even if something is taken away


The singing continued.

The atmosphere on the pitch is already getting better.

Whether it's four listeners or a live audience.

I can't help but substitute myself into the lyrics of the song.

And at this time there were fifty composers on the stage.

Now they all seem to have some scalp tingling. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Because from the perspective of the chords of the soundtrack, the whole song is a continuous loop of 6415 four chords, which is a very popular chord progression.

Generally speaking, if the melody of the main chorus develops on this tone, it is easy to feel dull or even bored.

If they do it, there is a 90% chance that the effect will be a mess.

However, with the blessing of Su Ming's amazing melody, this not only does not make people feel dull and tired, but makes it very catchy, very memorable, and has a catchy and unforgettable effect.

With such skills, I'm afraid it's difficult for ordinary Qu Dad to do it!

Of course.

The most outstanding thing about this song is the resonance caused by the high consistency between the melody and the artistic conception of the lyrics.

The ordinary road here is not describing an ordinary journey.

It's a journey of life.

The message of this song is simple.

On the road of life, there are confusion, pain, tempering, journey, and struggle

But no matter what you go through, it's ordinary.

And what people have to do is keep moving forward.

I have to say.

With such an open-minded and transparent point of view, even they can't help but feel a sense of empowerment.

But Su Ming is only in his early twenties at this age!

At this age, you can actually realize such a truth.

It's just a little incredible!

In general, Su Ming's song.

It's fucking awesome!

They came to this show this time, and they really didn't come to the wrong place!

Let's talk about the audience in the live broadcast room at this time.

They don't understand the song's professional achievements at all.

But the resonance that this song brings to them is extremely strong.

"Oh yes, is this simple really a newcomer?"

"This aura! You say that he is the king of the comeback, I believe it! This voice is so textured!"

"The voice is vicissitudes but pure, this is definitely a man with a story!"

"I think the story should be more Su Ming, this lyric is really well written!"

"Indeed, this song is really good, I can't help but commit it when I smoke it!"

"Well, this song is really good, but I feel that the lyrics are a little too negative, what ordinary, people should do great things in this life!

"It's just that, it's too negative, I'm about to graduate, I'm already planning to start a business at zero cost, and I will definitely be extraordinary in the future!"

"Hahaha, it's good to be young, and you have momentum! I hope you can succeed in the future!"

I also thought this way when I was young, but now I not only use the loan of Hangcheng horses, but also the debts owed by the entrepreneur have not been repaid!"

"This song is estimated to be understood only by people like me who are middle-aged and come to the second half of their lives. "

"I also think of when I was young, when my heart was higher than the sky, I always thought that I could do something big, but when I reached middle age, damn! Firewood, rice, oil and salt are a little dry, ordinary is the true meaning of life, but ordinary is also commendable. "

"Until I see the ordinary, the only answer is this lyric is really well written, if only I had understood this sentence earlier. "

"How old is Su Ming, he actually knows how well he understands it than me, I'm really curious about what he has experienced?"

"I have to say, Su Ming is really outrageous, he was born as if he was born to write songs!"

"Where can I vote? I'm going to vote for this song!"

"By the way, I almost forgot about the votes, looking at the expressions of these composers, I feel that the votes for this song should not be low!"

"If I come, I'll force this song to be full!"

"I'll give you a full ticket too!"


At this time, the barrage was obviously deeply touched by this song "Ordinary Road".

Especially those middle-aged men who have really crossed the mountains and seas and walked through the crowds, the feeling is even more far-reaching.

An ordinary sentence is the only answer, which not only expresses their hearts, but also allows them to completely reconcile with themselves.

There seems to be nothing bad about living an ordinary life.

And the other end.

At this time, Song Yunteng and the other three Qu Daddy's small group are now completely fried.

"Damn, how did Su Ming write this song?"

"Yes, the lyrics of this melody are a bit too amazing, I don't know how many votes I can get, it won't be a full ticket, right?"

"I hope this song isn't full, otherwise it's really hopeless!"

"Brother Yunteng, how is your last song, do you feel that you have a chance to compare to this "Ordinary Road" and this "Under Heaven"?"

"Yes, the reputation of a few of us now depends on you, Brother Yunteng!"

"Six! I shouldn't have been provoked by the three of you that day, I would have admitted that the screenshot was fake! Now fuck, how am I going to end it?"

"You three old men, you were so confident in the microwave that day, I thought you really had something, but I didn't expect that even I couldn't compare to the number of votes for the song!"

"Seniority! Seniority, you hammer!"

[Song Yunteng has quit the group chat]

That's right.

At this time, the small group seemed to have infighting.

Song Yunteng scolded the other three in a burst of anger, and finally even quit the group chat directly.

His last song is not even as good as his previous song "Explosion"

Even if the effect of Zhang Yun's singing has the effect of one plus one is greater than two, I am afraid that he will not be able to beat this "Ordinary Road".

Because in his opinion, this song is likely to be full!

The more he thought about it now, the angrier he became.

Before, he originally wanted to rely on these three Qu fathers, but now these three people are all counting on him.

Regret not being at the beginning!

And when is it, these three are still talking about fame and fame at that time.

He's about to go to People's Square to eat!

But...... Anyway, if you fry that thing and eat it in a burger, will it really not taste good?

Depend on!

Why did he think about it?

Without the slightest hesitation, he hurriedly contacted the company's public relations urgently.

He can't eat that!

"It's really good to sing plainly!"

"Indeed, and Su Ming, you are also very strong in writing this song, you can't have a forty or fifty-year-old soul living in your body, right?

Yang Mireba sat in front of the TV at this time, silently listening to the song "Ordinary Road", and couldn't help but sigh with emotion, and looked at Su Ming at the same time.

"Who says you have to be old to have an experience?"

Su Ming shrugged.

As soon as these words came out, the two daughters couldn't help but nod.

"So what exactly did you go through?"

"Ahem, I said I crossed over, do you believe me?"

"Get out!"

"Get out!"

"You really treat us like little kids, don't you?"

"That's it, there is no such thing as crossing in this world at all, you obviously have read too many novels!"

"Sister Mi, he treats us as mentally retarded, beat him!"


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