Chapter 105 Su Ming was connected on the spot, and Daddy Qu scared off the net!

"Old Song, it! What does this song "Ordinary Road" say?"

"Old Song, what should I do, I feel like you're going to go far, this bet, cough cough. "

"Lao Wang is coming out, I'm also a little inclined to become Su Ming, this song is really awesome!"

"It's really awesome, this ordinary road, the artistic conception created by my personal feelings and the thinking it brings to people, is stronger than the song "Under Heaven", this young man, I really don't know how he wrote this song, Lao Wang blows him, I feel really fine now!"

"Anyway, why hasn't Lao Song been bubbling, what is he doing?"

"Old Song won't be on his way to People's Square, right?"

"Poof! What you say is really a bit murderous, Lao Song still has a song that hasn't been released, but it's almost ready to go. "

"Hahahaha, you cousins~face brothers!"


At this time, Wang Quan looked at the conversation in this small group, and a strong sense of pride appeared on his face.

There is a sense of accomplishment of being a fan and developing a group of friends into fans!

But there is one thing to say.

This song "Ordinary Road" made him feel very amazing.

Whether it's the melody lyrics or the ideas he wants to convey, it's worth his go

As for Song Yunteng.

He could already imagine Song Yunteng's panicked expression.

As for Su Ming's two songs, Song Yunteng hit the head?

But he was too lazy to continue to blow up Song Yunteng's mentality.

After all, he and Song Yunteng are not an endless relationship.

Anyway, as long as he knew that Song Yunteng was uncomfortable now, he would already be relieved.


Time is like smoke, and so on

Tomorrow is already in viavia

The wind-blown road is still far away

Where is your story?"

Eyes back to the show.

With the simple last line of lyrics slowly falling.

The next second.

Everyone in the audience couldn't help but stand up again.

Thunderous applause also rang out again.

No way, this singing is so good!

In the face of this warm applause, Pu Su immediately bowed to everyone sincerely.

When the applause fell, the host Shen Tao also took the stage.

"This song "Ordinary Road" sounds so touching, and at the same time sings out how many people's lives, just now I was in the audience, I saw that many audiences were crying. "

"But I'm not talking nonsense, let's listen to the comments of the four listeners first!"

Under the promotion of Shen Tao, the show came to the next link.

It's still a long one.

The listeners were all emotional, and Li Jian and Han Hong's eyes were even red.

Obviously, the four of them are also very touched by this song.

And the meaning that the four want to express is basically the same.

is the same as the previous evaluation of "Under Heaven", whether it is sung by people or written by songs, there is just one word "awesome!"

And after the evaluation.

Naturally, it came to the most critical voting link.

No matter how good they think this song "Ordinary Road" is, they still have to look at the number of votes in the end.

"What will be the number of votes for this song "Ordinary Road"?"

"Let's find out!"

The vote was completed, and Shen Tao's words fell.

The next second.

The final number of votes appeared on the screen.

"One hundred and ten votes!"

That's right!

Full ticket!

At this moment, the audience fell into a dead silence.

Then there was thunderous applause.

This result is incredible.

But it feels very natural.

"it! it! Full ticket!"

"It's really full!

"This song is really good, I think it deserves it!"

"I think I deserve it!"

"This is the first place!"

"Do you need to say it? Could it be that the next song will be a full score? Even if it is, the two songs are tied for first place, and Su Ming is still first!"

"Song Yunteng, Song Qu's father, after going to People's Square, remember to start the live broadcast!"

"Song Yunteng, yes, don't eat secretly alone, you have to broadcast it live to us!"

"Hahahaha, eat secretly!"

"Damn, he's really good at this?"

"You guys are really, Su Ming has said it, let the senior ones eat first!



watched "Ordinary Road" get a full ticket.

Today's barrage can be said to be boiling, and they all deserve it.

At the same time, watching the lively barrage that is not a big deal can't help but directly arouse Song Yunteng, and prepare to see how the other three Qu Dad will end, it is true that he is already laughing.

