Chapter 106 Yang Mi: I just like Su Ming!

And seeing that all three of them are so decisive.

Song Yunteng also did not hesitate at all, and directly wrote off the microwave.

After thinking about it again, he directly retired the small group of Qu Dad.

There are now a large number of Su Mingchui in this group, led by Wang Quan.

He really can't stay for a moment!


Fuck it.

Do you really want to eat that thing?

That's a thing!


He's going to quit the net, and he still cares about a hammer!

The reputation is long gone!

Also, the woman who plucked him, he had to find it!


"Su Ming, it seems that our conversation just now was accidentally overheard on the spot. "

"What three women are playing with, they all misunderstood!"

"Su Ming, hurry up and explain!"

On the other end, at this time, Yang Mi Reba looked at the barrage in the live broadcast room, her head couldn't help but be a little big, and her face was flushed for a while.

What is the barrage made up of in the brain?

Now that the two of them are being hugged by Su Ming, it is rumored that the three of them are living together!

Even the illegitimate child came!

"Explain it yourself. "

"I'm busy!"

Su Ming had already turned on the microwave at this time, and began to edit the copy of the microphone later, with a smile on his face.

Since he has won the first place, he naturally needs to be on the face, otherwise he will dare to pretend in front of him if he comes to Qu Dad in the future.

However, just as Su Ming was preparing Aite and their account, he suddenly discovered a problem.

This Nima is all written off?

This "two-ninety-three" is boring!

Seeing this, Su Ming seemed to be very interested, and directly deleted the copy he had just edited.

These four people actually ran away directly!

Then this can't get a response, it's really not much necessary.

And for this case.

The barrage in the live broadcast room was also noticed.

"I'll go! you guys go and see Song Qu's father's microwave!"

"What? The line with Su Ming started early?"


"Hahaha, is this scared by Su Ming?"

"It seems that not only microwaves, but also accounts on other platforms have been cancelled!"

"Hahahaha, this runaway is too thorough!"

"Damn! These old people can't afford to play like this?!"

"Su Ming is so awesome, didn't you just say something about opening the microphone on the show just now, and the four Qu dads actually ran away?"

"It's normal, they have always felt that they have high qualifications and look down on Su Ming, but now they can't get off the stage, and there is not only one choice to run. "

"It's a pity that I can't see Song Qu's father's heroic performance in People's Square. "

"Harm, I guess Song Qu's father really wants to eat secretly. "

"The eighth child is sad and loses his friend, Su Mingfang is fully responsible!"

"Poof!hahaha, you're so funny!"


After the barrage learned that the four Qu fathers had all withdrawn from the network, it was really boiling.

But then there was some loss.

This also means that there is no good show to watch later.

Let's talk about the show.

With Su Ming's connection just now, there was a brief chaos on the show scene.

However, under Shen Tao's on-the-spot response, the rhythm was immediately pulled back.

In the blink of an eye, the time had come to about half past three in the afternoon.

After the last singer Zhang Yun also sang, the show gradually came to an end.

There was no surprise.

The song Song Yunteng sung by Zhang Yun finally won one hundred and three, which did not pose the slightest threat to Su Ming's song.

It can be said that Su Ming is completely undoubted first.

And with the end of this issue of "The King of Golden Melody Singers".

On today's hot search list, there are a large number of hot searches about the issue of "Golden Melody Singer".

[Treasure newcomer, Zhang Zheng is simple!]

["Under Heaven", "Ordinary Road"]

[Su Ming defeated Siqu Dad and won the first place in the first phase!]

[Song Yunteng... All four Qu dads have withdrawn from the network!]

[The secret that Su Ming and Reba Yangmi have to say!]


With the emergence of these hot search entries.

The comments at the bottom are naturally already a mess.

"I'm going! what's going on?"

"Su Ming really got the first place?"

"Damn! These two newcomers sing really well, they are actually better than those first-line singers! No wonder Su Ming is the first!"

