Chapter 107 Brother, you shouldn't be Tanhua, right?

The entrance of the Magic City Drama Academy.

"Thank you, Uncle Zhao!"

"It's okay Xiao Ming, then let's go first, if you come early, we can probably meet in the playground." "

"Grandpa, I don't want to go to the playground now!"

"Looking for a draw, right? Who had to come before?!"

"Uncle Zhao, stop fighting, Fugui, he's just a child!"


watched Uncle Zhao's car leave.

Su Ming couldn't help but sigh.

It's nice to have a good neighbor!

Then, Su Ming turned around and looked at the door of the Demon Capital Drama Academy.

I have to say that the gate of this school looks quite magnificent.

Unlike high schools, university campuses are basically open, and although there are security guards, they are generally not very stoppable, and outsiders can walk in.

So at this time, there are not only college students coming and going, but also many old men and women coming in and out for a walk.

Without much hesitation, after Su Ming sent a message to Zhao Jinma, he went to the campus first.

Walking on this campus, a breath of youth is instantly blowing in your face.

Little skirts, big white legs, small couples, and a bunch of buddies who don't seem to know what they're going to do.

Such a scene really reminded Su Ming of his college days.

I didn't expect it to be so long.

"I'll go! There's a handsome guy over there!"

"it! Sister, cover me, I'll have a few more looks!"

"What sister dares to ask for prestige? I'll treat her to a week's dinner!"

"Which department is this?"

"I don't know, it should be from the acting department, why don't you take a sneak peek and ask on the confession wall?"

"I'm sorry!06Who is this buddy? Don't say it, he's so handsome!"

"It's very handsome, a little familiar, and looks a bit like a star, but I can't remember it for a while. "

"Calm and calm, are there still few stars in our school? Even if he is a star, it is normal, but to be honest, he looks really handsome!"


At this time, Su Ming walked on the tree-lined path of this campus, which couldn't help but attract the attention of many students.

Su Ming was also helpless about this.

No way, this handsome looks like this.

But I have to say that the students of this drama academy are generally quite good-looking.

I just saw some of them, and their appearance is really not inferior to those stars in the circle.

And quickly.

Su Ming just received the news that Zhao Jinma came back.

At this time, Zhao Jinma has just finished the drama competition and is now preparing to go back to the dormitory to change clothes.

Therefore, the meeting place of the two was set downstairs in the girls' dormitory.


And since we're about to meet.

Su Ming naturally started the live broadcast in advance.

"First first!"

"I'll go! I just opened the comic and I got it!"

"It's finally on the air!"

"Su Ming is awesome, he has withdrawn all four Qu dads from the net!"

"That's not it! The two songs on Su Ming's show are written, not to mention four Qu Dad, plus eight more can be sent away!"

"Su Ming, you must not let Song Yunteng slip away, he hasn't eaten that thing yet!"

"Su Ming, say it quickly!What is the relationship with my goddess Da Mi Mi and Reba?!"

"Ahem, don't talk about the show, Su Ming doesn't watch the barrage, let's watch the live broadcast honestly. "

"Yes, yes, isn't the live broadcast a hundred times better than the show?

"Hey, Su Ming's background seems to be in college, right?"

"I'm going to go! This time the fan won't be a college girl, right?"

"Yo Xi Yo Xi, the best female college student!"

"Eh, the best female college student, what you say reminds me of a number!"

"Poof, why do I think of several?"


As soon as this was launched, hundreds of thousands of people had already poured in the live broadcast room, and the barrage could be said to be extremely lively.

And basically all the brushes are about those things on the hot search.

However, it was also because he knew that Su Ming had a habit of not liking to watch the barrage, and after brushing these things for a while, the barrage focused all his attention on the live broadcast screen.

But also at this time.

In the live broadcast room, more than a dozen Huazi were brushed in an instant.

"Damn! I'm not mistaken! It's Teacher Han Hong!"

"I'm lost! Teacher Han Hong is actually here!"

"Damn, it's the first time I've seen Teacher Han Hong give people gifts!"

"No, you see, Mr. Li Jian also brushed it!"

"What's the situation?!Isn't "The King of Golden Melodies" over yet?"

"[Han Hong]: Su Ming, is it convenient to add a contact information? Have time to make an appointment for dinner together!"

[Li Jian]: I also want to get acquainted, and I have some questions about music. "

"Damn! Teacher Han Hong and Li Jian, are you looking for Su Ming to make friends?"

"Outrageous! It's the first time I've seen these two watch a live broadcast!"

"Teacher Li Jian is really too easy-going, he doesn't have a senior shelf at all, and he actually uses the word "ask for advice". "

"Su Ming can now defeat Qu Dad's people, I think it's really okay to ask for advice, but Teacher Li Jian is really easy-going. "

"Teacher Han Hong, Teacher Li Jian, don't brush it, Su Ming basically doesn't watch the barrage during the live broadcast!"

"Yes, yes, Su Ming doesn't watch the barrage, it will be better for you to contact each other privately!"


That's right.

Han Hong and Li Jian have also come to Su Ming's live broadcast room now, and they are still here to make friends with Su Ming.

This immediately caused an exclamation from the barrage.

As old-timers with a lot of status in the music industry, generally speaking, the juniors line up to get to know them first.

Now the two of them actually took the initiative to find Su Ming.

It's a strange thing.

But after thinking about the performance of Su Ming's two songs on the show today, it seems to be reasonable.

It's a pity that Su Ming didn't pay attention to the news of the two at all.

The other end.

Seeing that Su Ming didn't look at the barrage, Han Hong and Li Jian seemed to be a little crying and laughing.

Originally, when I was connected on the show, I was going to get close to Su Ming, but Su Ming hung up too fast at that time.