And at this time, the number of people in the live broadcast room also came to a terrifying 130 million!

For this data.

The director and production crew backstage seem to be crazy.

This is already the traffic of the top ace variety show!

One level higher, that's a national-level existence!

Of course, when you think of the national level, it is basically impossible, and those are all programs dominated by the leadership system.

"Su Ming, we're really right! These two songs of his are really well written!"

"Yes, and these two newcomers are also amazing, when our show is over, I think they will be on fire!"

"I really didn't expect it, Su Ming can really win the first place!"

At this time, the backstage staff were all cheering and excited.

The director laughed even more.

Before, he said that he would invite Su Ming, but many people were not very optimistic.

As a result, now, it's completely delicious!

Of course, in fact, with this popularity, it doesn't all depend on Su Ming, but also on the four Qu dads in one hand.

If it weren't for the four Qu dads who tore up with Su Ming on the microwave for a while and appeared on the hot search, there would definitely not be the current heat.

And among them, the most thankful is naturally Song Yunteng.

The other three are using their own reputation and qualifications as bargaining chips, and Song Yunteng has added a mouthful of on this basis!

This is really the finishing touch!

"Director, what should I do now? Su Ming is the first, those four Qu Daddy don't end well, right? Do we want the program team to mediate?"

At this time, an assistant couldn't help frowning.

"Mediation, mediation, what? The program is almost finished, how can we care about their grievances?"

The director shrugged his shoulders and smiled lovingly.

Now it's no matter how fierce it is, it doesn't have much to do with his show.

Go to mediation?

Let a sleeping dog lie!

But at this moment, the director suddenly received a message from the on-site personnel.

"What? Su Ming wants to connect on the spot?"

Hearing the news, the director frowned.

Su Ming, what is this going to do?

However, he heard that Su Ming was in a hurry, and it might be a problem with the song, so he didn't dare to think about it.

In a hurry, I arranged a connection.

The other end.

on stage.

Now simplicity has returned to the background.

There seems to be only Shen Tao on the stage, and he is preparing to pave the way for the next singer to appear.

However, the sudden voice in the headset made him urgently interrupt the hosting.

"Uh-huh, I see. "

"I'll arrange it now. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

After listening to the instructions, Shen Tao's face was slightly exciting.

Then he directly faced the crowd and said what he had just heard.

"Audience friends, I just got the news, Mr. Su Ming is ready to connect with us on the spot. "

"Let's connect with Teacher Su Ming now. "

As soon as Shen Tao said this, he came out.

The audience was boiling in an instant.

What's the situation?!

Su Ming is about to connect!

The four listeners were also stunned at the moment, and then a little excited.

A talented young man like Su Ming, they have long wanted to get to know him, but they have never had this opportunity.

Later, Su Ming will connect, just enough to be able to talk.

And at this time, the barrage is like a screen full of question marks.

Su Ming connected at this time, what is this for?

Followed by.

Just in everyone's expectation.

A sound slowly rang out in the live studio.

"I don't know if those four stinky sabi are watching the show. "

"Su Ming, why does it take so long to connect?"

"Su Ming, can you take us to play together in the afternoon?"

"Forget it, I can't bear the three women, you can play by yourself. "

At this moment, the audience suddenly heard three voices.

For a moment, the audience suddenly fell into a dead silence.

What does this opening sentence mean?

What does it mean to stay with Yang Mireba?

What does it mean that three women can't bear it?!

What do you mean by playing on your own?

The amount of information is really too huge for a while!

Many people at the scene and in the live broadcast room are about to burn out their CPUs.

Fortunately, the host Shen Tao reacted quickly and hurriedly spoke, "Hello Mr. Su Ming, our connection has been successful, and you can talk to us on the spot." "

He thought of it for the first time, this must be the state of Su Ming not paying attention to the connection!