"What? These two people are actually newcomers?!"

"It's outrageous! I can't believe that a newcomer can sing like this, you look at Teacher Han Hong and Li Jian, they are surprised!"

"This Zhang Zheng is a real force, this treble is really simple!"

"It's called simplicity and it's powerful, and the sense of story of the voice is too strong!"

"Where did Su Ming find these two pieces of jade?"


"Damn! What a domineering song "The World"! It makes my blood boil when I hear it!"

"Me too! But I want a career! Make money! These are the most important things for men, fuck the beauty!"

"I also think it's important to make money, if you have money, what woman can't find it?"

"Poof! When you talk about making money, you can't just talk about part-time jobs, right?"

"The song "Ordinary Road" is too good for Nima! I almost cried!"

"Ordinary is the only answer, this lyric is really well written! But I haven't come up yet, and I can't understand it. "

"No wonder you can kill those songs of Qu Dad, this song is a real cowhide!"

"Su Ming, you are my god!"


"These four Qu dads are too funny, they actually ran away and retreated from the net. "

"The other three don't matter, but it's a pity that Song Yunteng's Song Qu's father is really a pity, he is obviously so talented, he has a lot of golden songs, he doesn't look bad, and his character is passable. The main thing is that he hasn't eaten yet!"

"Hahahaha! The Internet has a memory, when he comes back, let's remind him again!"

"Ahem, if you don't understand, just ask, who is this Su Ming, who actually forced the four Qu fathers out of the net?"

"Brother, are you still on the 2G network?


"What the hell? Yang Mireba has all been defiled by Su Ming?"

"It's not, when the connection was made, Yang Mireba was next to Su Ming, well, hugging left and right, they had already lived together!"

"Damn, the three of them are living together?"

"This is not the most outrageous! In addition to Yang Mi Reba, Su Ming also raised a woman outside! And there seems to be a lot of trouble between Yang Mi Reba!"

"By the way, I heard that Yang Mi is a big house, Reba is a small house, and both of them gave birth to Su Ming!"

"Good boys, their private lives are too messy!"

"I'll go! Su Ming's life, my dream!"

"Poof! Everyone has refuted the rumors, have you all made up your brains like this?" (Read the violent novel, go to the Feilu Novel Network!)


At this time.

The comments on the hot search are really dazzling, and there is everything.

However, the most central point of discussion still fell on Su Ming.

Especially Su Ming's two songs and the grievances between him and Song Yunteng's four Qu fathers, now seem to be the first hot search.

Of course, this hot search is really a huge exposure for Zhang Zaopu.

This has already achieved Su Ming's previous purpose of letting them on the show.

Jiahang also struck while the iron was hot, and immediately opened a microwave account for the two.

With the blessing of this huge traffic.

In less than half an hour, the number of fans of the two is already approaching two million!

Such data is truly terrifying!

Let's talk about Su Ming.

Although Song Yunteng they ran away.

But Su Ming also sent a microwave casually to make a break to this matter.

By the way, I also explained to the fans about accompanying the fans to start the broadcast.

Su Ming himself:

[I originally wanted them to turn on the microphone to speak, but now they don't even want the microphone, it's just different if they have high qualifications, it's just that.] 】

[By the way, I'm going to pick up fans now, and I'll start broadcasting when I get it, old fans can pay attention to it]

As soon as this microwave is emitted.

At the bottom, there were a bunch of people who ate melons who were hotly searched.

At the same time, the most of them naturally urged Su Ming to hurry up and start broadcasting.

"Su Ming, this is what you said, you must accompany me to the playground next time! I haven't been to that place for too long!"

"Okay, okay, don't worry, my gentleman will not chase after him! I will take you next time, but Sister Mi, you let go first, otherwise Reba will see it and say that there is something wrong with the two of us." "

"She's just a child, don't pay attention, between us... What could it be?"


Yang Mi outside the villa 0......

Yang Mi was tugging Su Ming's arm at the moment, her little face bulging, and she was making a request.