Now it's hard to catch up with the live broadcast room, but Su Ming doesn't watch the barrage.

If that's the case, then you can only contact Su Ming through other relationships.

However, it was the first time for the two of them to watch Su Ming's live broadcast, and now they are really curious about what Su Ming himself is.

Let's talk about Su Ming.

Su Ming didn't pay much attention to the live broadcast room at this time.

After inquiring about the way to the girls' dormitory, Su Ming went directly to that side.

Come to the women's dormitory area.

The number of young couples here seems to be the densest.

As far as the eye can see, there are a lot of men and women holding small hands, and I am and I am here.

From time to time, you can even see a few young men dressed in sassy bags pretending to pass by, and their eyes look at the girls' dormitory from time to time. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Damn, look downstairs, there's a handsome guy!"


"Where's the handsome guy?"


Su Ming just came to the girls' dormitory where Zhao Jinma was.

There was a sensation on the corridors of the dormitories on both sides.

One by one, female college students wearing pajamas, or wearing masks, or holding dinner, all looked downstairs.

Faced with this scene, many buddies who were waiting for their girlfriends downstairs couldn't help but tidy up their hairstyles a little, put on a cold face, and secretly rejoiced in their hearts.

The handsome guys that the girls say, they can't be them, right?

Is it really that handsome today?

However, when they saw Su Ming coming to them, they immediately understood everything.

All at once, my face turned red.

Damn, it's not them who are handsome!

"Handsome guy, may I ask, there should be twenty-four buildings here, right?"

"Uh-huh, yes. "

"That's right. "

After confirming the location of this place again, Su Ming was relieved.

One thing to say, this university is really not small, and if you come here for the first time, it is really hard to find a place.

And when a few buddies heard Su Ming call them handsome guys, several of them were really very embarrassed in their hearts.

I don't know why, there is always such a feeling of being ironic.

"Brother Su Ming!"

Just when Su Ming was idle and was about to chat casually with these male college students for a while to pass the time, a crisp voice came from a distance at this moment.

Turn your head to look.

This is exactly Zhao Jinma!

At this time, Zhao Jinma was wearing a dress of the last century, and he still wore special makeup on his face, and at a glance, his temperament could be said to be very elegant, and at the same time a little cute.

This is obviously just off the stage.


"How's it going, today's drama competition is okay, right?"

Seeing that Zhao Jinma had arrived, Su Ming immediately greeted Zhao Jinma with a smile.

However, when Zhao Jinma saw his idol for the first time, he was obviously a little shy, and he walked a little unnaturally.

"It's okay, that... Brother Su Ming, I'll go up and change my clothes first, I'll see you later!"

Zhao Jinma was about to respond well, but seeing so many girls upstairs watching, his face suddenly turned crimson, and he spoke hesitantly.

Then he really didn't dare to look at Su Ming's eyes, and dropped a word, and hurriedly trotted towards the dormitory building.

It's so cute.

"This. "

Su Ming was a little crying and laughing, this was the first time they met, and the conversation was too hurried.

But there's nothing wrong with being fast, there's still some distance to the playground here, so it's better to start early.

"Damn, this female fan is good!"

"Indeed, this is also so beautiful!

"I really envy Su Ming, another superb fan!"

"This little girl looks so cute, but she's still shy. "

"Su Ming's appearance, which little girl doesn't look confused?"


Seeing Zhao Jinmark, the barrage was really a sensation.

This time, the fans, as they guessed, are still as high as ever.

And wait for Zhao Jin 687 to go back to the dormitory to change clothes.

Su Ming's eyes looked at a few male college students on the side.

But before he could speak, the male college students spoke first.

"Brother, that was your girlfriend just now, she looks so good!"

"Indeed, this figure, this appearance, tsk!"

"It looks like it's still from the acting department, what a blessing. "

"By the way, brother, are you broadcasting?"

Several of them showed envious expressions.

"It's not a girlfriend, it's a friend, don't get me wrong. "

"It's a live broadcast, but few people watch it, and they play it themselves. "

Su Ming hurriedly explained.

As soon as Su Ming's words came out, the expressions of several people changed instantly,

"I started the live broadcast again, and I was looking for a sister, and I said that it wasn't your girlfriend, that brother, shouldn't you be Tanhua?"

"I lost it, it's really possible!I remember that a few months ago, there was a senior sister in our school who was deceived by Tanhua, I watched the video, that good guy..."

"Brother, that thing is really exciting, but it's illegal, I advise you to stop it. "

"Indeed, brother, people can't be so bad!"

In the face of several people's increasingly wrong words.

Su Ming's face was confused, and his face was full of black question marks.

What the heck?

Did he become a detective?

And at this time.

The barrage is already laughing.


"Poof! It's outrageous! Su Ming was actually treated as a tanhua!"

"Brother, people can't be so bad, I laughed straight at this!"

"Hahahaha, don't say it, these guys know a lot!"

"Tanhua knows it, this is not less to see!"

"I'm going to die laughing!Mr. Jiu Yaoming, detective, detective, I definitely subscribe!"

"Brothers, I think there's something wrong with you too, borrow one to speak!"

"I have a friend who also wants a talk!"

"Look at Su Ming's expression, he is stunned!hahaha!"

"Poof, I don't think Su Ming understands the meaning of Tanhua?"

"Well, actually, I really don't understand, what does this Tanhua mean?"

"Ahem, it's a ranking after high school in ancient times, the third place. "

"Don't say it, if Su Ming really does that, the quality of that film is absolutely high, but I feel that it is very risky to go in!"

"Don't say it, I'm already making up for Su Mingtan's big honey in my brain!"

", don't get on my goddess!"


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