And as soon as these words came out, Yang Mireba's voice suddenly disappeared, and at the same time, Su Ming's voice sounded again.

"Ahem... Well, hello host, hello everyone. "

That's right, Su Ming really didn't pay attention to the connection status just now.

Listening to Su Ming's slightly embarrassed tone.

The audience immediately burst into laughter.

But then there was a round of applause.

"Teacher Su Ming, you just urgently connected to our scene, do you have anything to say?"

Shen Tao also smiled, and then hurriedly entered the topic.

He always felt that he couldn't connect with Su Ming for too long, otherwise something might happen.

And Su Ming also answered very simply.

"I want to say it, but it's just to say it to my subordinates, those four seniors with relatively high qualifications!"

"If you're watching, please turn on the microwave when the show ends, I'll turn on the microphone later!"

"By the way, if you want to eat, remember to start the live broadcast, don't play tricks!"

"Okay, the connection is over, let's continue to enjoy the show. "

Su Ming's words were extremely swift.

So much so that the barrage at the scene and in the live broadcast room didn't react too much, and Su Ming had already hung up.

And wait for them to react.

The scene and the live broadcast room were immediately boiling.

"it! it! Su Ming started a group on the spot!"

"Hahahaha, I'm dripping mom! Su Ming is too rigid!"

"Hahahaha, just now I heard Su Ming scolding Stinky Shabi, saying that he leaked his mouth!

"Poof! watch your words, it's a stinky sabi with high seniority!"

"Hahahaha, I thought Su Ming was going to do something, the co-authoring is here for revenge!"

"I'm going to die laughing! What is there to urgently connect with Su Ming, it turns out that this is for this!"

"Why are you still stunned? Hurry up and go to the microwave!"

"Poof, what's the hurry, Su Ming said, I have to wait until the show is over before going on the microwave!"

"It's lively again!"

"It seems that Su Ming doesn't plan to bypass these four old men like this, Song Yunteng won't really take a bite when the time comes, right?"

"Who knows?"

"Hey, hey, aren't any of you paying attention to Su Ming staying with Yang Mireba now?"

"Damn! I just remembered, the three of them won't be together, right?"


"Didn't you say that there is another woman? three women! I am a mother! Su Ming is too much to play!"




At this moment, the barrage seemed to be blown apart by Su Ming's wave of connections.

I thought Su Ming was going to say something about his own song or program.

I didn't expect to come up and shout to the other four Qu Dad.

This wave is really a mouthful.

And apart from this.

Everyone couldn't help but start to speculate about the relationship between Su Ming and Yang Mireba.

That was a strange thing to say just now!

If this wave is not explained, they are really going to spread rumors!

"Su Ming, this!"

Backstage, the director listened to Su Ming's words just now, his face was really stunned for a while, and then he became a little crying and laughing.

Is this what this Nima is all about?

But fortunately, Su Ming plans to tear it up after the show, and it will not affect the traffic of the show.

And the other end.

"This guy!"



"This dog thing!"

Song Yunteng and the other three Qu fathers, now their faces are all green, and their mentality is directly and completely exploded.

Just now they were still thinking about how to avoid the rhythm of Su Ming's side.

As a result, Su Ming directly connected to the show, and first blew up their mentality through the live broadcast.

After the show, go to the microwave and Su Ming to face the line?

I'm sorry, they're losing now, but they're not right!

As for Song Yunteng, now looking at the plan sent by the public relations department, his whole head is about to faint.

[Withdraw from the network for half a year, and then look at it]

This plan is really aggrieved.

But if you think about it, at the moment, it seems that this is the only way to do it.

Anyway, he is a composer and doesn't eat the bowl of rice of fans.

"I don't know how those three coers were handled?"

Song Yunteng whispered to himself at this time, and couldn't help but turn on the microwave, wanting to see if the other three had issued any public relations announcements or something.

However, it doesn't matter if he doesn't see it.

This look.

The microwave of these three people was actually so frightened that they collectively wrote off.


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