Su Ming saw Yang Mi's pitiful appearance, and he could only reluctantly agree.

Since his last trip to the countryside, he really felt that Yang Mi seemed to be a little addicted to following him.

Wherever he goes now, Yang Mi wants to follow.

But what about a place like a playground?

It's still more suitable for one-on-one play, and it's difficult to take care of two girls at the same time.

Imagine a bumper car for three people, a Ferris wheel for three people, a small kayak for three people...

As long as there are three people, there is always one who is easy to embarrass about.

Especially Yang Mi has a good relationship with him.

At that time, Zhao Jinma is likely to feel that he can't fit in.

And this time, I mainly accompanied my fan Zhao Jinmark, so naturally I couldn't let Zhao Jinmark feel uncomfortable.

So Yang Mi can only bring it next time.

And just as the two were talking.

Reba was already leaning against the wall of the room with a dead face.

Her honey sister has really changed!

actually carried her on her back and went to Su Mingyue Playground.

It's a shame that she was still thinking about the happy scene of going to the playground with Yang Mi just now!

And quickly.

Yang Mi and Su Ming also finished negotiating.

Yang Mi didn't expect that as soon as she entered the house, she was pushed down on the sofa by Reba.

"Sister Mi, you forget your friends!"

"You say seriously, do you like Su Ming?"

"I... Where?"

"Still talking nonsense! Our sisters have been in for so many years, and I can see it at a glance!"

"You... I, Su Ming..."

was questioned by Reba, Yang Mi's face turned red in an instant, and she was speechless for a long time.

Maybe it's a hurry.

Yang Mi's little milk voice broke out instantly!

"Oh, I just like him!!!"

As soon as this remark came out.

Reba was stunned for a moment and slowly let go of Yang Mi.

Yang Mi's face was already completely red, and then she hurriedly took a pillow to cover her red face, and didn't dare to look directly at Reba anymore.

That's right, Reba really knows her too well.

I've been asked like this, and the sex will be a direct showdown!

"Okay, when did you start liking it? You didn't tell me the first time!"

Reba had expected this answer a long time ago, so she was only surprised for a while, and began to scratch Yang Mi's itchy flesh, with a smile full of gossip on her face.

"Hahahaha, itchy, don't make trouble!"

"Just make trouble!Who let Sister Mi pay attention to you and ignore your friends?!"


The two girlfriends started playing at once. 4.2 "By the way, you must not tell Su Ming about this, no, no one can tell you!"

"I don't know what Su Ming thinks in his heart, if he is rejected, it will be too embarrassing!"

"I must not confess first!"

At the end of the play, Yang Mi hugged Reba, and immediately smiled and gave a warning look.

That's right, she admitted it, but she didn't know what Su Ming thought.

Therefore, this matter must not be known to a third person!

"Sister Mi, don't worry, I won't tell anyone else, and don't worry, I'll give you an assist. "

"Don't come on! You haven't talked about it yourself, and you still give me an assist. "

"Haven't you ever eaten pork, haven't you ever seen a pig run? By the way, Sister Honey, I feel like you're a bit in love!"

"Get out! You're just in love, my sister is very sober!"


Let's talk about Su Ming.

Su Ming had already come to the outside of the community at this time, preparing to go towards the Demon Capital Drama Academy.

This promised Zhao Jinma to pick her up at four o'clock, so naturally he couldn't be late.

"Xiao Ming, where are you going?"

"Uncle Zhao, I'm going to the Modu Drama Academy, are you and Fugui going out to play?"

"Yes, I'll take him to the playground to play, I just happened to stop by the Modu Drama Academy, get in the car, uncle will give you a ride!"

Su Ming was just about to take a taxi when he met Uncle Zhao.

When I heard about the way, I went directly to Uncle Zhao's car.

"Fugui, come, say hello to your little brother Ming. "


"Let's look for a draw!"

"Uncle Zhao calm down, what about driving!"


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